Tyrants enforce FEELINGS over RIGHTS! GGA X @elytpg




33 thoughts on “Tyrants enforce FEELINGS over RIGHTS! GGA X @elytpg”

  1. These pigs in NY make all of us from NY look like idiots. The NYPD is a disgrace to the badge. I wish I could do what you guys do with holding them accountable. Problem for me is once they start to violate my rights, things will go south and quickly, I just don’t have the temperament to keep my cool. Stay safe out there and keep up the great work keeping the NYPD accountable, hopefully things change soon.

  2. What a team!

    Ely & Good Guy, not only does it have a great ring to it, they work so brilliantly together, giving each other the space to work their magic independently (maybe the boys should start a backup channel with that name or a shorts channel to post their adventures together)

    One loud, one quiet, both super smart & well informed, both able to articulate with intelligence & commonsense.  Both as courageous as they come.  Both putting themselves at great risk for every person on the planet who believes in human rights & freedoms

    They're kinda sorta like a New York version of FRICN (Ely) & MCC (Good Guy)




  3. TARALENA GERRATO 16783. That’s the lady that assaulted Ely and threw him on the ground inside for just trying to get his camera back cuz charges were dropped. Then claimed her kids were being threatened. How would anyone even know she had kids?? LIAR!! That’s why they don’t let public record inside, so they can commit crimes inside.

    They’re forcing you to stop recording someone because she doesn’t want to be recorded. Sounds like they legit violated your 1st amendment civil right under the color of law.

  4. Douchebag cop with his badge number covered puts his gloves on because he is a douchebag.

    But you really got to start articulating that you are a journalist. It is a very important factor with regard to your First Amendment right to record.

  5. So your outside, theyre inside laughing at you !! You guys really won that battle !! You must be so proud of yourselves !! We all know there wont be a lawsuit so stop it !! If your not going to stand up for yourselves then dont do it at all !! You have failed in your mission !!

  6. NYPD thugs are the worst. They work for the Blue Line Gang, not the people. You have to wonder what they are hiding in there that they have to deny rights to the public in public. The stupid cops are worried about her privacy and then they go and reveal her private information to the very people they are trying to remove. It doesn't get much dumber than this. All these cops out arguing and yelling with no law being broken, they look like a shit show circus, an embarrassment. It's no wonder that people are losing respect for these clowns.


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