What Scientists Just Discovered At The Grand Canyon TERRIFIES The Whole World

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48 thoughts on “What Scientists Just Discovered At The Grand Canyon TERRIFIES The Whole World”

  1. Crazy thing is people still think that's just rock..smdh it's an organic being, and we are seeing the remains…this planet was 3 times the size millions of years ago. Most people dontvknow that we were once a larger planet, and we are living on the remnants of that planet, which exploded and now forms the asteroid belt. ItSmdh nice presentation, but it lacks the real truth of what the canyon is and, more importantly, what roams in those canyons! There is a pyramid there, and the caverns are interconnected and will take to a portion of hell on earth. I'm just saying you aren't scratching the surface. Tell the real truth. The ancient knowledge. Ancient Aliens came to Earth to mine the resources, which are the remains of ancient creatures and biological organisms that once roaned this planet. They mined the planet of it's reseources and if you look at it from the air, you will see its beautiful, but its the remants of a sophisticated mining operation. We are seeing the remains .#onelove

  2. Most of those people whose die at those parks are just stupid idiots coming from some cities in search of adventure, fame or just the craziness of being the number one in the crowd. I visited many of those so-called "MYSTERY PARKS" But never without a .45Cal. And 4 magazine full. I never did kill any animal at all, even so I was surrounded to be converted into a nice meal. My pistol explosion is so loud, that makes any animal run away from me. Even if some kind of monster appear in front of me, with the intention of attacking me, a bullet in their leg will make them stop. The majorities of the city people don't even know how to read the face of a Puma, and if they have a weapon they will kill the puma, leaving behind their litler-ones alone. Others, with their stupid smartphones and whose want to make a video for youtube, even approach a Bear and tell them to smile for the camera. SO, most people die because of their intention and stupidities and others because it is the perfect place to die and other because another human did it.

  3. NOW TO ALL U.S. CITIZENS: We spend billions of dollars on the military Industrial complex, but we don't spend one single dollar, to civilize the Nation. They are placed across the USA, which are 100% dominated by MUTAN, and others by humans that never saw another human or just cannot accept the existence of others. I DON'T CARE HOW MANY GETS OFFENDED HERE. I stand for the truth. Even to mention those locations in the USA, you could be assassinated by local Government personnel. They are a hundred of locations where you go in, but you never return. Actually, in the 2 list of missing person appear the number allowed to know and the number to be kept top secret. In the number allowed to appear, 161000 and 18000 returned, and 22000 founded. Those are, 40000 only. SO, GREAT AMERICANS !!! We're missing 121000.>>>>. In the top secret list which you are not allowed to see is written =1,865,000……WELL, WELL, WELL, Home of the Brave and home of National TRAITORS Social System Suckers and Incompetent Soldiers. I think somebody own me < 1,986,000. GRINGOS PER YEARS. Instead of sending the soldiers to kill defenseless, innocents babies and their mothers around the world, and all in the name of the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.

  4. They made Grand Canyon the National Park because supposedly there is billions of billions of pounds of gold which would make America poor if all the people found it so America was like f*** that we can't go poor we gotta shut that down so people can't find all the gold

  5. Haven't been back to the Grand Canyon since I was 5 in 1979. It would be nice to go back. I'm certain that my perception of it would be much more amazing.

    I so envy those Rangers.

  6. Back in the eighties my dad did a remodeling job at the el Tovar and I use to have to lock the place up at the end of the day and believe me it's Definitely Haunted I had my own experiences and hated having to make sure that no one was still inside the motel before I would lock the the place up

  7. Ancient Germs especially in the Amazon are not meant to be messes with. It’s not superstition, to share a blanket with a Native could bring them death. Why? Because Europeans had different farming Animals then the Native Americans.

  8. Do you say that the river is what and how the Grand Canyon was carved ? Well that is a fairy tale because the river has flowed over a river bed and had not cut a inch . But from what could have did it was a large earthquake that pulled the two sides apart . But the main thing is you guys have not came close to giving a explanation of it so , keep on going forward .

  9. You dear ones you know the truth of exactly what happen but you Fallen who hate GOD and us and only the Fallen have a job like that one. But your master said you would kill us a drop at a time and that we would never be as they are , well I sure hope not . But you would say you were helping us when in turn you were poisoning our babies in the womb and causing our babies to be born dead , blue babies

  10. I have a feeling theres going to be a hell of a lot doscovered & that has already been discovered, the general public is not even allowed to see or know about, half of which would likely totally re-write history & timelines we all learn as children in school.

    Its also a good idea yo never just start picking up or even touching artifacts, let alone stealing them. Also, just simply passing barriers and boundaries that are at or around most ancient ritual sites or considered burial grounds, etc. is an incredibly stupid and dangetous game to play, as you obviously have zero understanding and ignorant as no one who understands "why", needs to have this explained. But if you enjoy curses and inflicting horrific auffering and trauma upon yourself and loved ones?

    Please, go right ahead!
    As an "explorer" , as you have no idea what you are disturbing or breaching, thinking that you can just claim ignorance & "good intention" which immediately becomes the evidence and proof of your fallacious & flawed thinking, as a stupid american adventurist, who loves your entitlement to just go and do whatever you want, because you "can", enjoy all that comes with your incredulity & inability to understand the capacity of which you tramole and disturb, is then all the access needed & given over to take ownership of your mind, body, spirit and soul; as well as everyone you love.


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