When Have You Seen A Spoiled Brats Getting Owned ?

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When Have You Seen A Spoiled Brats Getting Owned ?
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37 thoughts on “When Have You Seen A Spoiled Brats Getting Owned ?”

  1. Story 1: My mom spoiled my sister because she couldn’t take her crying and she made deals she kept (that meant she got what she wanted) and also didn’t (saying she couldn’t get something and then gets her something) but my step dad is much different, other than Christmas or her birthday he does not buy her ANYTHING, (obviously good but you get it) not always both parents

  2. There is a guy I went to secondary school with (ended in September) who was part of the ‘popular group’ (they were as big as a normal friend group but all of them suck and are halfway up each others asses) who was a dick to everyone including teachers. Imagine Chad from the Disney Channel Original Movie who’s captain of the football team and acts all high and mighty. He’s in a local football academy and has the most overinflated ego. I don’t want him kicked off because whilst he’s an asshole, we are still only teens; I just want him to have the biggest reality check possible which humbles him.

  3. Can't fully agree with parents being fully responsible for how their kids turn out. My family for example, Me (22), my sister (32), and my older brother (29), all turned out fine. We grew up in a single parent household and while we have our flaws sure, (sis is a hypochondriac, I'm socially inept, and my brother is a nomad and just hops with friends from state to state) overall we're perfectly respectable and respectful people.

    My eldest brother (35) though, massive racist and anti semite. He never used to be like that, he had anger problems, but somewhere down the line he just started blaming things on Jews and Black people. We still talk to him but if you watch anything like, Jurassic Park or something, he'll just be mad because Jeff Goldblum is Jewish.

    Goes to show that you can't really predict the future of how shitty your kid might be. Whether they're 5 or 35.

  4. I was at school minding my business when a boy was bragging about his money, but little did he know I was his neighbor, he was saying MY HOUSE was his, and my trucks, SUVs were his, same with my dog (dunno why I guess she just looks expensive) so I walked up to him, and said “What was that about my dog?” And showed him the pictures of her and my house.

    The look on his face was priceless

  5. I have to do my laundry by hand , in my eyes yall have it lucky ill kill to have a washing machine and dryer , having to plan out when to do your laundry can be a pain. I live i one of the poor countries and it not that we cant afford it but its more of a choice based thing, if the system aint broke dont fix it

  6. This is damn near all rich kids, a bunch of lazy entitled annoying bastards who think the world exists to serve them. It would be funny as hell to see what would happen if all that wealth and money suddenly disappeared and they had to work like everybody else, wonder how many of them would survive without going insane.

  7. About the Todd one, sometimes kids are just horrible when they aren't around their parents. A good parent can have a kid who acts like an absolute piece of crap even if the parents take care of them, and an absolutely horrible parent can have great kids

  8. 15:06
    I'm also autistic, and really smart.
    Once somebody in school tried to bully me, trying to hit me for no reason. (He was trying to get a reaction out of me).
    "Why did you do that" i said, and he continues. I said "Stop, I don't like that". He said "yeah i know that". He continued hitting me and I ran away. He followed me. I picked up a rock and threw it in his face, as hard as I could. The ambulance had to come. He didn't die, sadly, but didn't try to do that again.

    I don't understand why anybody else wouldn't do that. If it is a recurring issue, and/or there are multiple people I would just bring a dagger to defend myself. I guess he disliked violence, but i dislike violence as well. I have learned tho that you only have to use violence once, then you got reputation as "the kid that defends himself" and nobody tries to do it again.

  9. Honestly, the parents can be a saint but the kids can be just huge b-holes for other reasons (either b-holes relatives/cousins or "group friends" due position of power).

    Even with good teaching and help they will still been a b-hole only for position. The good thing the parent did is held it accountable since other parents will do the "my son never does that".

  10. Not me but my dad, when he was at college he was at the cafeteria and they had free steak, so everyone gets some and is enjoying it. Then this kid comes up and announces that “it’s not good steak and anyone who’s enjoying it wasn’t raised well” and everyone looks at him, and apparently, he had no friends the rest of colledge

  11. The story with the vandalism girl shows the consequences of spoiling your kids instead of raising them to be functional adults. She wasn’t punished for her previous vandalism and probably thought she could get away with it again, and/or had no clue it was wrong.

    Also, the lady who did that many makeup tests baffles me especially because if there were images on the box she could probably just look at them. If they didn’t, after a few boxes she should’ve been able to just figure out what wouldn’t work without using it. Also, who does that? Is she just going through the grocery sampling the ice cream with a spoon?

  12. My dad and I used to work at a high-end gaming equipment store. (Though was mostly dealing with antique restorations) A lot of rich parents would buy dart boards, pool tables, foosball, air hockey, and shuffle boards and game accessories for their kids for good grades and good behavior etc. One family went all out with it and probably spent close to a hundred thousand on all of those items. (We get invited to his "opening night "along with the rich neighbors and other rich friends). One of the kids thought he was a bad ass because he was beating siblings at 8 ball. Later it's time to make room for the actual players. He gets in on it. First person let's the kid in. Before the start, he says, "we're gonna do this game straight style." (First person to a number of balls). Kid thinks it's easy because there are no stripes or solids. My dad gets up to him. He lets the kid break, than pulls out his cue with solid gold inlay and leather grip. (BRAT says to his dad "Why didn't you get one of those for me" . (Holding a $100 stick).
    Kid is a good sport at first (gives congratulaty hand shakes says goodgame). Later beaten again and again. After 10 straight losses he says he is taking a break. (On the way there he blames his dad for embarrassing him, his dad tries to cool it down saying "see I can't beat these guys either". Than says his dad rigged it so he'd (the dad) would loose and its not going to make him feel better. He leaves and can hear him breaking stuff on the stairs and kicking holes in the wall. We pretend to hear nothing even though the party is mostly silent listening to him. He than throws his cue stick through the wall. Brats younger sister says "Forget about him he's always like that when he loses)" . (Exactly what we do). Than hear him getting yelled at in the back for embarrassing the family. Nothing will stop him. He smashed a windshield with bottom of cue stick. Dad just says ,"Keep doing that it's coming out of your money". He than hits his dad with the cue stick. Dad takes it and says he's done. Dad gets rid of table and donates it to his school. (It's a private upper class smaller school so everyone knows why the gameroom equipment is there.)

  13. There was this extremely rich kid in my school who I’ll name Harry for the sake of this story. He was an absolute piece of crap who relentlessly bullied anyone he didn’t like. He pretty much got anything he wanted and even skipped school multiple times to avoid major tests. Ironically, despite having a lot of money and being more than able to afford private tutors etc, he was extremely stupid. Then in Fourth Class (I’m Irish. That’s Grade 4 in American schools) his mother passed away due to bone cancer. I’m not one to laugh at someone’s misfortune so obviously I gave him my condolences and even attended his mother’s funeral. However, not even a month passed after his mother’s passing and he was back to being a total piece of crap. One day he even made fun of my own mother as she’s Welsh and not Irish like my father. At that point I’d lost all empathy for him. I told him he was a pathetic piece of trash and stated that I’d rather have a Welsh mother than a dead one. He simply burst into tears and ran off. As he did so, I shouted a few more callous remarks at him which only made his crying more intense. The next day I was promptly called to the principal’s office and berated for what I said. I told her my side of the story and about all the bullying Harry did to the other students in my class and said that what I said was impulsive and that I regretted it even though neither was true. I got off with a serious verbal warning and that was that. Harry never bothered me again afterwards. Was I a dick to Harry? Yes. Do I regret it? Not really. I definitely shouldn’t have said what I said but he had it coming for a long time.

  14. Who hurt you MainlyFacts Guy
    All your opinions on bad parenting is that its all the parent fault and you sound so bitter over it like your own parents were dogshit parents

  15. one time there was this kid who would bully my friends and me on the walk to the crosswalk home. lets call him sid. he always got picked up in ONE OF HIS MOMS TESLAS one of… one day i had enough of his crap. i saw a huge rock on the ground about 1 foot cubed. i decide to torment him on my own. my friends cheer me on as i go up to him and his buddies (he and his sister already had the newest iphone even though it came out that day. his sister wore around 5 pounds of makeup everyday keep in mind she was 6. he was 11 like me at the time. he was your average spoiled mamas boi he had 8 oculus’s) i scare em off real good with my rock. i decide to hide it again for the next day. i repeat this for about 4 days until i get caught, see him crying saying, “i just wanted a friend”. the very next day i only lost 3 days of recess but decided on my own since i didnt care, to make it 2 days due to winter break. and on the next day i see him say he and he says, “frick off”.

  16. This kid named Kendrick he wants to be my friend but he is sooooo mean to me and my sister and all the girls so one day Kendrick was hitting some girls with sticks so 2 boys walked over to him the 2 kids hit Kendrick with the stick another guy tripped Kendrick and kicked him Kendrick was on the floor crying so hard😂😂😂


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