What's happening in your news to know

eNCA reporters, Pule Letshwiti-Jones, Lethiwe Mduli and Nqobile Madlala are on the ground with the latest. Courtesy of #DStv403


3 thoughts on “What's happening in your news to know”

  1. Why is South Africa having so much load shedding… Follow the Money.

    Crime Boss Cyril Ramaphosa needs the money from the USA, UK, France and Germany based on the

    Global Green Deal to pay the ANC mobsters.

    All state run company's Problems = "Cadre Deployment"

    Cyril will always telling LIES, Apartheid died 27 year's ago and has nothing to do with what the

    ANC Criminal Mobsters have done to South Africans with it's "Cadre Deployment"…

    The ANC Criminal Mobsters are not the Masters of South Africa.

    The ANC Parasitic Crime Families, Cyril Ramaphosa and Jacob Zuma are Puppet Criminals of the

    Western Global Swamp Mob. e.g: "Glencore" and "Shell Oil & Gas". Follow the Money….

    Africa Stand United against the Western Liberal Globalists and Puppet Masters..

    Amandla Africa, Amandla China, Amandla India, Amandla Russia.. Amandla !!!

    State Capture is a "Real Crimes" with the Gupta Brothers..REALLY real Crimes !!!!

    Bring the Gupta's back to SA, the Gupta's with Jacob Zuma can go and sit in the same

    Jail together and then we will see how the ANC Crime Mobsters Dance.

    The ANC Criminal mobsters destroyed jobs for the South African Youth with the so called program

    of BEE = "B"reaking "E"verything "E"ventually. South African run by the ANC Criminal Mobsters is Broken. Bheki Cele is just a Jackass working for the Crime Bosses……

    Africa, China, India, Russia and others will keep their Cultures in place with out instructions from

    the Western Global Swamp Mobsters…They think Africa is their "Local Refreshment Shop"

    The Biggest Enemy is "Ignorance" and the "Fake MSM Propaganda" is the new form of "Education".

    The Global Swamp mob are applying Western Liberal Globalist Rules to the world…. "Tyranny".

    The Real War is against the Citizens of the World.

    Remember, The Family, it's Religions and Cultures are the Foundation of Our Civilization. !!!

    It's time to get the ANC Criminal Mobsters and Puppet Politicians out of Office,

    They are just continually Looting South Africa.

    Citizens of the world, Keep your Eyes on the Ball… The Mobsters are distort the truth.

    Let us have the courage and outstanding morality, standing up against the totally selfish, dirty,

    powerful rich Global Oligarchs, Elitists and Puppet Politicians without any Moral Compass.

    All Upright Peaceful People can contribute and do their part however small – Speak out.. Just do it !!!

    The fake MSM will not report the TRUTH, they are just puppets, taking orders from

    the Sick Puppet Masters..


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