Why 40k Triggers People

Warhammer 40k has an inherently anti-progressive setting. So of course it would ruffle a few feathers.

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videos referenced:

Tau vs Tyranids:

Camile Paglia interview:

Thinking West on the Tytler Cycle:

Ending Music:
Milky Way generated through the AI of Udio by “blindboygrunt”:

Art for Thumbnail:



Table of Contents:

00:00 40k is Anti-progressive
08:48 The problem of They/Them who thirsts (Slaneesh)
12:27 Meta Narrative: Fall of Empire
15:19 The Imperium is NOT Fascist.
20:28 40k as a parody of SCIENCE (fiction)
29:48 Leave 40k alone! we like it edgy.
35:04 The Eternal Story of Humanity


40 thoughts on “Why 40k Triggers People”

  1. The only people that could believe nature is benign and equal are those that live separated from their food sources and protected in cities. Nature is absolutely brutal and nothing is equal.

  2. 19:16 the imperium is obsessed with its own decline, humilitation, and victimhood by cults of unity, energy, and purity with a mass based population of committed specisist militants, working in alliance with traditional elites (rogue traders, Mars, other quasi independent entities) abandoned democratic liberties and pursued with redemptive violence and without ethical or legal restraint goals of internal cleansing and external expansion.

  3. 21:00 its not satirizing science fiction. They just stole tropes. The astropaths were taken from Dune's navigator guild. The creators like Gav Thorpe were grabbing stuff and throwing it at the wall to see what sticks. Wanna know why there are bikes? Is it because bikes are some sort of holy archanotech? No. Alan Perry drove a vincent black shadow and they thought they were cool.

    Gav Thorpe wrote about canon in 40k and its worth a read if you can find it. The setting isnt some work of art. Its marketing material to sell models. Its always been that way. Ever since space marines ate poop, the emperor was alive during the Badab War, Leman Russ was a human-cyborg general, and the barking toad of catachan was hilarious.

    Stop taking this so seriously. Your lore monkeying is putting a damper on my lifestyle hobby.

  4. 31:12 ah jeez man, dont jump on 40k then. You dont understand it. You just spent almost an hour proving that. Its not star wars.

    Space Marines arent the heroes you're looking for. They're roided child soldiers suspended in adolescence and psychologically indoctrinated into living and expendable weapons.

  5. 35:04 This whole section seems to immediately capitulate to the marxist view of history and create historical determinism. In the words of the great Russian thinker Alexander Hertzen, history has no libretto. Read more Tolstoy and less Hegel.

  6. Damn, that's the most basic, surface level understanding of Slaanesh and Eldar lore being used as justification as to why LGBT people are somehow bad. Why is this crap on my feed?

  7. I keep trying to get anime nerds who drink up isekai stuff to read A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthurs Court. Since it is basically the original, in that it hits soooo many of the same tropes that isekai anime and manga (and light novels, etc.) do that its uncanny. (not to mention that it is a masterpiece)

    Nobody ever listens to me though. 🙁

  8. A Coneticut Yankee in King Authur's Court was so dry and so stupid, my copy had whole article of critiques, mostly by British tradiitionist pointing out the flaws of gilded age america and its isolationism. Also alot of themes seem very atheisitc, numerous illustrations make a caritiure of organized religion, and mock the catholic church heavily.

  9. Oh, yeah. I like to hear all about how W40K is anti-progressive from the idiot who was able to not spot fascism in Starship Troopers.
    Damn fascists are idiots without any understanding of a stories blatantly told to their faces.
    Educate yourself, moron.

  10. The enlightend despot would be the ideal head of state, I'd say… at least if you translate its virtues to modern times.
    …it's just… you'd rather find a unicorn…😅

    Also: Guess I have to subscribe… this channel is really one of a kind 👍

  11. There are some decent pints made in this video but the whole "gays/lack of traditional gender roles are contributing to the fall of the west" is so fucking stupid. Complaining about the inclusion of a random trans character is also pretty stupid considering how our history is already filled with examples of gender dysmorphia, why would that change in the future? Hell with 40k's level of technology sex changes are probably even easier since if there's one thing the Imperium is good at it's bioengineering.

  12. Because it's a hobby enjoyed mostly by men, and the cultures depicted within, even the female-orientated ones, are pretty hyper-masculine and put faith in values we would consider crude and barbaric these days (the Imperium is basically a fascist theocracy), all about duty, and brotherhood, service and loyalty to the Emperor, the idea of heresy and religious dogma, self-sacrifice for humanity etc. And yet people still like it and find it fun as an escapist fantasy, even if they admit/know that actually living in that world would suck.
    But, we can't have male dominated things, progressive politics must capture everything.


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