What Scientists Discovered on Mars Shocked the Whole World

Mars, or the red planet, is the fourth planet from the Sun and one of the smallest. Out of most planets, it’s possibly the most feasible for us to colonize, even though we’d be living in artificial life support systems. That’s why we’ve spent so much time exploring it, all the while discovering some…err… weird things. From a gorilla to a giant crab, here are 20 strangest things spotted on Mars.

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28 thoughts on “What Scientists Discovered on Mars Shocked the Whole World”

  1. We would b dumb if we think that we're the only civilization in the solar system or in the galaxy cuz there's no way that we're the only ones floating or flying through space.

  2. The Bible doesn't lie God is not a liar the Bible states that there is celestial bodies and terrestrial bodies there is no such thing as extraterrestrial these people told us that we come from monkeys now they say that they're on the Mars right sure you sent that little bitty car up there that works without electron molecules in the air you're a liar you try to say that you could start a car on mars or on the moon that's a lie cuz all the gases that's in the air when you struck that starter and that solenoid it would exploded

  3. A crab population and stuff for the crabs to eat etc, etc,. After all most bones are shaped by wind erosion. Gold flecks of metal just laying around. Placer gold.

  4. Well there is life on Mars Elon musk knows all about his creatures that he is trying to feed us too and he’s trying to colonize it to feed his creatures and we are his food source for their food source He is Draco reptilian for those who don’t know DNA awakening on YouTube my divine family of Source God and the galactic federation of light will tell you all what I have said and Mark Zuckerberg is not to be trusted either because he is an immortal he helped take down Atlantis

  5. NASA does the best that they can to cover up anything just because they can. However, when Elon Musk's people
    land on Mars then for the first time we will know the truth about what is there and what is not !

  6. The atmosphere on planet mars got blown out and who ever stayed back on mars went underground but the same civilizations that lived on mars are the same ones that helped built pyramids in Egypt those of our government been lying to us this whole time in our faces about a whole lot💯

  7. Why does everything they have pictures of from mars has this bs lie about it as the wind or water erosion.? if there is wind then there is air and oxygen if there was water or is water then it is life on Mars we gah start using our heads

  8. basic logic Mars is barren as a slight dusty very thin atmosphere? Dust storms that carry fine dust planet wide?? any artifacts left for millions of years will be ground away ? Time dust erosion?? only hard deposits will remain making weird shapes for fools & dreamers to fantasise about


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