Israel Strikes Rafah Amid Hostage Rescue

Hagar Chemali, Former-Director for Syria and Lebanon at the National Security Council, discusses the strikes that lead to the rescue of two hostages, and what the likelihood of a a ceasefire in the area is. She spoke with Joe Mathieu and Kailey Leinz on Bloomberg Radio and TV.
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37 thoughts on “Israel Strikes Rafah Amid Hostage Rescue”

  1. Saints, i think we're in tribulation. 3.5 years(42 months)exactly since the UN declared covid, until Israel attacked by Hamas…broken peace 42 months in revelation. emmanuel (god with us)michel(who is like God)macron (mark). Thats the man of lawlessness, the son of perdition. He has a BLASPHEMOUS NAME. Baptized at age 12 (Yeshua was found in the temples same age) on his own accord. His wife is 68, hes 44, has no interest in women. TRUMPETS ARE BLOWING, VIALS POURING OUT, BOWLS ARE COMING, ITS HERE !!!!😊 God's people will sing hallelujah!!!!

  2. Why does YouTubed push a Chinese Spyware app like Tik Tok and incessantly advertise fraudulent ads that always lead back to Communist China through a NATO country?
    You Tubed is ripping off Anericans money for Chinese crooks and a big profit.

  3. Why is everyone silent?
    Well, lets see. Maybe it's the fact that the only thing the rest of the world ever hears coming out of them is "death to America", or "death to Israel" or "death to all non-believers".
    While their "death chant rallies" are always a hit with Muslim countries, those same countries will not accept large immigration numbers of Palestinian immigrants. This is because Palestinians have shown, time after time, that no matter where they might go they always bring their religious hatred and murderous violence into their neighbors homes.

  4. Hamas attack happened because of a weak president of the United States, a power-hungry Netanyahu, and barbaric genocidal religious group called Hamas who don't care about their own people they are supposed to govern. Rafah is the breaking point of if Israel can win against Hamas or lose optically and get completely demoralized to absolute submission. Antisemitism will break records and the western countries that has far leftist and Islamic coalitions will end up ripping apart the political world. There are so many eyes watching for Isreal to slip up, and once Isreal does slip up the scenario will unfold that will make life worse for everyone.

  5. Those two hostages were not rescued in Rafah, they were in khan yunis!!!! They were rescued 3 days ago and not yesterday, According to Israelis news … the IDF is lying again just to strike Rafah….

  6. "Anyone who wants to thwart the establishment of a Palestinian state has to support bolstering Hamas and transferring money to Hamas. This is part of our strategy – to isolate the Palestinians in Gaza from the Palestinians in the West Bank." – Benjamin Netanyahu in 2019

  7. Is this 1924 or 2024? How is one country able to carry out all of these autocracies in this day and age 😢. Mandela is probably turning in his grave, fidel Castro is probably turning in his grave a Gaddafi is likely saying what else would you expect……is this really happening in 2024?

  8. Hey Hagar really? Are you truly that ignorant? You’re defending the war machine that slaughtered 800,000 Iraqi, mostly civilians based on a lie? Who do you work for exactly?

  9. Did I miss the part where Hamas and it's infrastructure were already eradicated to resolve it's flagrantly corrupt gang-like influence over the land of Gaza? I thought everyone wanted Palestinians that are innocent of terrorism to be free!

    Why should Israel have to tolerate terrorism?

    Remember the woman in New Mexico who shouted "Stop stop let him go" to the guys that were trying to stop a criminal from attacking a relocation ceremony of a piece of art, ended up getting her wish at the expense of one of the men who was immediately subsequently shot by the attacker, as he was concealing a firearm??

    That's the role you all want?

    Why does that man deserve it?

    For protecting the interest of peaceful society?

  10. Did this Hagar Chemali had been in any rol in a combat Unit? Does she knows anything about what's a combat environment? Does she knows about military strategy? Is she a real expert in something?

  11. If Palestinian Jesus the son of Mary, still lives in Bethlehem or Jerusalem, you think he will be spared? He wasn’t the first time, will the 2nd time be any different 😢😢


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