Why America Secretly Disgraced The USS Nevada

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00:00 – What was the USS Nevada?
01:58 – How the USS Nevada Changed the Grand Fleet
03:30 – Amazing stories aboard the USS Nevada
06:14 – Salvaging the USS Nevada
07:28 – Modernising the USS Nevada
08:07 – The USS Nevada’s most heroic mission
11:41 – The Downfall of the USS Nevada
14:01 – What Remains of The Lost USS Nevada?

IT’S HISTORY – Weekly Tales of American Urban Decay as presented by your host Ryan Socash.

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Scriptwriter – Brent Sapp
Editor – Iryna Dulka
Host – Ryan Socash

Some images may be used for illustrative purposes only – always reflecting the accurate time frame and content. Events of factual error / mispronounced word/spelling mistakes – retractions will be published in this section.


32 thoughts on “Why America Secretly Disgraced The USS Nevada”

  1. She was a "good" ship. If they couldn't save CV 6 then no ship was safe. It is fitting that NCC 1707 was named in honour of the carrier that fought alone against the whole of the kitobutti

  2. Thank you so much for this video. I had a first blood uncle on the Nevada. My mother's brother, George Maiella, the son of Italian immigrants. My uncle was assigned to the Nevada after she was repaired. He was on the old ship to his last days of active duty. Now, as an 80 year old man, I still remember seeing him, proudly wearing his Navy uniform before he mustered out of active duty. My uncle was very 'emotional' about HIS ship, the Nevada.

  3. Anybody know a source that explains the bombardment of Nevada? I have never seen such but have not given up hope LOL. When speaking about the sinking of Nevade – the real problem supposedly occurred after the first atom bomb when the inspection crew could not go near it because of the radiation. That might be true but still it was pretty pissy to use those ships in an experiment like that instead of allowing them to be museums. We had a perfectly fine Japanese battleship we could have tested with and myriad other ships ()Of the standard battleships California, New York, Maryland, Pennsylvania, and Mississippi all survived the war and are states that have ocean access. We could have saved those older ships for display but only USS Texas which was not a great example of those ships was saved. Now of the newer ships North Carolina, Alabama, Massachusetts, Iowa, New Jersey, Wisconsin and Missouri were all conserved. Showing that the older ships could have been also',

  4. 1:53 The United States never declared war against the Triple Alliance because it did not exist. The Triple Alliance was formed on 20 May 1882 when the Kingdom of Italy joined the Dual Alliance of Germany and Austria-Hungary. It was dissolved on 3 May 1915 when Italy abrogated the treaty to align herself with Triple Entente (France, the U.K., and Russia). Thereafter, the former Triple Alliance became the Central Powers. The United States became a combatant power in the First World World through two separate declarations. The first was issued on 4 April 1917 against Germany alone. On 7 December 1917, another declaration of war was issued against Austria-Hungary.

  5. Disgrace?? how? She had a glorious career! fought more than most ships in history. So instead of being scrapped, she was used to make sure her granddaughters was up to date for the next conflict. and then she became one of the most beautiful things in the world – a station posted around Hawaii, like her sister. Not a wreck,a reef of life.

  6. Mr. Sokesh is such an awesome narrator but I can't help but notice how he butchers a relatively simple-ish word every now and then By no means am I speaking down on him, just a casual observation.

  7. And now china is scouring the ocean for war ship wrecks and using high underwater explosives to break them apart and salvage them for recycling.
    They are going after underwater war graves and destroying the resting places of hundreds of thousands of sailors just for the steel.
    That would be like digging up their people for gold and silver teeth and other trinkets. Leave it to china to do something so low and disrespectfully degrading to heroes resting in peace.

  8. The reason why Iowa was unable to sink Nevada was that Iowa struggled to hit Nevada at long range. At the time, it was widely believed that the fire control radar (based on the Mark 13 radar range keeper) aboard Iowa would enable her to do so with unprecedented long- range accuracy. However, they navy knew little about shell dispersion- the tendency of shells fired from a turret to interfere with one another's flight path.

    The actual bombardment in July of 1948 lasted for five days- after which the force, comprising Iowa and a cruiser and destroyer, abandoned the attempt. Nevada was then sunk by air- dropped torpedo attack.

  9. What a shame. Imagine Pearl Harbor today with a shiny new looking Nevada moored to the right of the Arizona and Missouri on the left. What a fine tribute it would have been. Hindsight.


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