What Jesus Said About Wealth And Heaven. (Cinematic Version)

►Speech is completely original and produced exclusively by Grace Digital Network
►Music licensed through Artlist.io
►Footage licensed through Filmpac.com and Storyblocks
►Animation: Tina Davidson
►Writer: David Kolawole

All scripture animations are derived from the King James Bible (KJB) or simply the Authorized Version (AV)

Our purpose, when making these videos, is to make quality educational motivational videos and share these with our viewers.

Note: We own copyright to the footages and background music used in this video.


Title: What Jesus Said About Wealth That Many People Do Not Know



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[email protected]


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Our work is original and drastically rearranged with unique editing to bring the best from the message. Creative effects are added to highlight certain areas in the message. when there are two or more speakers it is done in a conversational manner meaning they complete each other sentences while staying on topic, intermittent sampling is also applied.


43 thoughts on “What Jesus Said About Wealth And Heaven. (Cinematic Version)”

  1. We would appreciate it deeply if anyone could pray for us our 12 year old daughter Candice living with Chronic congestive heart failure passed away may 30 peacefully in her sleep she is with the Lord we are all devastated we desperately need your prayers please pray for peace and comfort with God's love conquers all amen we lost our first daughter Angel at 15 years old in 2018 peacefully in her sleep she had Ms this is very tough we are grateful to God for two wonderful daughters and we will be altogether again praying for everyone everyday God bless you all

  2. We’re living in the end times. This video serves as a sobering reminder of how much we ought to reject this world and what it has to offer, and instead grow closer to Jesus…

  3. Many prophecies are being fulfilled that most believers are unaware of.

    Amos 8:11  “Behold, the days come, saith the Lord GOD, that I will send a famine in the land, not a famine of bread, nor a thirst for water, but of hearing the words of the LORD:”

    Amos 8:12   “And they shall wander from sea to sea, and from the north even to the east, (it was "south"), they shall run to and fro to seek the word of the LORD, and shall not find it.”    (KJV)

      The first verse was written about what has already happened because there are no longer ANY HOLY BIBLES ON EARTH!!! And the second verse was written about when the films which document the bible changes are no longer able to be seen, which are the ONLY place on Earth where God's TRUE words can still be found. There and in written lists like the one at (amos) (8) (.) (org) (Because soon, they are going to cut the lights!)

       I had studied and memorized scripture out of the same bible since 1961, and began seeing changes in it that I couldn't explain in 2014. Then in 2016 I got my first computer and finaly found out why and saw that there were other true followers of Christ that "prove all things" like we were commanded, who  had found proof of what those verses originally said in the KJV just like I remembered….so I watched THOUSANDS of them over the last 6 years!

       Many prophecies are being fulfilled right now that only a tiny few are aware of. We all had previously misinterpreted them because we didn't consider that they could happen supernaturally. For those of us who can see this, it's the most exciting and faith strengthening thing that's ever happened in our lives! 

       As a very effective tool for saving others from this "strong delusion" I saved some of the best films for showing many of the most important changes, and for pointing out all of the scripture that was written about this in my playlist which you can find by typing into YouTube (PROOF OF BIBLE CHANGE RESIDUE JUNKIE ). I don't make films or money with my channel btw.

         I pray that many more will be blessed with eyes to see this incredible proof of the validity and accuracy of God's prophetic word, and how close we are to our Savior's return!!!

    PLEASE share that playlist because it's bringing strayed believers running back to God and they are writing to tell me so! Halleluyah!!!

    ❕👉❕👉❕👉  Whenever anyone is reading ANY bible now without knowing a LOT about what the thousands of supernatural changes in it are, Satan is laughing his tail off! And here's why, he understands why rat poison is 100% effective. It's 99.95% corn. Rats can't resist it and it kills every rat that eats it! They won't eat it if there's enough poison in it that they can taste it. He could have changed all the words, but then even the tares would notice it.👉👉👉 And he wouldn't have changed what he did if it wouldn't bring people to Hell. There are changes on every page of the KJV, more than any other translation…go figure. So if you aren't seeing changes on every page, you're doing exactly what Satan wants, eating his "rat poison"! I haven't opened my bible, (a KJV) that I got in 1961 and cherished my whole life, in over six years and will never read another one the rest of my life. I learned so much about this that I can't even LOOK at it now without getting a creepy feeling like looking at a Ouija board or a voodoo doll or something! 👉I give everybody the same advise, first watch all the films in my playlist which you'll find by just typing in (proof of bible change residue junkie) for a good understanding of how this is perfectly fulfilling many end time prophecies which we had all previously misinterpreted and to receive a 1,000% increase in faith,👉 then print out the PDF brother Tim has at his KJV restoration project at (I have to write this website in code or skroo tube won't post this comment!) amos ate dot oh are gee, of a long list of the changes that have been documented.👉 And then instead of reading any bible, watch as many of the other videos those channels have made on this as you can before the lights go out and Amos 8:12 is fulfilled too. That way you'll only be reading God's words instead of a mixture of His and Satan's. There'll be time to read Satan's rat poison later if you still want to.

    God bless!!!  ❤✝️💪

    P.S. After people have taken all of the required eugenics injections, they will apply a quantum dot invisible tattoo to their right hand or forehead which glows under black light. But anyone who has had just one of them has a bluetooth mac # that can be read by any smart phone and when they walk through the metal detector at an airport they know if you have taken it or not. The no buying or selling part is happening incrementally and will be complete when cash is abolished. "Worship" can be defined as, "to fear, obey, trust in and depend on someone or thing" which is what they're doing with the Beast system and the Image of the beast, (NWO & TV!) Yes, this absolutely is it, and the 11 SHOCKING  films in the top comment on my community page will PROVE it to anyone who has the courage to watch them.

  4. Jesus NEVER KNEW 'poverty' nor SORROW – NOR 'lack' and LIMITATION – no one EVER suffered LESS
    than 'Jesus' (old name 'Jabez') 1st Chron.4:10 OPPOSED Rev.10:4 – who in essence Prayed "Oh God! That thou would'st BLESS me with The MOST Blessings, and The LEAST 'sufferings' – –
    Our 'maker' the 1st beast AND 'Jesus' the 2nd beast WHOSO'S NAMES are NOT WRITTEN
    in The LAMB'S BOOK of LIFE (Rev.13:8th verse per 17:11) 17:11/11:17 as 2:17 Rev.21:7 – – –
    The KEYS of DAVID (the 'D' means DAVID) ARE (11/17) 17:11 =
    Isaiah 2: 11/17's ditto PER Zechariah 11:17 (Jesus OPPOSES) Matt.17:11 and Rev.11:17
    Because NO CHRISTIAN can DO Isaiah 27:1 nor Zechariah 11:17 – BUT 'David' (Ps.89:35 KJV)
    My page 'ABOUT' for ARMAGEDDON and The TRUE Oracles of MESSIAH (Rev.5:5 is Rev.20:5)

  5. I choose God and His promise of redemption and everlasting life anytime over all the riches in this world. Seek God first and everything will be added to you.

  6. 1 day through the eyes of the universal body is 1000 yrs on earth. 3500 yrs is 1 galactic revolution. 1 galactic day is 1 yr on earth. By the truth of your heart is your crown, God says he is taking all things back to the beginning. Corona means crown, welcome to the corona/tion. The start of corona starts the 6 ft' social distancing firmament. We are also be taking back to in the beginning of Genesis. We are experiencing the 3.5 days of Jesus in the tomb, that is also the 3.5 yrs of darkness, also your God cell is your immune system it can still function 3.5 days after the body dies. We live in the universal body of death darkness, as above so below, you are a universal body we live in the galactic cell of the body of Christ, that is why it is said we live the body of Christ, you are a cell of word upon the body of Christ Lord of hosts. Each cell upon your body is another word of creation, a galactic cell within your universal body as your being of creation is upon equal me/a/sure you of all that matter/s. Everyone you see and bump into in your life is another universal body, we are the multiverse. I wrote a book on this it is called ( The last shall be the first and the first shall be the last ) by Joseph Darrell Walker. I have sold 3 books in 2 years. Your heaven is by all that which you gave, your body is your heaven with every gift of word, if you gave not, you have not and you know not your gift. Kindness is the highest currency. 1 ear and 3 mouths to go.

  7. If anyone sees this I beg please pray for me and my bf for our relationship to stay strong and for him to be a better Christian and get closer w God, pray he chooses the good side always 🙏🏼❤️

  8. Ecclesiastes 10:19
    A feast is made for laughter, And wine makes merry; But money answers everything.

    Ecclesiastes 5:10
    Whoever loves money never has enough;
     whoever loves wealth is never satisfied with their income. This too is meaningless.

  9. Perception of wealth. In the beginning everyone was equal but on differing levels of awareness.
    We were near the bottom of creation and had a spercific function.
    In the fall, alot of energy and information was aquired by Eve that was imparted to Adam. God fed mankind gradually so that he could aquire understanding of God by gradual revelation. Man took and stole the motherload. Man took the energy and information but did not understand what they were looking at. A bit like a 3 year old stealing the theory of relativity. It makes no sence unless you pull it apart and gradually learn concepts that allow you to understand the theory.
    This is the situation we are in. You have to work to aquire wealth. Knowledge. The energy taken at the fall can be used to create with thought. Sin or evil is self thought and so creating without God is sinful. We then can aquire by our thought or Gods thought that is given to us by revelation and the need to be attached to true love.
    This is free choice. Even though we do not realize it. When we desire an object, it becomes available to us but at a cost of energy. Firstly you have to be able to purchase the desired object. You have to barter your thought. You work for someone who gives to you so that you can aquire the object. Employment. You then have to maintain the object or protect it. Symbolically you have to hold the objects thought in your conscousness to keep it alive or someone will steal it or it will be damaged by the inviroment in which we live. We literally fill our world with our thought that we give value to.
    We were designed to take in bits of thought, ideas and concepts of God and those ideas we would live in and explore. Joyfully play with like a child. We create in sin. That creation is like the golden calf in Exodus.
    God made them eat it. We eat and experience what we create. It is a horrific lesson that we no longer realise is a lesson because we are so embedded in our own worldly thought of our truth that we see and experience. A thought loop of deception. Who is the great deceiver. We are. We decieve ourselves. It is not a scapegoat person. Its mankinds self thought.
    Jesus is saying give up worldly thought and recieve true thought. Your memory will then be held in the spirit of the soul. Your accumulated thought that makes your character. Your essence of thought. The desire to work in God rather than yourself.
    We find this hard because we are trained to be independent. However, you aquire thought from your invironment. You are told to behave and think the way of your family, nation etc. You are forced to obey laws but if God says obey my laws, we get lazy because we are not directly connected to Gods thought and we are millions of seperated minds all trying to aquire enough energy to live. God gives freely to his thought. The thought that seperated, lives on its own energy and the stolen energy of others. Profiting at others expense is theft. The energy is not shared. If a land owner is a custodian of the land and uses the land to feed his staff who manage and farm the land, all is good. If a landowner uses his staff to make money for his personal gain, he is evil. Food is symbolic of eating Gods knowledge. If someone takes all the food that others made, and barters it, he is a slave driver like Pharoah.
    Isreal was given land that they could not sell. It was given by God and should not be sold by man.
    God created a paradise and man seperated God from his paradise and then owned it and divided it up and sold it. Man sold animals and crops and even his brother. Yet all belongs to God. What have we done. SO GIVE IT BACK TO THE RIGHTFUL OWNER SO THAT HE CAN CLEAN IT.

  10. Can someone share this video with Jeff Bezos, Elon Musk, & the rest of them that keep stacks of cash sleeping in the banks when the children of the Lord are hungry. 😂 😂 This is not a joke bcos I'm serious while the earth rot away ppl are planning to go n live in space. earth is only the planet in our solar system that wasn't named after any god.

  11. Jesus teaches that giving is to the poor (Matthew 26:9). Never, not even once, did Jesus say, 'Collect the tithes and offerings'. Even Zacchaeus gives to the poor and he was commended by Jesus (Luke 19:8,9). Jesus said to the rich young ruler to give to the poor (Mark 10:21).

  12. The Greatest Gift you can take to heaven is the energy of love, the holy spirit is pure love, God's spirit is pure energy, God's spirit is in your soul and the love of the holy spirit is in your soul your soul is the mind of your spirit, God's world is the world of feelings, mans world is the world of words man made not God given


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