What Scott Adams Said is Reckless and Insensitive But Not Racist

What Scott Adams said about blacks is both reckless and insensitive. But insensitive is not racist.

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Dinesh D’Souza is an author and filmmaker. A graduate of Dartmouth College, he was a senior domestic policy analyst in the Reagan administration. He also served as a research fellow at the American Enterprise Institute and the Hoover Institution at Stanford University.

He is the author of many bestselling books, including “Illiberal Education,” “What’s So Great About Christianity,” “America: Imagine a World Without Her,” “The Roots of Obama’s Rage,” “Death of a Nation,” and “United States of Socialism.”

His documentary films “2016: Obama’s America,” “America,” “Hillary’s America,” “Death of a Nation,” and “Trump Card” are among the highest-grossing political documentaries of all time. He and his wife Debbie are also executive producers of the acclaimed feature film “Infidel.”


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34 thoughts on “What Scott Adams Said is Reckless and Insensitive But Not Racist”

  1. Love Dinesh but what Adams said was not “reckless” or “insensitive”. He just said out loud what everyone already knows and does. Why would you wanna live among people who hate you?

  2. What Adams said wasn't not reckless if taken in context. I suppose, in our current climate, honesty could seem reckless. The Rasmussen poll simply provided data to what many observed anecdotally.

  3. His advice was coarse, but not racist. The overreaction from it shows the asymmetry present in which one group is allowed unlimited slandering of another group, while the other group is castigated for even the most benign criticism of the other.

  4. The absolute best irony here is the ultra rich that are demonizing him, I bet the farm ALL of them live in predominantly upper class white neighborhoods. I bet they live in gated communities while lambasting the border states for fighting illegal immigration

  5. He did it because the way you disarm the "radioactive" environment is to stop apologizing and start calling spades spades. If more people would do this, "racism" would disappear and everyone would just be honest.

  6. You would think, given the fact we are going into a presidential election cycle, that conservatives and republicans would be careful not to give the left ammunition to use to reinforce the idea we are racist. Election after election the Dems use racebaiting and we keep taking the bait and coming out with stupid comments that offer no solution and does zero to bring us together as Americans. Especially when more minorities are expressing support for MAGA and President Trump. We have to be smarter.

  7. There’s nothing reckless or insensitive about what he said. If people dislike you for merely being the race that you are, why would you want to live around those people?

    That’s simply a factually accurate statement. The faux outrage about simple truths is really just tiresome.

  8. Strange how only liberals and minorities have freedom of speech! He said nothing wrong! He can have his opinion and that’s what freedom of speech is! In America you have the right to be prejudiced against anyone you want as long as you don’t physically harm them! You do remember the peaceful protests of 2020 !

  9. Funny that Scott Adams, a man who is created a career pointing out the truths in America /corporate

    Gets cancels for pointing out yet another one. Hmm


    Let’s see – he’s been at the top since the 1990s – yeah, when he says “I quit” – it’s across the board. He doesn’t need this anymore.

    To say he’s racist is a joke. The respondents in the poll he was referring to – they were racists.

    Anyhow. Thank the Biden admin. They’ve been driving a divide.


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