What's INFURIATING about this "hostage deal"

Analyzing the deal reached between Israel and Hamas in Gaza โžก๏ธJoin the global war of goodness. Partner with us on the โ€ฆ


22 thoughts on “What's INFURIATING about this "hostage deal"”

  1. I am so disgusted after watching an Arabic video posted by I think Aljzeera, that I closed it. But thinking now. I wish I had said "Painting a pretty picture of deceit" for the Arab world knowing what they will go back to i.e. family members stuck in captivity, killed family members, parents, burnt homes. And you have people responding in Arabic saying "Look, they are happy. Hamas is great". I wish I could shout from the roof tops. Yes, they are happy to leave that hell hole they were kept in. Not to mention they were probably asked to put a smile on their faces and wave. I don't like to hate, but this kills me to think just how far they would go.

  2. ISRAELI OCCUPATION is the cause of Hamas coming into existence . Your true face and your criminal actions you are unable to see and its because SATAN has made your evil actions beautified to you . The day we all be standing before our Creator is very near and we will all find out who was truthful and who was on false hood . Here humans will keep on arguing with each other and will be unable to decide the matter.

  3. 0:16: โœ… The video discusses the release of hostages and the potential implications on the enemy's behavior.
    4:22: โœŠ The speaker emphasizes the need to eradicate certain evils, such as ISIS, through unconditional surrender and the removal of references to extermination and killing of Israel or Jews.
    8:41: ๐ŸŒ The ultimate goal is to learn how to play The Cosmic Symphony and reveal the truth and unity that lies within all of existence.
    12:11: ๐Ÿ” The goal is to expose and eradicate evil, hatred, and racism, and to find ways to transform people who hold these beliefs.
    16:53: ๐Ÿ’ช Jacob prepares for war with his brother ASA, but prayer and appeasement are enough to avoid conflict.
    20:58: ! The video discusses the consequences of the disconnection between the Divine and existence, and the importance of bringing light into the world.
    24:30: โœŒ๏ธ The speaker believes that peace is the key to connecting with God and that people should not force others to serve in their way.
    Recapped using TammyAI

  4. "God is too big for me to understand him as a Christian, I know Jews and Muslims understand God better than me but one thing I've notice about God is, He really thinks Humans can overcome evil, I've read the story of Cain and Able and can see that God literally trust that Cain can overcome evil, He told Cain, he (Cain)can overcome evil".
    "Our God is very very big but that level of trusting Humans to make choose good is in another level".I mean what's the point of giving Jews Torah, Muslims Quran and Christian Gospel if HE doesn't trust us enough to do his words, kept the his words or his direction".
    "Look since the beginning of time God trust humans, he trusted Adam so much that he put him in His Garden, He trust Adam enough to put the Tree of good and evil under Adam's control, We've fail to understand that doing evil is betraying God, I've read story of Job and how God boasted about Job infront of Satan and it got me thinking how much prouder is God our father will feel when we following him by doing good and reject evil. Going good is what makes our God very happy not killing doing violence and evil

    To Rabbi, this
    Wonderful preaching I like it.

  5. But the brutality of Apartheid is acceptable? Why dont Israeli Palestinians have the right of return even though they can trace their lineages from the very places Tel Aviv or Jaffa now occupy? Why is the continual killings of Palestinian in the West Bank with well over 100 before Oct 7th including 38 children justifable if you find the carnage of Oct 7th so unbearable and unjustifiable? Are palestinians children not worth defending? Why is Israel killing civilians in occupied land?

  6. I agree people should put their pink glasses off, especially the sio nists.
    Are you even seeing the same images as im seeing?
    Im seeing vids of hostages being released thanking them and saying that the Israeli state shot everyone there including Israeli civilians.
    Then while bombing everything they claim we have the right to defend ourselves besides the dehumanisation.
    Then you have the weird extremist at the un conference with his david star and a lot of unhuman israelis dehumanising the palestinians while claiming victimhood or to be superior.
    I have seen the Israeli government use every trick available in the psychopath and or narcisists toolbox, from both sides the male but mostly the toxic feminity.
    Can it be that you yourselves are also blind to it?
    With the normal civilian i can understand but every preacher rabi politician must know i think…
    Im also woried about what i saw after the 7th of October here in my country and online in multiple countries.
    I saw rabis and other extremist sio nists would go to churches and talkshows to spew this unhuman garbage.
    I have seen you speak about this no, i saw you agreeing with most of these toxic feminine claims.
    Before the October situation i liked you and listened to you.

    So put off your pink victimhood glasses, put on some reality glasses and see what is infront of you.
    In my eyes there is enough information out there for every non jew to exclude every jew, you might not see it because of your pink glasses and think calling it anti semitism will do something, it wont.
    For now its the sio nists and the Israeli state, this could change to all Jews.
    If it wasnt for the minority of Jewwish people who are against this Israeli state and people in charge it would have been all Jews for me aswell.
    I do believe that for at least a 100 years there may be no Jewwish person in a position of power outside of the new Israรซl, especially not in the media, legislation, politics and anything with high financial value(s).
    What do you think about me saying this?
    Am i just being anti sem etic?
    Or could there be any truth to what im saying?

  7. For your information, the Hamas attack was a revenge attack against the israelis.
    The israelis were warned many times before to stop the brutalities and atrocities against the Palistinians.
    They refused and ignored and continued and are still continuing in the face of the world.

  8. I like what you said: "Cosmic Harmony"" I also liked the dialogue with your Muslim friend. Take time out for your self, Rabbi. You are a mystic and an idealist with a realistic take on what's happening now. You do shine your light. Even though I'm an Episcopalian I don't believe in an actual second coming. I do believe we as human beings can have an awakening and "study war no more" and realize a sacred community. At the same time I want Hamas to be defeated. Do I have blood on my hands vicariously? YES BUT I THINK I DONT HATE THE ENEMY. I "hope the enemy sees the light" as you said. Thank you, Rabbi.


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