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40 thoughts on “WHOLESOME MEMES!”

  1. speaking of wholesome, I just love seeing the like count go up on a video I'm watching. like I saw that it was at 967, then I scrolled down a second ago and it was at 976 and now it just changed to 979 and this just makes me so happy 🙂

  2. Vaazkl, I adore your videos and find your mispronunciations really cute, however, that being said…NUCLEAR IS PRONOUNCED NEW CLEAR, NOT NUCULAR. Sorry but that one you have done multiple times and I beg you to stop

  3. here’s a wholesome moment that happened to me recently :

    a girl in my class (14F) confessed to me around 2 years ago. however i (16M) am bisexual, and im not looking to get in a relationship. however i said ‘well, we can maybe try if you want’

    we have been dating ever since


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