Where is Dr Zimmer in Fallout 4? | Fallout Lore #shorts

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40 thoughts on “Where is Dr Zimmer in Fallout 4? | Fallout Lore #shorts”

  1. Zimer: *llega y ve que reemplaze a ayo, madison Li esta muerta bajo el prydwen y un forastero exmilitar y general de los minutmen es el nuevo director* ME VOY SOLO POR UN SEGUNDO!! UN PUTO SEGUNDO!!

  2. I still contend that the Zimmer we met in Rivet City was also a synth.

    Hot take, I know, but just hear me out.

    If you pickpocket Zimmer, you don't see a Synth component, but if you kill him, you'll find one.

    Going by Fallout 4's established logic, it means the Zimmer we meet is, in fact, a Synth himself. 🤷‍♂️

  3. I hate the Institute, but I refuse to believe that they are so stupid, so absolutely full of themselves that after ten years on a mission a god damn geriatric is STILL alive, kicking and will be definetely coming back from his mission of getting a god damn killing machine of a courser out of the postapocalyptic wasteland.
    He has to be on another mission. Otherwise the Institute is not only evil and socially stupid but also delusional to a phanomenal degree.

  4. It’s left open not because it makes for a compelling mystery but because Bethesda is too chicken shit to do anything meaningful to resolve and conclude their plot lines.

  5. There's a mod that allows for a radical reformation of the Institute (up to and including the potential to turn it into a decadent literally underground destination for those who can't be seen associating in public, depending on who you side with). In that mod, Dr. Zimmer has gone off-grid and retired to Fusion City, a refurbished Vault inside the Glowing Sea, where he creepily lounges around (literally, he's wearing a lounge wear outfit) and is mainly concerned about receiving regular shipments of a "little blue" chem that allows him to enjoy his retirement.

    I thought that was an interesting notion for Zimmer: having gotten a taste of life outside the Institute, he decides that he likes being able to indulge himself, and parleys his technical knowledge for personal pleasures.

  6. Fallout 4 is pure trash, it’s hardly cannon at this point and just a spin off.
    This burned me so badly I won’t even consider buying or playin elder scrolls 6,7 what is it now 6 I thought but I digress we need to boycott Bethesda

  7. I STILL think that the soul survivor IS Harkness after a mind erase.

    Because Harkness is stated to be newer corsair, meaning he would be the only Gen 4 in existence.

    I think they put him in the vault because they realized he was too advanced for SRB

    Father thinks the final step for the ultimate synth, his magnum opus, is to replace him. That's why the synth haters dislike you becoming director and the synth lovers are happy with it.

    Father's final plan is for a synth to be better than the institute, the next step in man's evolution, mankind redefined.

  8. its more interesting if he's still alive, now that the institute is gone maybe he could gather the remaning loyal synths and plan a revenge on the sole surivour

  9. Cough Cough Fallout 5 Cough. My theory is that the Enclave's weakness is the same as The Institute's: Lack of Manpower. What the Enclave requires is more bodies, and Gen-1s are a great resource.


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