World of Warcraft Patch 10.1.7 is coming out soon but when looking around I don’t see that many people excited for WoW Patch 10.1.7. The New Night Elf Heritage Armor, Forsaken Heritage Armor, new cosmetics and character customization options and even new dragonriding customizations, a new Tyr questline it all seems to be very exciting but not even Dreamsurges seems to get players excited for WoW Dragonflight.

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Video Chapters:
00:00 – Intro
00:25 – Fury Incarnate
01:17 – Heritage Armor
01:35 – Transmogs and Mounts
01:51 – Tyr Ressurection Questline
02:12 – Dreamsurges
03:19 – Dragonflight isn’t doing well
06:25 – How to fix Mythic+ in Dragonflight
08:59 – The Problem with Raiding in Dragonflight
12:09 – What’s Wrong with Mythic+ in Dragonflight
14:20 – Mythic+ Solution in 10.1.7
17:42 – What’s Wrong with Dreamsurges
21:26 – Greetings

#dragonflight #worldofwarcraft #warcraftlore #mmorpg


32 thoughts on “WHERE'S the HYPE ??”

  1. man Im tired of this "step in the right direction" BS, retail is a joke, the dragon lore drama is sh*t, no one cares at all, lore channels and content creators are loosing viewers like flies, how 3 random sidequests including the blue dragon one have more impact and better pacing than the main questline? , dungeons m+ affixes, balancing are sh*t and boring, not even mentioning pvp or even ranked pvp, and the new raids were also are sh*t, not a single grandoise big expectacle fight just more lame, reused old mechanics and add to that mandatory weakauras and sh*tty villains.Taking as an example the echo of neltharion fight wtf was that sh*t? I mean is the second to last boss and is f*king neltharion can we get a dragon phase something? geez, nope move from fire, soak circle. When my guild got their aotc everyone bounced faster than dragonballs, and the open world, world quests oh my, are also sh*t, that caverns hype and events died faster than my hamster in summer heat, how is this a "step in the right direction"? when you have failed to retain most of the players, and also failed to bring new people in? I think at this right moment there are less people playing DF than SL. And dont come with the " is good to take breaks" "hated mandatory stuff" BS when you cant even find a healer for a m+ took me like 30 mins same with rated pvp.
    Blizzard as a whole is staignant, my guess is that more and more veterans and creative/leadership devs, are leaving the company for better projects, companies or to make their own stuff, and more , interns and studios mergings are happening, dont get me wrong they are very very talented, but also in all this teams shifts and movements, the spark of innovation is lost and the fear of something new rise to meet deadlines, just look at their other games, D4 amazing launch, and then they killed all the hype with just 1 lame and reused over and over season mechanic, look at OW2 the game died when they cancelled the full campaign, talents hero pve progression and sell an ovepriced slice of missions just to focus in the simple that is pvp and skins. No innovation at all. Retail is just a corpse still standing because of the people that dont play and want to play anything else or already payed the 6 month sub. There are more ppl doing WOTLK classic raids than aberrus, and classic HC has 10 times more hype than 10.1.7. Not forgetting that "classic" is reused content also. The game is just way too bloated, they just need to "FF14 reborn" it. Sorry the long comment love your content.

  2. Personally I have 0 Hype left because I am tired of WAITING and sitting on a Cliffhanger all the time. Sick of not knowing who the bad side really is while being forced to fight for the possible Bad Side, had the same feeling in BFA and Frankly a bit in Shadowlands as well. Now I feel bad for doing every single quest helping the Aspects and Titans in the process. I have no clue if what i'm doing is even in my best interest or just killing the Good Guys cause some Dragon told me the other dragon is bad. It's like working on a 300 piece Puzzle but you get 10 random pieces every week and you don't know what it should be. I am not immortal, it's been 2 many years and hell even now we don't know if Sylvanas was Right or Wrong in Shadowlands since we dont know if the Jailer was right or wrong, even if his solution was bad. Wow Should not be a Mystery Novel. Anduin might end up Light or Void, Alliance and Horde are the same faction so just a meaningless cosmetic choice. The lore has Turned in to "Every character might be Illidan " but just kill them to be safe.

  3. Love the Channel Accolonn, keep the videos and speculation coming. For me I think Dragonflight has been great. Story is good, environment is good – love dragonriding (who doesn't :P) love the gearing and all of it. I guess the reason I am not playing every single day is like what a few have said already, I'm older now. I have been playing this game for over 19 years. I just don't have the energy or desire to grind away for hours and hours. I still love playing the game, even after all the crap that came out of Blizzard, I did unsubscribe. But Dragonflight did win me over again. IT's just I can't go more than about 3 hours and then I have had my fill, sometimes for a day or two. So for me its an age thing, not because I don't want to – I do want to play, I just need to do it in smaller bites now.

  4. Hey sup, Acco.

    Yeah ngl. Since ever DF has been launched it has been great expansion, but at the same time, it is still a very "wait and see" momentum, due previous expansion – experience, that have failed, flopped and went AWOL like with SL after 9.0. Instead of waiting months for a new patch update, and then getting renown, timegated content, that is just to keep us at bay long enough til a new patch update. Now we get every 3 months new minor patches following with main patch updates. At the same time, I dont feel obliged anymore to be present in WoW for the duration of the monthly sub is/would be active. I can hop in or hop off into WoW whenever I want to, and I feel like I dont have to log in anymore, so I wait til the next patch cycle to hit live. Definitely less copium. Other that, there is hopium, with the so called rumors of Metzen expansion during the Blizzcon 2023. :fingerscrossed. 🍹

  5. I've mostly just grown tired of the balancing and somewhat the community perception. With how limited time is as I get older, It's hard to get invested in gearing my character if the next patch could put them down in the dumpster and all of a sudden it takes me an hour+ to find mythic+ groups or w/e. Idk the fact that after playing for a couple months, blizzard can make a change that will make other players see your character as useless even after putting in hours and hours gearing etc is not very appealing to me lol

  6. Hey Accolonn, Old school player here beta from 2003 so not the earliest player but early, still with the OG accounts name, still the same Orc Warrior for a long time.

    So for me WoW hasn't retain me due to many factors as with anyone but long enough that i realised they were on to something with dragonflight, but as with many life comes around and gets in the way.

    WoW as the game is today is good, it just isn't new and refreshing any more don't get me wrong, its great that they are producing a lot of content, but it isn't new in that way it was when the game was fresh, what i mean by that is when i logged in to wow back in the early days with realm specific forums and so on and so forth, the world of azeroth was so overwhelmingly large, that it felt like there was nothing i couldn't do in the game although with the age comes wisdom and you started learning more and more. In the beginning when coming from Warcraft 1 to 2 and 2 TDP and the on to WC3 & WC3 TFT, the world had already been built but from an RTS Viewpoint where a lot of story was left hidden i don't know how to put it really then lets say in WC3 the fantasy you had in your head was well beyond that black border of the map where a certain hero ran off to because reasons there beyond that black border of the maps lies an unkownd world of that hero. It is the fantasy that you had in your head and that with age has changed. You now know there is nothing behind there just a scripted event of the map.

    That is also present in WoW today, the game isn't bad but the fantasy of it doesn't exist any more i see with dragonlfight they are trying to rekindle it by not giving you everything at once without time gating it and that is great, WoW team knows this and they are trying to create the fantasy that it once was, when i started playing wow every cave was a mystery to me that i explored every part of the map was unkownd to some extent and everything was exiting, because you were doing it the "first" time. You have also touched on this subject before acco and that is the correct term.

    Back in WoW vanilla days so to speak your name carried weight on your realm over the time it was nothing more then a natural change the fact that they introduced cross realm and mixed servers and merged some servers. Because the servers started to feel empty, but before if you were a good player on your realm you would be recognised for it. And people would want to play with you. Is it like that today? Yes to some extent it is but to be there you have to be a top player witch a lot of people don't have time with.

    What i would wish for me, personally me is to be able to play the WoW lore from a WC3 style where i can complete raids, dungeons and so on and so forth to progress the story on my own, simply because i don't have time any more to play in huge raids as i did when tanking as a warrior in vanilla leading a 40 man raid. That was an experience as a 16 year old. Leading a 40 man raid with so many people on ventrilo. I would wish to be able to progress in raids but as a solo player as the "Hero" char that you are. And also getting rewards for it, just like the reward when completing missions in WC3.

    Will this happen? No it won't, do i truly want it to happen? Yes & No, yes in terms of i want to play wow in my own pace and experience it all with the time that i have, but also, No because i would wish for more people to get the feel of belonging to an awesome team as a 16 year old dude playing such games with people from the whole world.

    The gearing has been thrown here and there for so many different loops, that i don't even know what is right any more here, i know in vanilla you could get a weapon from a lower dungeon and it would carry you a lot further then today items because a lot of today items are simply the same items just from different dungeons. So if you have 8 dungeons at release the 2 hand weapon that you get in dungeon 1 of 8 is the same as the one in dungeon 5 of 8 because that how items are built today. A lot of them are the same ones but just from a different dungeon, so items loose some of the uniqueness, that can be argued as a good thing so you only have to choose a item then transmogg it to what you want that makes anytime pretty much the same. The goal for the WoW team is probably to make such good looking items at this point that people will go for the better looking one even if it is a harder dungeon to obtain it otherwise just get the same weapon from the easier dungeon and transmog it to what you want sense most items in terms of power are on par with each other. When looking dungeon to dungeon and not dungeon to mythic dungeons or heroic dungeons.

    Quests are one of the best improved of all to this date don't get me wrong vanilla quests as great as it was but you missed soooooo much it wasn't until achievements was introduced that i went for all quests complete in azeroth guided via thotthbot. So questing today is much improved over vanilla and expansions after that. Thank the wow team for that one. Both in terms of quest exitment but also the writing and narrating of quests has improved so much over the years.

    But as you also mention before every expansion you are rested pretty much and you as the hero find your self chasing well not 10 boars to kill but 10 of something else to kill, and well i can't complain to much about this sense this is the nature of the game, and it is to be expected.

    So what about levling was a side benefit of questing before and today it is the questing is the side benefit of levling that is the side benefit, until max lvl then questing becomes more of a pleasure then pain, Sense lelving to max level is where you want to be at to start playing the game to outscale the mobs, because the scaling makes you feel week throughout the levling process. So going to max level is important to start gearing so the questing dosnt feel like a pain and the mobs won't be punching you way to hard back to the stone age.

    The specs arn't bad in the game today they feel good dragonlfight put them in the correct area where they are on track to become very good, there will always be a cookie cutter spec, but it shouldn't be the determing factor, if you get taken in to a certain group or not, but today that is a lot of times the case, why go with this player when there is the next one in line with the cookie cutter spec willing to play it for my group to do this dungeon as fast as possible. This goes back to a bit in vanilla when your name carried weight an the spec was less of important factor then your skills and your reputation you had.

    Mythic is a good addition to the game but adding affixes makes the game annoying this goes in D4 also for example.

    So where does this leave me at i could write even longer but i won't i think i have made my point but this point only speaks for me as an old old school player. I am sure i am out of touch on a lot of how wow has evolved but hope this isn't to annoying to read.

    Thought i would share my thoughts.

    From the OG Loremaster.

  7. For me. I’m just bored of the game now. It’s hard to my give my limited time to WoW when there’s so many other games that have my attention, BG3, starfield, armored core 6, to name a few.

  8. DF is fun, and i love the changes. But we are seeing the flipside of eliminating “the grind” and the side effects of “grind withdrawl” for lack of a better term. For years, players have gotten used to a grind that requires an amount of playtime that leaves little room for anything else. When you remove the requirement to play constantly, you play less. That is, ironically, the point. But your grind addicted brain sees this reduction of playtime as a bad thing… despite it being exactly what you wanted 😂

  9. I would say, Blizz 100% needs to change/improve the new player and leveling experience before they go taking risks that might lose current players in exchange for new players 😂 a cliffnotes version of the story from vanilla through SL as a streamlined MSQ that poops u out in the dragon isles at lvl 61. Make it take a but longer than lvling does now but let new players experience all the lore so they dont arrive in the waking shores with no idea who Alexstraza is or why Neltharion’s backstory should be such a big deal. Im pretty sure u could go 1-70 right now without ever running into thrall or even going to the eastern kingdoms. 😂

  10. Well, I honestly think we are not hyped because the class balance has never been this bad. People just don’t like not getting invited to content if they are not playing certain classes. Don’t get me wrong, 24-25 keys are very timeable with any classes, however, you will not get invited to any keys. Pvp participation is at an all time low, mmr is totally fucked. 15+ minutes for solo shuffle queues. Yes it’s a step in the right direction, but it’s still a first step. Long way ahead of us bois. In the meantime, hc hype!

  11. "New features" the same invasions we've had since legion just a different theme. Every patch has catch up gear.

    Story gated behind renown which is insane. There's nothing decent about wow anymore. The classes are boring af too.

  12. Huh, I never considered what you said about how tuning is there between PvP and PvE content, but not within PvE content. I think that might be a good direction for tuning to break it up between raid, M+ and PVP, it would most likely add more work to an already struggling balance game for the wow team, but I like the idea.

  13. People are misinterpreting the lack of hype for the game with people being given the freedom to not have to always be logged on. I am still very much enjoying DF but at the same time I do not feel pressured to always be on. The issue is you are trained to associate boredom or lack of hype with not needing to always be playing.

  14. Things for WoW to be better, imo:

    -Mythic plus rotation every minor patch and delete affixes and timer
    – Add old raid every minor patch
    This way, for patches that take 6 month, you always have a refresh on endgame content
    – add a torghast like content, droppin loot every level, scaling as in m+ and added to the weekly vault
    -More stories, i think in 10.0 we had a lot of them and were fun, emotional and interesting, then in 10.1, we had like 3 or 4
    – and for pvp, they can take ideas from New World, to make the world alive and guilds fighting.
    – and give wild spirits back to hunter 😢

  15. I always felt like Dragonflight was trying to fix the game in its current format and fix the gross mistakes that occurred in Shadowlands. Shadowlands mindset would have completely killed the game.

    Now that they’ve applied all the bandages it’s time for a full revamp of the old world. It feels although Dragonflight was necessary as a stopgap they are running out of time to keep this game modern and relevant.

    The next expansion will make or break the game and if it’s another rehash of the old formula this game is done for permanently.

  16. 1. Game is at best passable.
    2. Lore is shred to bits and cant be sewn back together after the fiasco of bfa and shadowlands.
    3. Storytelling lacks payoff and substance and relies on people being emotionally invested as opposed to having a proper structure which can be rationally analyzed and theorized upon.
    4. Fundamentally flawed gameplay modes such as mythic plus and raiding.
    5. Pvp being in the gutter post MoP and not being cared about.
    6. Rampant bot issue in both classic and retail.
    7.Turning the ip into a "platform" where the developers can shout their worthless ideas from a megaphone as opposed to providing a form of escapism.
    8. Very many alternatives for pve/rpg style gameplay being available in the market. Ones which respect the time and money investment of the players as opposed to gatekeeping them.

    There is no reason for there to be hype. The warcraft brand is far too damaged to build back up to the days of wotlk and cata. In an era where MMO's as a concept are no longer feasible and competitive compared to other multiplayer games Warcraft not only managed to remain stagnant but also regress and sabotage itself with witless design choices.

    Even if every step taken from here were the correct ones the best thats going to happen is being able to retain the loyal fan base and maybe gain back some of the ones that were lost. A younger gamer has no incentive or reason to start playing any MMO let alone WoW whenever they can find superior PvE, PvP, party game, battle royale etc alternatives that are essentially buy and play.

    The raid/dungeon environment which WoW specifically provides isnt that big of an offer for people to sacrifice countless hours to get into the game whenever they can sacrifice the said unique experience and settle for playing a co-op game that is essentially plug and play.

  17. For me hype isn't there, im just waiting for next storyline, for revamp of Echo Isles and Darkspear's architecture and "naval base of entire horde" represented and new models for their ships.

  18. everything is just the same thing just reskinned. i found myself logging into WoW and getting bored because i didnt find any of the current content as entertaining. if it wasnt for the story and lore i would stop playing completely. when i renew my sub its just to advance the story line, but them forcing you purchase 60 days of game time instead of the 30 as it was has led me to not renew with the smaller patches.

  19. The content has pretty much been the same since Legion. A new faction or two are introduced in a new small zone, then you have a small quest line and after that it's world quests until you hit exalted/renown. You also have some type of world event like an invasion or whatever and lots of mostly useless rares everywhere across the zone. I'm tired of this and I no longer find it fun or interesting.

  20. The pacing of the story is a bit like watching and waiting for a flower to bloom / paint drying. Instead of the pace we had in Legion / BFA, it's just….slow…and for that matter fairly boring. I left ATSC raid feeling very underwhelmed for now. Maybe it's to set things up for later. But the concrete is still waiting to dry.

  21. I feel like every spec should have a burst and consistency build.
    No one wants afflic warlocks in M+ because they require ramp-up time. Blizzard should look into the final row of talents that aid Burst, Consistency, and or utility. Utility is something very lacking these days aswell. Every class brings the same sort of utility.

  22. Many great points in this video. I noticed you didn't get into the story. We are 9 months and almost 2 major patches into the expansion, and I still have no idea what the Incarnates actually want, nor what the Titans allegedly did to them. Like a season of Lost, there are too many breadcrumbs and not enough meat. The Blue dragons' side story was fun, however the Bronze dragon themed patch feels like a dud in terms of the lore. 😟

  23. Wow still climbing out if its own self dug hole from multiple years of bad expansions. Its hard to get hype until it proves more overtime it will stay good and not temporarily

  24. This might sound weird but even though shadowlands had its flawls I had more fun in Shadowlands. The covenant system and legendaries appealed to lot of people

  25. I’m giving blizzard the benefit of the doubt, and they are just letting the content speak for itself rather than their usual, hype so much that it’s nothing but let down.


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