WHO Panders to China, Taiwan Excluded from Meeting Again | Vantage with Palki Sharma

WHO Panders to China, Taiwan Excluded from Meeting Again | Vantage with Palki Sharma
Taiwan has been excluded from the WHO’s annual conference for the seventh time. China has hailed the decision as reaffirmation of the one-China policy. Palki Sharma tells you why Taiwan’s exclusion is a risk for global health.

WHO | China | Taiwan | COVID | Wuhan | Pandemic | Trending News | Firstpost | Vantage

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33 thoughts on “WHO Panders to China, Taiwan Excluded from Meeting Again | Vantage with Palki Sharma”

  1. Weapons make designs powers shared people get weapons murdered died.
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  2. Even if there is one China policy, Taiwan should still be invited as they are a completely separate state with their own functioning free and democratic government. China's health policies doesn't affect Taiwan. China does not and cannot make decisions for Taiwan whether that communist country like it or not

  3. Palki is so courageous when confronting China's brutality, and I appreciate that. Yet Palki lacks courage when confronting Russia's brutality, and I think that is a lost opportunity for global law and for democratic liberty. Palki, be as courageous about Russia as you are about China! India, wake up, pick a side, and meaningfully confront Russia for its behavior in Georgia, the Crimea, and Ukraine.

  4. Well we really want to screw over China big time we could default on our debt and flip directly into the digital dollar 100% And since China has only been able to do their own digital dollar regionally and they don't have the computer systems well enough working that have to search out artificial intelligence it'd be funny if our artificial intelligence took theirs out but either way the default would complete the reset

    Well put.

    I mean, how is it even allowed, for a WORLD ORGANIZATION to be so politically charged/play politics like this??! 😣 😠

    It’s ironic how this spineless “leader” of the WHO, cozying up to, literally sleeping with these cockroaches in Beijing, dirtying his hands by nonstop shaking PRC hands, at the same time, this germ full, nasty, unsanitary of a person, is “leading”, the World HEALTH Organization.. 😂
    🤦‍♂️ 🤦‍♂️ 🤦‍♂️

    Seriously, the world has to somehow come together, on working to create a REAL world health service organization, the current, good for nothing WHO, has to be dissolved ASAP! 😣

    Because I personally don’t think that there is a way to revolutionize the current WHO.
    There sadly is a much deeply sinked culture of corruption & asseating at the current WHO,

    The WHO HAS TO GO!

  6. Palki you’re being over dramatic and unnecessarily sensationalist. Why would the WHO include Taiwan when Taiwan is not recognized as a country? China, the one that you hate so much is the recognized country. Try being more objective and divorce your personal feelings when reporting because it then becomes pathetic.

    1. ROC/ Taiwan is not UN member. Ousted even by India long ago.
    2. Tw is a province and has access to WHO as one of its province.
    3. UN has to stick to rules, and stay legal, else there's chaos.
    4. As a non-member Tw cannot join (esp without the consent of PRC).
    5. Tw is just using this for periodic PR and POLITICS, and supported by YOU KNOW WHO. It's political shit stirring and it's correct WHO stays out of it.

    Want another UKRAINE in the east???
    You know who wants it, dont you?

  8. Palki is back whining again… this time about COVID. The last time I saw her at a radio interview whining about her being discriminated against by male in her previous jobs. Badmouthing male coworkers and others is her trademark. What a miserable life Palki!!!


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