Why 95% of Denmark's Jews survived the Holocaust | The Rescue of the Danish Jews

It was the evening of October 1st, 1943, when German Police and members of the Danish SS descended on Copenhagen with orders to round up and deport Denmark’s Jewish population. It was the night of the Jewish New Year – Rosh HaShanah – and the German Police were expecting to find Jewish families at home celebrating. What they found instead was empty house after empty house. Someone had tipped off the Jewish community…

By the end of the war, over 95% of Denmark’s nearly eight thousand Jews would escape Denmark, and avoid becoming victims of the Holocaust. This survival rate is extraordinary, unfortunately, this was not the case across the rest of Nazi-occupied Europe.
To find out why, we need to go back to 1940.

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USHMM: RG-60.0345; German occupation of Denmark; Accessed at United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, courtesy of Bundesarchiv
A large group of Dutch Jews who have just arrived in Theresienstadt are herded into one of the entrances to the camp. United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Photo Archives # 20255. Copyright of United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, courtesy of Ivan Vojtech Fric.
Prewar portrait of a Danish couple, their daughter and her two Jewish friends in prewar Denmark. United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Photo Archives # 44560. Copyright of United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, courtesy of Dr. Dov Kischinovsky
A Jewish refugee from Denmark, who was ferried to Sweden during the Danish rescue operation in October 1943, works at his own barbershop in Sweden. United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Photo Archives # 59695. Copyright of United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, courtesy of Esther Diament Nussbaum
A Jewish mother and her son pose in a park in Copenhagen. United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Photo Archives # 25279. Copyright of United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, courtesy of Herbert Krogman
Five Danish Jews pose outside a home in Copenhagen. United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Photo Archives # 75024. Copyright of United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, courtesy of Hetty Klein
A young Jewish boy rides in a toy car on a sidewalk in Copenhagen. United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Photo Archives # 25261. Copyright of United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, courtesy of Herbert Krogman
Wedding party in Denmark attended by many Jewish religious leaders. United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Photo Archives # 84541. Copyright of United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, courtesy of Leo Goldberger
A Jewish couple from Denmark who was ferried to safety in Sweden poses with the Swedish family who hosted them in the backyard of their home in Landskrona. United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Photo Archives # 59715. Copyright of United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, courtesy of Birthe Trommer
Students and teachers in a school for Danish refugees in Goteborg, Sweden. United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Photo Archives # 01216. Copyright of United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, courtesy of Leo Goldberger
A Jewish family from Denmark who was ferried to safety in Sweden, has Christmas dinner at the home a Swedish family in Landskrona. United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Photo Archives # 59716. Copyright of United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, courtesy of Birthe Trommer
Danish fishermen (foreground) ferry a boatload of fugitives across a narrow sound to neutral Sweden. United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Photo Archives # 70737. Copyright of United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, courtesy of Frihedsmuseet, Copenhagen
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43 thoughts on “Why 95% of Denmark's Jews survived the Holocaust | The Rescue of the Danish Jews”

  1. When I was in grade 7, my class read a story called "Number the Stars". It was about a Jewish family living in Denmark and their escape from the Nazi's. I remember the story till today and I still feel so much gratitude toward the Danish government for standing up for my people. God never forgets the good deeds of man and when the time comes, He will repay them generously.

  2. I am constantly learning more about history, and so many times i am struck that this even happened. How does a person build and carry so much hatred toward someone who has done them no wrong. How can you hate someone youve never met, so much that you are willing to make them suffer or murder them?

  3. well just like the southern Americans who wanted to keep slavery they fought for money

    the Axis claim the Jews were stealing their money so wave some coins in their face in they let u live

    alot of people in history who were seemingly fighting for the worse shit ever just wanted some cash
    edit: the soldiers at least the guys leading them were hardcore racist

  4. So as I heard Norway had the highest numbers of snitches durring 2nd WW I am interested how come Norway with no water to Sweden does not have a higher number than the Danes.. Is there a cultural difference and not just certain circumstances … As for instance government, King and people ready to strike if things were too bad.

  5. I’m a 72yo Disabled Veteran and retired Corporate Pilot and I’ve seen a lot of strange situations during my life. WW2 still baffles me. The fighting in Europe had to be horrific. Hitlers plan to exterminate millions of Jewish human beings is outrageous, inhumane and INSANITY. The Germans who supported this nightmare and supported Hitlers nightmare into HELL deserve to be held accountable, prosecuted and severely punished!!!

  6. This is a heart-warming story, but let’s keep the propaganda in context. Many Jews handed over their life savings to fisherman as payment for transport (in some coastal towns you can still find grand houses built with the money). And don’t forget that tens of thousands of civilian German refugees died in Danish camps after the war, partly starved to death and also denied medical care on orders of the Danish Medical Association. So if you’re totting up the bodies saved vs those killed, the balance sheet does not look so good.

  7. Germany's response to war was not in vain! What were they supposed to do with Bolshevik patricians, and those that cried out for a world wide boycott of German goods! The Allies wanted war and declared it and provoked it!

  8. Because when they were warned of approaching danger they got out quickly they left everything they had behind because there lives were more important than possesions, the bible points out the same thing during the downfall of Jerusalem , the prophets warned them that it would fall but the jews didnt think Jerusalem would ever fall those that left early survived those that tried to leave when they saw it happening didnt, the Dannish jews were the lucky ones in this instance

  9. It’s not very well known, but there was a high rank Nazi in Denmark constantly sending intelligence to the British, including such things as shipping information, Nazi navy movements,Nazi airforce details, very importantly Nazi Flak positions and strength. After the war, he refused recognition and slipped into anonymity.

  10. Because of lazy work done by the government authorities. If they had done their job properly and with ruthless determination like the authorities in estonia dia, the result would have been more satisfactory. Hope they learn their lesson and next time do their job properly like the general govt. In ukraine.

  11. Okay…lets talk Aryan Nazis…..as depicted in the 1936 Olympic posters.
    There they were great thumping blonde Nazis parading around.

    But what about the emaciated little runt Joseph Goebbels second most powerful Nazi in ze fazerland.
    Goebbels was short in stature with a dark oily appearance and he had an inherited birth defect…a club foot.Not prime breeding material for ze zhousand year Reich…was he???!!.
    Infact like many senior Nazis Goebbels was an imposter of another race which you cannot mention.
    Things get even more mysterious when you learn that Himmlers niece got married to an Israeli post war.
    Now check Spain circa 15th century …and check "Marrano's "…if you can be bothered.


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