What's the CRAZIEST Thing your MOM Ever Did? – Reddit Podcast

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36 thoughts on “What's the CRAZIEST Thing your MOM Ever Did? – Reddit Podcast”

  1. My mum won the lotto… $3200. because she didnt want to share it with dad.
    She packed the car with my brother and sister told me "id love to take you with me, but i dont have the room"
    fled to the other side of the country and filed for divorce.
    Then told the court i died at childbirth so she could get more child support from Dad..

  2. Mum was looking for a particular pair of her shoes and couldn't find them. All 4 of us looked in every cupboard & drawer, under behind on top and inside every piece of furniture, outside the entrance doors, in the car, everywhere everyone could think of. Eventually we found them. In the ….OVEN

  3. Bro I don't remember my first high school but when a kid at my class was have started have small seizure my teachers called the nurse Okay let me tell you small information the was supposed to go was building something so we have to move our class to a different School and wait while our class was building so nurse and teachers call mom about the her son small seizure well mom work at her son high school she start screaming at them for they fault and try to kill her son and next week after his mom pay small bus driver to go teacher beat them up aslo she really rude to teacher but the principal said to ignore her email even she spam email of them . Aslo she work at the district

  4. My parents won’t let me use any game with a chat, online, whatever because “HuMaN TrAfFiCeRs” I am not even able to use youtube. (Doesn’t stop me) same reason as online games. My phone is a gabb. Phone… can’t txt pictures, use online anything. Only txt and call. I use my school computer when their not looking to literally use GOOGLE, IM 12!!!!! I get why, and appreciate the consern but no. My parents won’t let me text girls, have to a-ok my friends whatever. I stole my dads old iPhone 5 (he has better model and doesn’t use this 1) and yeah. Bcuz googling 10 best Minecraft seeds will turn me into s cult-worshiping hippie that takes crack every hour. IM F$&@ING 12 IM NOT GOING TO GOOGLE NSFW STUFF I JUST WANNA WATCH DANTDM😭😭😭

  5. I remember talking about my self oopsie thoughts with my mom and then she pointed a metal ouch stick at me (which I should say she literally lost access to it in may of 2021 for BEING CRAZY) and said "you want me to do it myself?" I haven't forgiven her and never will (sorry for the softened terms I have to do it so youtube doesn't poof my comment out of existence)

  6. Met 6 older boys in a field chasing my 2 brothers. Mama was 8 months pregnant. She dared them to pick on someone their own size. My sweet little Mama stood 5'2". All those boys were about 6'. She backed them diwn. Convinced them that if she had to come out there again it would be with her sawed off shotgun and Mama don't miss. Lol we didn't even have a gun of any kind.

  7. i remember one time when i was little i pissed my mom off so much she went nuts and threw stuff out of the van near a mcdonalds. this was when they were having the happy meal toys for transformers: armada.

  8. Happened when I was a kid and I honestly don't remember what lead to it but, my mom threw me into my bedroom closet (not literally threw me) and told me I had to stay in the closet for an hour and, that for each time she saw or heard me, that would be an additional hour I would have to stay in the closet. I was finally let out after four hours.

  9. one time my mom was sending me to jail (I didn’t actually stay) and I was having a meltdown and she was taking pictures and videos of me crying. I still hate my mom for that, even if she’s grown and changed as a person. no matter what she’s done or what happens, I will never forget her for that and I still hate her for that 💀💀💀

    reason? I lightly hit my friend as a fucking JOKE. then she told on me or something and then mom heard and.. took me to jail. I had a talking to from one of the police officers 😭

  10. Back in the mid 90's, the local apartment block "forest" had an ice house manned by volunteers. The things those poor people had to go through. I was like 5 years old when this happened. There was a massive queue, at least 20 parent/kid groups, so it took a while. By the time I had paid, grabbed my candy and was on my way back home, apparently so much time had passed that my egg donor had left her couch/tv, went to come get me, and proceeded to slap me so hard that I twirled 360 degrees before falling to the ground. She did this in front of 50+ people. It's a wonder that I was never removed from her care. Nobody even called the cops on her

  11. Lets see,

    Sold my grandmothers Mercedes for an 02 pt cruiser and only sold the Benz for 9k
    Smokes in her room and burns holes into the carpet
    woke me up at 3:30 am to scream at me because the router went down
    almost got us evicted because she thought she paid rent
    intentionally let her dog into my room so he could shit and piss on my floors and go thru my trash

    Yea, I'm fixing to leave now lol

  12. Shotgun wedding for the female sibling after she got pregnant. My mention of abortion was met with violence.

    As a teen, they tried to have me kidnapped and reindoctrinated in the cult because I'm an atheist. I had long cut ties before they knew I l preferred men, they probably would have done worse.

  13. This ain't related but I feel like I know my dads side of the family WAY better than moms side like on my dads side there's my artist cousin (hyper realsistic drawings) my daredevil cousin who drove an ATV with one hand up a small hill thing in Dubai my aunt and uncle my loving grandma I haven't met my dads side grandpa ever tho and in my moms side well… There's my cousins grandparents my aunt and uncle my other uncle and my other aunt who's bosian my Bosnian cousin and my 2 other cousin then there's my great aunts and uncles who I've met twice


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