When The Fields Are To Wet For Trucks… Tractors To The Rescue

Join along on our 1st day at thr next job chopping for Mead Farm. With conditions wet and corn ready it’s a must to keep going. Bringing in the tractors to keep the chopper going. The battle with corn Harvest is really just beginning. Thanks for watching along.

Merchandise store- https://duffyag.com/


28 thoughts on “When The Fields Are To Wet For Trucks… Tractors To The Rescue”

  1. When it’s muddy like yours I put the dump wagon behind my chopper and leave the trucks on the road little time consuming but it saves my wagons from braking an axle and having to dig the running gear out of the mud

  2. All you goofballs talking about the DIRT on the road have never been on a farm or farmed in your lives! You ousted yourselves! Nobody cares about dirt but city slickers!

  3. We drove up on wood instead of using a jack. And it seemed to be faster to do it that way for us!!! Talking with the mouth full again can’t understand garbage. Oh the fun of farming and dealing with the weather!!! Way many long hours at the time of harvest for the yr. I’ve seen times we ran 24 a day and days on end. I feel for any of you guys

  4. With it being so wet this year I wonder if it's worth having your 8720 near by on stand-by towing duty. That chopper gets damaged if someone gets really stuck and the harvest season for all of you will be much more difficult.


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