Why COVID-19 Pandemic Affect Our Mental Health? | English Course Midterm Exam

Xaviera Ananda Sinaiyangsih
English Course Midterm Exam
Why COVID-19 Pandemic Affect Our Mental Health?
COVID-19 pandemic has changed all the way we live. It is changes in almost all aspect in the social system in the world, such as educational, economic, social, and of course on health aspect. Which is affecting human well being.

According to Andrea Fiorillo and Philip Gorwood on “The Consequences of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Mental Health and Implications for Clinical Practice” in Cambridge University Press Public Health Emergency Collection, it says that the Covid-19 pandemic not only affects our physical health, but also affects our mental health. The various problems that have occurred due to COVID-19 are considered a new source of stress for the community.

Activities such as quarantine, self-isolation, and social distancing have an effect on a person’s psychological health and trigger a person’s reaction to the pandemic itself. Increased loneliness and reduced social interaction can be risk factors for mental disorders such as schizophrenia and major depression.

Anxiety about the health of those closest ones (especially the elderly and people who is suffering from physical illness) and uncertainty about what will happen in the future can increase fear, anxiety, and depression.
If anxiety persists, it can worsen mental health conditions and lead to serious disorders, such as anxiety disorders, obsessive-compulsive disorder, stress, and trauma bonding disorder.

In addition, the economic recession caused by the COVID-19 pandemic can increase the risk of suicide related to layoffs, unemployment, and community economic pressures. Feelings of uncertainty, hopelessness, and worthlessness trigger others to commit suicide.

A 20 years old young man from Tangerang City has become a victim of suicide who allegedly ended his life because the work at his workplace was no longer operating due to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic.

How should we deal with COVID-19 pandemic?
Adaptation is very necessary because it relates to how individuals can maintain their existence when there is a change in their environment. The ability to adapt quickly becomes very important in today’s uncertain situations.

Individual’s ability to adapt and manage stress cannot be equated between one person and another, causing the need to get used to paying more attention to the mental health of ourselves and those closest to us, and not considering it taboo to seek help from mental health professionals.


1 thought on “Why COVID-19 Pandemic Affect Our Mental Health? | English Course Midterm Exam”

  1. or you could use our J.A.R.H.I.S 😏 ahahah, anywayss.. ur speech skills is soo good!!, it must be gettin score AAA+++ for this video assignment, ur lecturer must be proud of uuu, cuz im proud of uu too🖤, proud of urselff yaaa!! cemunguut🖤


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