Where does the dead go after death? #shorts

Is it true that the dead go straight to heaven or hell upon death? This false doctrine has deceived many and even made its way into Christianity, but this entirely contradicts scriptural teachings. If the righteous went to heaven after they died, they would be praising the Lord, but Psalm 115:17 states, “The dead do not praise the LORD,” challenging the idea that the righteous immediately ascend to heaven. Moreover, Acts 2:29 and 34 indicate that even King David has not ascended into heaven. “the patriarch David, that he is both dead and buried, and his sepulchre is with us unto this day. For David is not ascended into the heavens.” Similarly, the wicked do not go to hell immediately, as both the righteous and wicked await judgment. If they were already in heaven or hell, a future judgment would be unnecessary. Nowhere in the scriptures is found the statement that the righteous go to their reward or the wicked to their punishment at death, instead they are represented as sleeping until the resurrection.

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14 thoughts on “Where does the dead go after death? #shorts”

  1. Imagine that, confusion using the Bible? If the Bible was true and had a clear message then everyone would believe the same thing. But the Bible isn't clear because it was written and inspired by man and not an all knowing god. If the Bible was written or inspired by an all knowing god it would be crystal clear and we would expect everyone to believe the same thing, but it's not.

  2. The question is who is responsible for evil, well you've got this god, who was the only thing that existed prior to the universe according to the OT(Torah/Tanakh) he created the world exactly as he wants it to be. He creates human beings exactly how he wants them to be and human beings and the world produce evil and of course this was not surprise, God doesn't just know what he's doing in the moment , he knows the future as well. He knew what was going to happen so he created the world, he created humans knowing perfectly well that okay. The end result of this is going to be they create a bunch of evil, in the your world view objective evil and he signed off on that and said yeah that's exactly what I want, let's go ahead and create that and somehow despite this the argument is being made that god is not the one responsible for the consequences. I don't see how that makes sense, he intentionally creates an evil world and he's not responsible for what he intentionally did.

    Let me put it another way. God made the world complete, with the evil in it, with perfect foreknowledge and total intent. It's not that he made a world that he thought would be perfect and free from evil and then he helplessly watched as it just went all wrong. How could he possibly have seen that coming? No if someone did that that's not god. Not as the OT(Torah/Tanakh) describe him, that is fallible, ignorant,- powerful sure but certainly not all-powerful entity. No if there's a world with even the tiniest shred of evil in it – which is an objective thing, it's objectively measurable quantifiable right. Objective morality it's not a matter of opinion if there's one drop of evil god wanted it there, God put it there. God had every opportunity to make the world such that it was not there. But it's there okay.

  3. Wrong. In Hebrews Paul speaks of a place of rest, in Christ, that Christians should strive for. The dead are indeed made alive in Christ! We enter a rest in Christ until Gods work is complete.

    Also who were the spirits that Christ preached to after he died?

    How did Christ meet with Moses and Abraham on the mount of transfiguration?

    Where did Elijah and Enoch go?

    How did Solomon conjure up Samual from the grave?

    Why did the rich man want to warn his brothers about the prison of hell?

    What about all of the out of body experiences of people who died and came back. There are instances of people going to heaven and hell and both.

    But yet we should just cast all that aside and believe your video. 😂🤣🤣

  4. It's sad that this video is overlooking that time is on earth only. My heart stopped on the operating table. An Angel took me into Heaven in under a blink of an eye. God is the God of the living. My spirit was alive in Heaven. Jesus brought me back stating," I am the Resurrection and Life."
    On the mountain of transfiguration, you can see the spirit of Moses and Elijah with Jesus. Because their body sleeps and returns to dust, but the spirit of man goes to God in under a blink of an eye, if they are saved. Sadly this video is completely FALSE!!!
    Remember when Steven was being stoned, he looked into Heaven and saw Jesus standing up to greet him. This man only takes partial verses and manipulates them to decide the righteous!!!

  5. Not true, saved people that accepted Jesus go right to Heaven. It's their souls that go but after the judgements they will be united with their bodies that will be perfect just like the risen Jesus. We will not be blood born anymore, only flesh and bone.


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