Why Angels went to War in Heaven?! Theologians share amazing insights about the war behind all wars!

Have Angels Fallen From Grace? Theologian John Boston Explains the Rebellion in Heaven!

In this episode, Anil Kanda goes deep with theologian John Boston to uncover the truth behind the war in heaven! Did angels revolt against God? What amazing insights can theologians offer?

This video is packed with thought-provoking ideas and will leave you questioning everything you thought you knew.

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34 thoughts on “Why Angels went to War in Heaven?! Theologians share amazing insights about the war behind all wars!”

  1. Once upon a time there was tranquility in Heaven.

    Due to a strange affliction that was infecting the angels this was all about to change.

    That affliction was emotion.

    Initially all of the angels would love and compliment one another; Lucifer for his beauty, Aerial for his song, Gabriel for his swiftness, Michael for his warrior heart, etc.

    Many of the angels eventually overcame the disease, and many did not. For those that did not a quarantine was established.

    This quarantine is Sanctum Earth.

  2. I highly recommend the book “ Angels” by Dr Michael Heiser. Or read the free pdf online. Or his book “ The unseen realm” it will forever change the way you read the Bible. Go online and search him up. What people believed about good and evil spiritual forces in ancient biblical times is very different from what people have been led to believe about them today. And this ancient worldview is missing from most attempts to treat the topic. Michael Heiser addressed common questions and misconceptions about the supernatural realm, showing what the Bible says about God’s holy ones and the powers of darkness—and why it matters today.

  3. 19:00 false teaching. The account of Saul and the witch of Endor proves WE are conscious after death.

    Rich man and Lazarus in Luke also proof of life after death.

    The martyrs in Revelation ask God when will He avenge them… more proof of life after death…

    Notice I provided 3 examples of consciousness after death and this channel has provided 0 of "soul sleep"…

    Repent and correct ur theology and stop pushing this false teaching.

  4. According to the Books of Jasher and Enoch the demons are the spirits of the Nephilim who are the hybrid offspring of the fallen angels and human women (Genesis 6:1-4). Their spirits were not allowed salvation and had to wander the earth. Besides that they were all evil no matter how they try to convince you otherwise.

  5. How and why do people keep referencing Rev 12 as the fall of satan? The book of Revelation is just that, it’s the Revelation of Jesus Christ , these are things to come, no where in the Bible does it say a third of the angels rebelled against God with Lucifer , no where, now genesis 6 shows of a time where the angels left their first estate to take wives of their own, to understand rev12 you must have a understanding of biblical cosmology , their are 3 heavens, the heavens above(air and sky) within the firmament(outer darkness) and Gods kingdom the third heaven, satans kingdom is in the second heaven , he accuses us from there, God will kick him out of that space in the near future, keep reading rev12 and understand that he and his angels are cast to the earth, this is the(fake) alien invasion, a third of heaven is just that 1/3 the second heaven

  6. ❤ The war in heaven has not happened yet, it was the rebellious angels who chose to leave the Heaven and occupy the heavens (universes ). I think the future war will take place in heavens, which is also called universes, not the Heaven where God lives.

  7. The increase of Alien activity, and the media pushing the UFO narrative, and talks about the Anunnaki coming back to Earth etc…. Are all signs that we are nearing the end times, Revelations, when Satan and his angels are cast down to the earth, the media will just say that we have made Alien contact, or that our Anunnaki Masters that genetic made us have returned. Project Blue Beam is a special NASA program to abolish religion by faking Alien, UFO encounters.

  8. All I know is that Yeshua told the thief on the cross with Him that he would be in Paradise (Abraham’s Bosom) this day. There is no soul sleep or Yeshua lied and God cannot lie.

  9. Marvel Comics 😅😅. Why do so many think this mythology is real? Epic of Gilgamesh, Anu, Thor Odin, Zeus, Hercules, Hades. When are you guys going to realise it’s mythology like alll other cultures but other cultures have had the courage to accept it’s not real and their forefathers got it horribly wrong

  10. This is my own view ,but I'm not sure of it, I can't believed that the Almighty God will create his own enemy, Perhaps Satan is God's asset, God's alibi for his punishment to those who disobeyed him as a ruler, there are some scriptures that can backup, like the story about Job, Satan obey God, he spare Job's life,

  11. Dear beloved children of of God, let desire spiritual understanding of scriptures over literal understanding because God is spirit. (Revelation 4:11 KJV) says Thou art worthy, O Lord , to receive glory and honour and power ; for thou hast created all things, and for thy pleasure they are and were created. (Philipians 2 : 13 KJV ) says For it is God which worketh in you both to will and to do of his good pleasure. (John 6 : 44 KJV ) Jesus Christ says No man can come to me, except the father which has sent me draws him. ( Isaiah 46 : 10 KJV ) says the Lord God " I make known the end from beginning, from ancient times, what is still to come, My purpose will stand , and I will do all that I please. Based on these scriptures we can fathom that the will of God prevails over everything therefore there is no free will in us because it it God who worketh in us both to will and to do for his good pleasure, and know one can come to Jesus Christ our Lord and savior except God draws him and God has already declared the End of everything from the beginning and for his pleasure (All things) are and were created. Yet no man can fathom what God has done from beginning to end. Thank God for the gift of the holy spirit for he is not a man and he teaches me all things.

  12. I think that when Jesus came as a man he changed everything and what I mean is that he changed the law and it was said in the Bible that Moses law was the old law and Jesus made a new law. I am not saying Moses law is not legit just that Jesus added new laws because we are not perfect but by repenting and changing your life to suit Gods way of living you can be forgiven and be raised to go to heaven. Moses law was you cannot be raised to heaven if you commit any of these sins. Now does that mean you can go straight to heaven if you changed your life and live for God will you go straight to heaven I am not sure but it could be possible because as Jesus said repent and change and you will see Heaven. My father’s house has many mansions. And or that you cannot go to the father unless it is through me.

  13. the thing with death is you are sent to hell or heaven with Jesus the scripture says that Jesus descended in to hell and proclaimed victory to the spirits and set the captives free and took the keys of death, if you just sleep then where would Jesus have gone into the belly of the earth? and the scriptures speak of Abrahams bosom being seen from hell afar off. so yes this body dies but the soul awaits the resurrection of the body like Jesus had after the 3rd day where it was glorified and immortal, he ate and could pass through walls. so many passages speak of hell, and the final destination of the lake of fire where all that will be cast in. so death hell and the sea will have to give up the dead. at the judgment so be cast into the lake of fire for levels of judgement.

  14. Points of correction:

    1. The war in Heaven in Revelation 12 hasn't happened. It is prophetic. Michael and his angels will be sent by God to drive out the fallen angels from the heavenlies and contain them on the earth for the Great Tribulation.

    Yes, there was insurrection in heaven and the angels were driven out. The story is in Isaiah 14 and Ezekiel, but not Revelation 12.

    2. There's a difference between demons (daimonion) and angels (angelos) . Demons appear to be disembodied spirits that may appear in different forms like animals, humans, hybrids, etc. They crave to live in bodies.

  15. Wanna see a fallen angel ? LOOK IN THE MIRROR.

    Only one Gospel:
    The Gospel of Reconciliation.

    Jesus Christ came into THEIR kingdom
    to reconcile fallen angels unto Himself.
    We are the fallen angels (ELOHIM) kept in DNA chains of darkness.
    If you do not confess being a fallen angel in Lucifer's kingdom, then you are an unbeliever.

    Unbeliever = those that claim to be made in the image of ELOHIM(gods).


  16. Satan's fall is a past event
    not future as one comment says quoting Revelation. Turn to Ezekiel 28: 15-19 and Isaiah 14:12-15. This This is not a prophecy but statement of what happened in heaven. This is the old testament written before John was even born.

  17. The 1st sin was one of deception. Satan lied to Eve "did God really ssy"
    As for fallen Angels God said that they have been bond in chains until the Judgement.
    The Apostle John was rebuked for bowing down to the Angle in Revelation.
    Angles are not Demons. Read the Gospels properly. Never once did Jesus refer to Demons as Angels.
    We must beware in these last days that we are not deceived.

  18. The falling of a high ranking angel and a third of his angels speaks volumes against the sovereignty of the false God being preached by the world today. Not to mention the hypocrisy of that God creating evil angels in heaven and then telling his beloved creation (Man),  27 And there shall in no wise enter into it any thing that defileth, neither whatsoever worketh abomination, or maketh a lie: but they which are written in the Lamb's book of life. Rev 21:27 (KJV).

    And what does God say to do with incorrigibles?

    Deut 21:18-21 (KJV)

    Anyone in heaven that rebels and becomes incorrigible is judged immediately and destroyed, according to law, and the law (word) is eternal and spans the three heavens.

    If I lie to you or about you, you or another will suffer from misinformation. If I steal from you, you will suffer from lack or have to put out new effort to regain the loss, and all this while my family, friends and neighbors turn a [blind eye] or encourage my behavior. Now multiply that by the world population, then add in pride, greed, sloth, hate, etc, and you have suffering all around. Then stir the pot with the destructive force of three major wars and you have hell on earth (the pit).

    The evil and suffering in this world his man's doing not some fabled fallen angel. When someone is tempted to do something that they know is wrong they have a little debate in their head and lie to themselves and make excuses to justify the action they want to take. Just like the story of Eve and the talking serpent. A talking serpent is a fable; 2 Tim 4:4 (KJV). A talking serpent symbolic of the lust of the flesh; is truth. The power of those that give into this serpent is what God calls Satan, or to be more specific, the power of those that use and abuse the laws of God “to steal, and to kill, and to destroy” the poor, fatherless, and widows, is what God calls Satan, a principality (a government). And any who support him, through lies or evil plans (mind), or with works (hands) are his angels. Hence the mark of the beast.

    All glory to God. Amen


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