What scientists can learn from the coronavirus pandemic | COVID-19 Special

COVID-19 presents manifold challenges for scientists. Genome researchers are out to detect new mutations as early as possible. Ecologists are investigating the risk of infection between animals and humans.

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#Covid19 #Zoonosis #VirusMutations


45 thoughts on “What scientists can learn from the coronavirus pandemic | COVID-19 Special”

  1. Zoonotic viruses and diseases have only been better understood in the recent century and decades especially after science has been able to look at the genome. But handling and cooking exotic meats require caution. Or at least, medicine has to be more aware and responsive when a potential outbreak happens, rather than the occasional or intermittent infection or parasitical attack.

  2. DW: Please, please keep the COVID-19 Special(s) posted on YouTube. There is NO counterpart in USA media that cites refereed journals and university research and explains the results like Derrick and your correspondents do.

  3. Interesting program. Thanks for the report. It doesn’t address China’s Wuhan lab or gain of Function research. It doesn’t address the WHO’s clueless and misinformation about the Virus. Mostly……China has not been held accountable for this. Indeed……the rotten WHO tried to blame this on……Climate Change. Ridiculous. Especially in light of truth. China has been the source for many out breaks….and there never tracked down……instead they blame it on a wet market…or a bird market. Again…..a fine report. Also remember. South Africa reported Omni cron….then the WHO shut down South Africa. Not realizing it had already spread..in two days it was reported world wide…it had been spreading long before….just nobody identified it till South Africa did. Then they were basically punished for it.

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  5. Ptaah:

    If a vaccine is really effective and is vaccinated more often against the same viral infection, it loses its effectiveness and the immune system does not react well or at all, as well as it reacts only partially or not at all to new mutations of the same virus and, therefore, it no longer offers protection. A vaccination twice is acceptable to the immune system, but a third vaccination in less than 12 months is usually too much and can no longer prevent a new infection. The reason for this is that if the immune system is vaccinated too often for a specific viral mutation, it loses mobility and the vaccine becomes ineffective. This is true for any human being of any age, so there is no difference between a child, an elderly human being, or a human being of any age.

    If a vaccine is to be used – as long as it is really effective – it should be used in a targeted way, like any other drug, and care should also be taken that it is used sparingly and purposefully, and therefore not too much. This is particularly important in the case of vaccines, because they have a spreading effect and can very quickly damage the immune system, overloading it if a substance is administered in excess. The reason for this is that an addiction develops very quickly, which weakens the immune system, which is usually not noticed by humans, which is why they can get re-infected even though they have been vaccinated multiple times against the same virus.

    The fact that recently on Earth everything from medicine and therefore from vaccinations is very directed towards the original mutation of the Corona virus is wrong, because vaccines, which are already half valid anyway, are unsuitable for the new mutations of the plague. . The immune system reacts defensively to new mutations, which are irresponsibly called 'variations', but are actually new mutations.

    The defense of the immune system quickly diminishes and is usually blocked by many vaccines, in which the body is also a victim of other diseases and can no longer avoid them because it loses mobility. by vaccines or drugs, etc., for example, relative to an actual infection or disease, it is less able to adapt to a new attack by a virus and is just less able to form specific antibodies against a new infection or pathogen. As you say in each case, “too much is unhealthy”, and this is also true for vaccinations and medication.

  6. We are the end times of the world the day of noa ark and sodom and gamorah.jesus is coming repent is not too late act 3:19. 7 plagues o 7 salots tulad covid 19 panahon ni moises. war romors of war o word war3,famaine o tagutom na walang makain kahit sa dagat at sa lupa kc infected o ubos lahat ay na gutom ang buong mndo, earthquake lahat ng bansa,all volcano will erapted at masmatindi na kalamidad sa panahon ni noa. Just pray before it too late. Pray mula sa puso hndi mula sa isip kc ang isip curapted because jesus is coming.mathew 24:1-51 rapture

  7. Israel launched a rocket attack on the Gaza Strip. Will Israel be condemned by the world community? Will sanctions be imposed against Israel ? Will Western companies leave Israel, etc., or, if Israel is an ally of the United States, is it allowed to bomb another state with impunity?🤔

  8. What scientists can learn from the pandemic, is that they will never be trusted again. They will have to earn back whatever credibility humanity will lend them, but they'll never be the religious leaders they were in the past.

  9. Just got covid today and I have never felt stronger hatred for China. I'm sorry, but this suffering is all because that country generated the virus and how can I not hate them for that. They suck at manufacturing high quality goods but diseases? Superb manufacturing

  10. Qué mujer más feliz soy ahora. Estar libre de Herpes. Es un gran testimonio para mí. Todo gracias al Dr. Ojeabu por curarme del herpes solo usando sus productos que me envió. Estoy muy feliz, Dr. Ojeabu en YouTube🌿💃.

  11. What about what politicians and so-called leaders can learn?

    1 That you don't wet your pants over a virus that poses a threat to well under 1% of your population.

    2 That you don't insist on vaccinating people who have excellent natural immunity, or are at low risk.

  12. Japan UNIT731 in CHINA to mass exterminate the Chinese People. General Macarthur USA paid 250,000 USD to buy know how to build 300 USA bio germ warfare labs & during pompeo trump produced COVID 19 supervirus that is uncontrollable this is the most likely place to look for the origins !

  13. China NOW is having a new virus called” Langya virus”. It already has 35 cases. Do you mind to have more information about this virus? Virus originally host is also mammals just like Covid-19. If China don’t contain it probably may become an emerging infectious disease with a higher fatality rate after the new coronavirus. Thank you.

  14. Unpopular opinion: Although these monitoring scientists help science in a general way, I think vaccination research investment is best. No doubt, the vaccination scientists can learn from information gleaned by the field scientists. Almost all discoveries come from serendipity during general science research and that is why general investment is essential.

  15. In 2022 adequate citizens would forget about the virus, that kills only extremely vulnerable and old people. The COVID agenda was made by the media. The same media almost completely forgot about COVID, spreading aggressive news about "bad" Russia and "good" Ukraine and about the economic crisis, made by the Western sanctions against Russia.

  16. Here's one story I would like to see discussed. Which can be verified on any Covid chart site. How come we never hear about this?
    The nations with the highest vaccination rates have the most Covid cases.
    The nations with the least vaccination rates have the least Covid cases.

  17. There are plenty of nations that could not afford the vaccine. What they did is let the virus run its course through the country. Guess what? They eventually achieved herd immunity. In addition are doing far, far, far better than over vaxxed countries today.


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