What R. C. Sproul Would Have Said To Pastors During Covid

Over the past two years, Tim Keller, Russell Moore, Rick Warren, and Ed Stetzer have proven to possess an alarming lack of discernment. As Megan Basham from The Daily Wire recently pointed out, these men teamed up with Francis Collins (former head of NIH) and used their platforms to push masks and vaccines among Evangelicals, despite the glaring lack of supporting data. Throughout the pandemic, I have often wondered how the late R. C. Sproul would have responded to the current cowardice we find among our “Evangelical Elites.” After hours of sifting through Dr. Sproul’s writings, I finally stumbled upon his famous sermon, “The Tyranny of the Weaker Brother.” In this brief video, Pastor Joel Webbon unveils R. C. Sproul’s shocking rebuke to men like Tim Keller, Russell Moore, and Ed Stetzer.

*This is a replay of one of our most popular videos.

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*If you live in the Austin area, Pastor Joel just started planting a brand new church called Covenant Bible Church in Hutto, Texas. He would love for you to come visit on a Sunday. Check out the church’s website for details: https://covenantbible.org/

#rcsproul #pastor #theology


13 thoughts on “What R. C. Sproul Would Have Said To Pastors During Covid”

  1. I was wondering what your thoughts are on spiritual abuse in relation to Covid-19. I know micheal krugar wrote a great book on spiritual abuse that I wish he would have applied to the Covid-19 shenaniganary

  2. RC did say that while he was alive, but who knows truly what he would have done during covid if he didn't die. All our reformed churches shared his position as well pre covid and collasped during the pandemic. Maybe these reformed churches are dead too.

  3. I watched that RC sermon recently! Not only had I never heard that particular sermon before, I had never heard anyone speak on that passage from that perspective before. I was amazed and almost in tears. I could not stop thinking about the past few years. My church was closed for a full year. Then banned unmasked for 1 week short of a second year. I've lost all my church friends. Kids I adored and used to babysit on a regular basis no longer know me. I was pretty much alone for 2 years. I'm only barely coming out of the shock. My life was destroyed by the actions of fellow brothers & sisters on this issue. And now everyone has gone back to "normal" – no apologies, no repentance. I'm supposed to pretend none of this ever happened. I can't. I'm broken. I can't be the only one.

  4. This applies to so much more then Rona tyranny, and cowardice! I see this in all different realms of the church. A near constant imposing of unbiblical new man’s laws, that God has not commanded. Churches have become more of a “you better look just like us, or else you’re out!” Carrying this religious tyranny into sooooo many different aspects.

  5. Christians should not regularly cover their faces. 2 Cor. 3:7-18. For the last 3 years, I've been appalled by Christians who don't know this. It's part of the Christian faith to live with your face uncovered before God and humankind.


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