What Tells "Poor BUT Pretending To Be Rich" ?

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What Tells “Poor BUT Pretending To Be Rich” ?
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44 thoughts on “What Tells "Poor BUT Pretending To Be Rich" ?”

  1. i seen grimy people with rolls of twenties and over a 1000 dollars in ebt benefits there are people out there that are so greedy they play the system to get every penny they can i worked a convenience store for years 1 guy always comes to mind nice car 1000s in cash and an ebt bals of over a grand all the time…society this is why help is hard to find to much selfish greed and the people that do try to help get taking advantage of so they stop helping its a very negative snowball effect

  2. When I was in about third grade or so, there was this girl in my class who brought in a seashell for "show and tell", and explained about how it was from the restaurant her family ate at, because they ate, umm, I think she said snails or something like that, and they came in the shells. We were all focused on the "eww gross" factor, because, you know, we were that age. I don't think there was a single person in the room, other than the girl telling the story and possibly the teacher, who was aware that such things would mainly be served at expensive restaurants. I mean, we were at the age where McDonald's is considered a great restaurant and if somebody's parent works there it's glamorous and everyone is envious. A couple of weeks later the girl broke down in tears and apologized, at which point we all found out she was lying about the restaurant because she wanted us to think her family was wealthy, and apparently she thought the eating-snails story would convince us of that? Super weird. The shell was just one that she found at a beach somewhere. She could've just told us that, honestly, and I think most of us would've been more impressed, because when you live in Ohio, the beach is at least two days' drive away; whereas there are restaurants everywhere. I don't think I would have remembered the "eating snails" story long-term, if it hadn't been followed by the teary confession. That stuck with me, because it was the first time I ever heard of anyone wanting people to think their family is wealthier than is actually the case.

  3. Honestly, I really don’t give a damn about cars except that they are reliable, get good gas mileage, and are affordable for repairs. I have never bought a new car and never intend to because of depreciation, just not worth the loss. Cars are expendables, and I really don’t understand the people who are willing to buy them new, but they are the ones who supply the market that I purchase from, so more power to them, I guess.

  4. I don’t know if this counts but one day when I was going to the store I decided to dress up nice a new polo shirt I got the day prior some nice dark blue jeans and a pair of new boots I don’t know why but I did get a few stairs here and there I’m used to them because of how tall I am but I got more than usual I have a feeling some people thought I was rich because my hands in my pocket like a rich guy

  5. My family and friends always bragged about how cheap our buys are everytime. I'll get messages when ever they go to the store saying "look how much this is!!!" And it'll be small and big stuff. It's a fun game.

  6. When I worked at an upscale restaurant we had a party of over 20 people who, from what I was told, came in every year around the same time of the year for a family get together. They had a contract with a manager a few managers back that essentially made it so they'd pay around $100 for all alcohol they consume with the promise that they wouldn't drink much. Which the current manager told me that I said "This is Wisconsin, you need to tell them that since you're not the manager that made that contract it's void, you're gonna loose a shit ton of money tonight." I was told that I wasn't even old enough to drink, so I didn't know what I was talking about, and anyway way could only get the beers off tap and certain low priced wines. I had to clear probably close to 100 beer glasses off the table though out the night (not as many wine glasses because they'd fill from the bottle). I ended up having to help the manager and server figure out how much they lost because neither could do the math (I weep for the fact that I worked for someone who couldn't do basic math, I'm not even good at math, but I could do those calculations without a calculator and faster than them). We lost over $250-$300 in alcohol.
    On top of that they made a set menu to keep the costs down, but half the stuff they wanted we didn't even serve anymore or never served in the first place. The chef had to hand make mango sorbet for them and was told they'd eat a lot more than they did, so the chef gave me a shit ton of sorbet.
    By the end of the night that party was struggling to hold each other up and needed help getting up the stairs to leave. When I raised concerns to the manager that we shouldn't be letting them drive and that we could get in trouble for not cutting them off I was once again told that I didn't know what I was talking about.

    Then I got yelled at for not having the table fully cleared in 5 minutes and needing the other busser to help as well as a couple servers. The dishwasher was mad because he "thought he had an easy night" and was surprised to see the dishes the manager wouldn't let us take from the table while they were still there, manager got had that were was mango sorbet all over the white table cloths, and that she'd have to pay all those who stayed to clean up over time. Half the time she didn't even stick around until closing or sat in the office or at the bar on her phone.

  7. Unrelated to the topic really, but the gratuity culture in the USA is f-ed up.

    I feel bad for the server in story one who shouldn't be put in a situation where she relies on the customer's whim to get paid a big part of her salary.

    Edit: word

  8. Jimmy Broadbent no longer lives in a shed and has a nice house and the car he had bought was a professional race car with his sponsors. He was in the shed because it was free and was saving for a nice and comfortable house.

  9. Designer dog breeds, especially 'fake' breeds that are currently trendy but not recognised by the Kennel Club as actually existing. £2,000 dogs that are unvaccinated, ungroomed and untrained because all those things cost money, but all they actually want is to tell people they have the dog

  10. I remember working in the local garage, BMW drivers where the worst because they would buy the car on finance, so after three or four years, once it needed new brakes and tires would refuse to have them replaced because they couldn't afford to replace the big expensive parts therefore making them incredibly dangerous on the road. Talking tires down to the bead and pads and rotors that where barely useable. Just because people wanted to feed there ego. It ended up with a nice, baseline BMW, Audi or Merc falling apart after several years because they couldn't afford maintenance. Moral of the story, if you can afford a Luxury Germany car, buy on by all means, but if you can't, buy something else and keep it well maintained and safe to drive.

  11. If I were a millionaire, my life probably wouldn't change much.
    There's nothing really I want, I've never liked attention and certainly don't feel the need to flaunt anything I have.
    I'd probably order takeout more often since I've never liked cooking, but that's pretty much it.

  12. I live in an area where the median HOUSEHOLD income is only $31k. Someone once told me that whenever they see designer purses, they assume it's fake because no one in town can afford the real thing. I laughed, and agreed somewhat. But I know there's a such thing as Buy Now, Pay Later, so it's possible those items are real but they're making payments on them.

    Also, I think people really need to understand the difference between new money and old money. Rich people absolutely do wear loud, flashy clothes and jewelry, flash their money, wear logos on clothing, and ask "do you know who I am?" But that's the new money crowd. The first generation, self made crowd. And especially athletes and entertainers. The quiet luxury crowd is usually old money. They've been rich for generations and having/spending money doesn't give the adrenaline rush or ego boost that it does for people who used to be poor.

  13. Story 1 is a weird one. My mom has it so her checking is always low and moves money over often. I don't get it but it's her way of budgeting so she knows whenever money gets moved it's essentially gonna get spent sooner than later. This woman might have done the same thing and forgotten to move it in advance. As long as they were tipping, I wouldn't judge.

  14. My ex wife would overspend and indulge to the point we were always broke and in debt and I didn’t have money for my tobacco or lunch and energy drinks which are the 99 cent ones because I like them and they are cost effective. She’d buy 100 dollar tubes of lipstick and tons and tons of clothes that she’d constantly throw away and keep buying more because she gained or lost the same five lbs and kept buying more so she had an incentive to lose weight. The sixth month before our final divorce I blew up on her because she spent 80 bucks we didn’t have because she wanted extra nice silverware when I told her to go to fucking savers because it’s silverware who gives a fuck

  15. BMWs are pretty comfy tho lol; also not that uncommon to live with parents. Sometimes they are old and you prefer them living with you as opposed in some gross nursing home where they will be abused.

  16. A rich ex co worker of mine, was complaining his 3k rug wasn't good enough so he asked his parents to get the 5k rug version instead. that day I learned you can get basic AF rugs for 5k

  17. One thing that makes a lot of people think I'm rich (despite it being obvious that I'm poor) is my cars. I've gotten them through trades, trading out work, and finding junkers that would have been scrapped anyway. People have accused me of being rich because I have a Corvette especially, but I got it for next to nothing because it was a nightmare and I've spent several years restoring it and making it better.


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