What @KiraTV & @Asmongold TV Completely Missed Regarding New World

What @KiraTV & @Asmongold TV Completely Missed Regarding New World
Check out Kira’s Video: https://youtu.be/L5879kOeT_w
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Amazon’s New World is having some drama when it comes to it’s cash shop and monitization with it’s upcoming MMORPG.

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#newworld #mmorpg #coffeechat

0:00 Introduction
1:00 What KiraTV and Asmongold Missed in their Videos
4:00 Remembering the past with rose tinted goggles
8:00 Solutions for the cash shop
12:00 Keep your feedback coming

Music provided by Monstercat:


26 thoughts on “What @KiraTV & @Asmongold TV Completely Missed Regarding New World”

  1. The solution is DON'T BUY IT. We can't support toxic business practices like this. The real problem is that the gaming market is too big, so no matter what move we individuals make, they always profit. There IS NO "voting with your wallet" because that assumes a MAJORITY OF THE MARKET IS EDUCATED ABOUT THE PRODUCT which we, as gamers, as a whole? Are not.

    You can't say you wish all content could be unlocked in game directly after you said you bought a cash mount.

    You can't wish for something and then reinforce the parasitic business models, where corporations are CONSTANTLY wedging deeper into our wallets- let's talk about "Games as a service" and what a joke that is.

    This is a rough one, man.

  2. "but rmt has always been a thing that has plagued the mmorpg"
    objectively false
    rmt first saw its emergence several years after wow had already been out; yes, there were mmorpg's before wow

    "people buy from rmt even still today, but even more so back then"
    depending on what exactly you mean by "back then": false
    rmt has grown significantly since its emergence "back then" and is much more prevalent today than it was in the past

    "and I'm sure there was a handful of some of them, like there are today purchasing things for real money"
    a "handful" ?? really? your statement here is disingenuous spin, at best
    maybe there were a "handful" of people doing rmt back in the days of vanilla wow, when there were no real services in place to support it – but today there are literally hundreds of thousands participating in it and dozens upon dozens of websites and companies purely dedicated to the practice and facilitation of rmt in online games, including mmorpg's

    "the concept of the microtransaction dates all the way back to the arcades – paying quarters for lives"
    in theory, yes. but that is not at all a valid or accurate comparison!
    for one, when you played an arcade game, you didn't have to already pay full price for the game and the console/system it was played on. you were getting a more or less a fair value for your money. imagine if the arcade charged you full price for the game, then also made you put in extra quarters for more lives

    so far all of your points you are trying to make don't seem very well though out, or in some cases seem downright disingenuous. I'm calling bullshit on this video.

  3. Thank you so much, finally a video that is not about complaining and pointing the negatives but offering solutions. All the recent drama just killed my hype, not the news themselves, but the crappy reaction of the people without offering a single solution. Honestly I would love to see New World videos that are not around the cash shop, as it seems like that's what everybody is doing at the moment, it gets tiresome. I do also believe that player trade is the perfect solution here, specially with an exchange system like gw2, because it would also take out the third party gold sellers or at least many of them.

  4. what do you do with items that items that are made from the china shop FOR the shop itself? Like alot of the items we have in XIV came from the china shop. And it wouldn't be fair if we got em for free if they – China- had to pay for them. So there's that. We also have the idea that the items in the shop wouldn't even be a thing if the shop didn't exist.

  5. I love watching your’s and Chris’s videos as they’re always so insightful. With the exception of RuneScape and a bit of mobinogi, FFxiv is my first mmo that I’ve played and I only started playing just before the launch of shadowbringers. I don’t really have insight on where you could improve on the video or how the industry could change for the better. But in terms of micro transactions, I tend to quit playing games (usually mobile but even games like COD) when I get to the point where I feel like I need to pay money to advance in the game.

  6. The system you suggest causes weak minded players ro buy cash shop items to sell for gold. Why are these devs so damn terrified of the sub model when the top 2 mmos use it

  7. I like the points you are making, I think a big issues is the "This game did it so this other game will do the same." People are not even trying to give newer games a try, I also think this "Sub would work" crowd don't realise that MMO that came late tried this and most of them just went down the drain and became F2P with heavy stores instead.

  8. Personally, I like the monthly fee business model and as little cash shop as possible. I think the fee for some games could be even higher. If I took money that I put on FFXIV every mount I would not even get 3 drinks at a bar. I would say I get way more enjoyment for putting that money into FFXIV.

    These days everything needs to be so cheap and cost like nothing for so many people. We get so much free art-related stuff these days when creators won't get like anything.

  9. I think defending/suggesting New Worlds choices, in regards to the cash shop, are ok because microtransactions exist in games anyway is weird. I think Josh Strife Hayes (a fellow mmo content creator) has the right opinion. Being if they are planning to sell boosts & rested xp buffs before the game has released. They are admitting the early game or level process is boring, uninteresting and not worth playing. Sure the games not released yet and you say "things may change". The New World team has gone through board room meeting to check & go aheads before that alpha store was put into the game. Its a joke. We shouldnt have to justify with Amazon….Amazon on meeting half way with monetization. They havent earnt that right yet.

  10. Take Outriders for example, all pve so if they had just released a solid running game. Good Servers, not host connection problems, quick sign in etc… They did provide a decent looking game and game mechanics were ok as well. Now this is where micro transactions would have actually helped this game. At least the horrible RNG problem could have been resolved. Working 9 to 5 and don't have time to grind 4 hours a day. Give me a Funeral Pyer and a that Symbiant thing to go haha

  11. I absolutely agree with you GP. I have always seriously appreciated when MMO's have cash shop items that can be bought from a global market place. PSO2 is a fantastic example. I really respected that any of the limited time crossover events like Persona or Konosuba, you could buy all the items from the market place if you didn't want to spend money. However, this might be a hot take, I think games need cash shops and I actually like them when they're done correctly. I don't even buy into them myself. But i appreciate the amount of money that its brought to the industry- there's a reason why most companies follow this business model. Companies earning more money is meant to be a good thing as it leads to better games. On paper that is, most companies get greedy and tunnel vision on the micro transactions and play to people's addictions which is why I think MMO's are riddled with bad cash shops as it is probably one of the most addictive sub-genre of games in general.

    In short, I think if consumers expressed appreciation for a good cash shop model rather than just burning the devs alive whenever there is a cash shop good or bad, the company is more likely to listen as in this case, both parties win. Companies keep their successful model, and consumers get a balanced cash shop.

  12. I don't really have a horse in this race, I wasn't interested in New World to begin Amazon doesn't have a good track record with games thus far as well from what I've seen the game is also mainly popular and I'm not interested in that in respects to an MMO.

  13. Sooo, I might be against the norm here.

    I think it is time to accept that micro transactions are here to stay. All these people shouting for them to go sound like the same people who said the internet wouldn't be that big of a deal.

    If I can play the whole game with only the buy in as a minimum, I'm fine with it. Idc if you can buy exp, gold, rep boosts or inventory or fast travel or cosmetics. These games will need the extra income to keep servers and expacs coming.

    For me, it keeps coming back to the saying "time is money." If what I spend money on saves me time, yet is still something that a non premium currency player can do, just with that time, then its fair.

    Besides. If New World blows people away with good gameplay and replayability, no one will care.

  14. I’d rather mmos die and be remembered for what they were than be twisted into a sick predatory doppelgänger of their former self. The genre has been listing dangerously close to irrelevancy for years. Studios and devs are either unwilling or unable to push the genre forward, and instead we just see over promises and under delivered products absolutely infested with cash shop mechanics. They live for a while and their population slowly dwindles into obscurity leaving the world just a huge ghost theme park.

  15. Love when you make videos. You approach things with a business understanding of logic. Not just fan boy rage. Business logic is don’t tell me no or say this is a bad idea. SAY a solution that is good for business and consumers. Sadly business hearing that kinda feedback is fair and drowned out by just pointless rage that they will just have to ignore cause they don’t see anything they can do to address them.

  16. If you want an example of what's "Fair", look to Path of Exile. GGG has an amazing cash shop, everything is cosmetic or convenience. Yeah, you could make the argument that you need premium stash pages for real world item trading, but it's still not "needed", and as there's no PvP (that matters), that's not a P2W issue

  17. When you had to buy stuff from third party websites, a lot less people did and there was a negative stigma about it. It's still frowned upon a little bit, but way, wayyyyy less.

    I like the approach of coming with solutions though, I think that's fair. For me the solution has been to cancel my preorder and probably not play the game. Not saying nobody should play it or I have a vendetta against it, but I think it's time to speak with our wallets and if we all don't buy the game, they'll look foolish with their in-game shop that nobody uses.

  18. I'm sorry, but if your brand new game that isn't even FINISHED yet needs level skipping mechanics already, you have designed a crap game and people shouldn't waste their precious time on it. That's all there is to it. They designed the game with these boosts in mind so obviously they started making the game in such a way to entice people to utilize this. How? Most likely it will be insanely grindy and just waste your valuable time thus wearing you down to purchase the boosts. WoW didn't come out with a level and profession boost on day one of its release. It took nearly 10 years of the game being constantly in production for them to come to boosts. New World is starting off with boosts which completely changes how they will view their game's design choices. They will always be able to fall back on, "if you aren't enjoying where you currently are, just get a boost so you can enjoy the good part of the game." Your game is brand new. If that and your creative designs aren't able to keep players interested, your game is most likely trash.

  19. Pay to win is never acceptable. Give them an inch and they'll take a mile. This game is already on its way to becoming the next BDO. They're designing the entire thing around the cash shop. Absolutely disgusting.


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