What's it like learning Game Dev from scratch? A beginner shares his journey

There’s no shortage of challenges when it comes to learning game dev without any previous experience, especially when there’s so much to it. But that doesn’t mean it’s impossible. Learn game development with me through this video and more!

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28 thoughts on “What's it like learning Game Dev from scratch? A beginner shares his journey”

  1. welcome back Ptera!! as an aspiring game dev student i love seeing new people get into game development and learning about the struggles they faced and strategies they used to overcome them. Blueprints look awesome! I'm mainly using Unity, but i've definitely considered giving unreal a try and this video just might've tipped me over the edge to try it out πŸ˜€

  2. Yaay, exciting! Good topic too!
    I did try Unreal myself before a few times to do proof of concepts, but never got to make anything useful with it so far. Despite menus, sky changing color based on altitude of the actor, but with help of tutors. I'm in software engineer and working with clouds in a day job, even knowing a few programming languages does not mean you can do anything useful in Unreal in C++ right away so Blueprints are definately something.
    I'm looking forward to this!


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