What's The Scariest Story You've Ever Heard ?

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What’s The Scariest Story You’ve Ever Heard ?
This video is filled with crazy stories. Be sure to watch the entire video 😉

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28 thoughts on “What's The Scariest Story You've Ever Heard ?”

  1. Ok, so, I have a deep fear of the dark. Even though I'm older I always have my closet light on. When I'm in the dark and I try to fall asleep, I move my eyes and see random figures. Sometimes I also hear footsteps outside my door. I live with 6 siblings who all live on this floor, so it could be them but sometimes it's at 12:00 and after that. I also sometimes hear this at sleepovers. Since it's at an unknown house I don't live in, it's even scarier. One time, in my house, I was trying to fall asleep so my eyes were closed and I swore I could hear someone breathing next to me. So I just froze and tried to fall asleep, making sure not to open my eyes. My body was pretty much paralyzed but I thought that I would start shaking at any moment. One of my scariest experiences.

  2. Once I had a sleepover with my 4 buddies (1 girl 3 guys) when we were 9-10. At the house where we slept the brother of one of my friends started to tell horror stories. The worst one was the one he called 'Red mirror'. It went something like this: 'A girl called Vivian (16) became pregnant with the baby of a boy called Jasper (17). After the reveal of their pregnancy to the parents of both of them they decided to move in together to make everything easier. One day Vivian started to have more and more headaches and pain around her uterus for no reason at all. Every medicine Jasper bought didn't work and just made it worse. After 2 weeks of abnormal pain Vivian started screaming out of the blue. The parents of Jasper ran in, but didn't live long enough to see the horrific sight and scream for exactly one second and then everything went silent. Jasper came home from the store and calls for his girlfriend and his parents. His parents didn't answer, but the faint voice of Vivian said 'Leave, my love. Leave before it's too late. Always remember that I will love you.' Jasper, freaked out and ran upstairs with a kitchen knife and the stairs were covered with blood. At the end of the stairs, the bodies of his parents lie, neck snapped, faces literally ripped off, clothes drenched in blood. With silent tears, Jasper looks in the door to the room of Vivian. A demonic looking like baby-thing with black eyes and blood dripping out every hole they have crawls around, still connected to the umbilical cord. Vivian said 'Jasper, you shouldn't have come. It's impossible to kill, but if I die that thing dies too because of the connection.' She points to the cord. 'Can't I cut it off?' Jasper said? 'No, you need to kill me or just leave me. It won't attack you and me, because we created it. Just kill me' Vivian said. With tears in his eyes, Jasper looked at his girlfriend. 'I can't. I just can't.' 'Please Jasper, we can't risk it.' With pain in his heart, Jasper raises his knife and takes one last look at Vivian and then at the baby thing, the child he wanted to love but impossibly can. The sound of the knife cutting through Vivian's neck would haunt him for the rest of his life. The creature and Vivian started screeching at an ungodly volume, so loud it made his ears bleed. Vivian's head rolls on the ground and her body slacks against the wall. Terrified, Jasper looks at the mirror in her room. 'What have I done?' he asks his reflection. 'what you needed to,' a voice says from the mirror. The voice of Vivian. Jasper closes his eyes. When he opens them, he's somewhere else. A white room, while he's strapped to a chair. In front of him is the mirror of Vivian's room. 'What is happening?' Jasper says. Then the mirror changed. The image of him decapitating Vivian appeared. The screams echoed across the room and bright red blood spattered the mirror. Then the memory replays. Over and over again. For ever and ever, Jasper was trapped in the room, forced to watch the video of his worst fear coming true. Every once in a while, his faceless and mangled parents gave him a meal. A red plate with a burger soaked in something black and a cup of red liquid, blood maybe? He never knew. Legends say he is still stuck, but lost his mind. The only thing he knows are the screams of his beloved girlfriend and his worst mistake ever.' We were all scared shitless and 2 guys were crying and hugging each other. The other boy was trembling and grabbing my arm. Me, I instantly dropped my red lemonade. But the one girl, said with a pale white face: 'is this going to happen to me when I have a baby?' and just broke down sobbing on the spot. We were all just curled up in a corner for the whole night. The worst part: the next morning the brother of that guy thought it would be funny to buy burgers from the mcdonalds and pour water with black food coloring over them and gave them to us as breakfast. We were just all screaming and crying while the brother was laughing his ass of and his parents watched in confusion/

  3. Once, deep into the night, you get out of bed and go to the bathroom. You look into the mirror and shout "BLOODY MARRY!!!" 3 times. You hear stomping from the hall! It's your mom about to woop your ass for waking up whole house.

    Ok, now seriously I like "Russian sleep experiment" creepypasta. Many things from SCP Foundation universe are very good too.

  4. Story 23. My jaw. Literally. Dropped.
    I was in shock since when I was a kid we of course always had the stranger danger talk in school, but we're in a Latino dominate area, so our parents would tack on warnings about the black market, organ theft, etc. (we weren't that young when they told us, don't worry, we were mostly preteen age when they'd share that info with us).
    I think it freaking terrified me bc I've heard about this but it never really hit me until now. Reminds me of Bates Motel (TV series based on characters from Alfred Hitchcock's Psycho) how Norman taxidermied (embalmed?) his mother's body and acted like she was still alive 😨

  5. As someone with a family member who has schizophrenia, I'm SO fucking sick of seeing it used like a cheep plot twist just because the author is lazy and thinks "mental illness spooky"!

    Like hey, maybe instead of shiting all over a group of people who didn't do anything to you and warping their illness for cheep scares at their expense, you could idk, try not being a shit writer???

    Like not only is the use of schizophrenia extremely inaccurate to what the illness is actually like, it's a trope that's been done to death. It's literally been done hundreds of times before. You aren't writing anything new or interesting. It's just as stupid as "it was all a dream" and "the call was coming from inside the house".

  6. My sister (9), my cousin (9), and me (7) saw a cross in the moon. They were washing the dishes in my grandpa's parts of the house. I was just speaking with them. We looked out of the window and saw it. The moon looked bigger than normal, as if it was closer or right there in the window. The glare was a perfect crucifix. We couldn't make out its significance we all remember it today, 6 years later. It may not be scary but it's not normal. To be fair 3 people hallucinating the same thing at the same time is quite irregular.

  7. it's not a scary story, but I'll share it anyway. When I was a kid (5 or 6 years old) my parents adopted a puppy and gave it to me and my brother (9 years older than me) as a Christmas present, the dog was named Luke Skywalker and he was scared of basically anything. One night my brother got thirsty and when he was going to go into the kitchen he saw the little dog Luke barking at the window and curled up on the opposite side, my brother looked out the window and saw a man with a wooden board in his hand and he was trying to get into the house when he saw my brother he ran away. years later we were in a different house but it had a lot of problems so we were going to move across the street, daddy said we shouldn't waste money on a moving truck as the new house was so close but that meant I had to leave the door open, and the guy who tried to break into our old house (nicknamed the Doll House) saw the door open and tried to sneak in, grown-up Luke heard it and recognized it by the smell and ran to talk to him showing all his teeth and went to the guy's neck, but he (thief) blocked the bites with his arms, I burst into the house screaming "Mom! Dad! There's a man in front of our house and Luke is about to tear him to pieces!", when my dad arrested Luke at the table and my brother saw the man's face, he said "Wait, I know this guy, he's the one who tried to sneak into the Dollhouse with a log of wood in his hands years ago." We handed him over to the police and after that Luke was always picking fights with bigger dogs including breeds considered dangerous like pitbulls

  8. Not exactly scary, and I dont remember if I was dreaming or not. This is one of the few memories I have of the house my parents lived in when I was very, very little. I cannot recall any memories before this. I woke up one morning and looked outside. I had purple curtains on the windows, and it made the rest of the room look purple as well. It was a sunny day outside. I look to the left (still looking outside) and theres a walking shovel. It didn't have legs or anything… you know when you sort of rotate an object on two corners to make it move…? (Sorry I dont have a better way to describe it) anyway, thats kind of how it moved. I remember backing away from the windows, then small gap or hole in my memory or something because the next thing I can recall is the shovel thing "walking" past my windows. I can see it's shadow through the curtains. Now for the part that makes me think it was a dream. The shovel walked by the second window in my room, and I had this magnetic whiteboard with magnetic letters sticking to it. It was on one of those canvas stand things you see artists use (only mine was probably plastic, I dont remember the details on it) and one or two of the letters disappear from the whiteboard thing. Again, I dont remember exactly how many. I remember rushing forwards and reaching through the window to take the letters back. another strange thing, I dont remember the window being open or when it could have been opened. I certainly was not tall enough or strong enough to open it. I dont remember closing the window either. Anyway the shovel continues past and I dont ever remember seeing it again. Another wierd thing, that is the ONLY memory of seeing the shovel thing, but I remember feeling familiar with it, as if I had seen it multiple times before. I recall going to say something about it to my parents (theres another memory gap there, I dont remember walking to my parents, but then again I dont remember most of that house. Only that one half of my bedroom and the wall my mom gestured to when we somehow changed the topic to moving to my more familiar childhood home. She also was holding my little brother (as a baby) in the memory, even though mom and dad have told me that he was born sometime after we moved. Huh, Its strange how many gaps there are in my memory. I dont remember how old I was, but I know it was before I was 8. Heck, I may have been 5. Mom and dad have also told me stories about a ghost who said he was "protecting us" from something Mom and dad never saw him, just spoke with him on occasion. Anyway, That house was wierd. I hope this story was at least entertaining for somebody.

  9. Basically, the clown statue story goes: Babysitter is watching the kids and does laundry in the basement, sees clown statue, calls kids dad and asks if she can cover the statue, he freaks out and tells her to get the kids, get out of the house and call the cops because they don't have a clown statue. In one version of the story, it actually turns out they do have a clown statue and the dad has dementia and forgot about it.


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