Who killed Pablo Escobar?

Searching for Bob “Ninja” Poras on Google won’t yield much, but you might be lucky enough to find one image. Bob spent decades in the shadows with the 1st Special Forces Operational Detachment–Delta (1st SFOD-D), also known as Delta Force, Combat Applications Group (CAG), and the CIA. He had a 36-year career as a Federal Government Supervisory Special Agent, U.S. Army Infantryman, and Special Forces Soldier, specializing in combat operations, personnel protection, supervising/leading special mission teams, firearms training, military/paramilitary training, and coaching. Recently, Bob has started a tactics company, teaching a variety of training based on his real-world experiences at the highest level. He emphasizes the importance of mindset, something we often forget. After a life at war, Bob has had to confront the many invisible wounds that are deep within him. We don’t always realize the toll it has taken on us until we hang it up, and then we become aware of the damage and everything creeps back in. These wounds are not visible, but they can be felt in conversations, dreams, nightmares, chronic headaches, tendinitis, and other internal injuries that cannot be described. They also carry the loss of their brothers and sisters and try to make sense of the common question: why? Bob reflects on Operation Just Cause, the Benghazi Attacks, the Khost Bombing, and the Tripoli CIA evacuation, among others. In Episode 045 of the Shawn Ryan Show, you can see similarities to the Kyle Morgan episode, where there is distant memory of the fine details and an attempt to unpack what has been pushed away. The Shawn Ryan Show gives you a reality check and a glimpse of what war does to the human body. Our next guest on the Shawn Ryan Show is Bob “Ninja” Poras.

Check out Part 1 now: https://youtu.be/0xEQiIeRbUk

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24 thoughts on “Who killed Pablo Escobar?”

  1. If you read the book, "Killing Pablo" you can read a lot between the lines. Within two hours of Pablo getting whacked, all of the in country SEALs and Delta, and Activity guys, who we're supporting the mission, had packed up and were already out of the country. Why they did they need to do that?

  2. The son even said it on a tv interview and I believe in a book that he believes his Dad would of killed himself before they did however my only thing about that is then he wouldn’t of ran, he would have just shot himself when they were making entry and if he decided to run which he did, he wouldn’t have had time to shoot himself while running before getting hit by the outter cordon guy so I do believe that was Pablo’s intent but don’t think it happened how he wanted it to.


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