What is the protruding area on the slope of Mount Fuji | When it erupts Tokyo will | Deepest Japan

Mount Fuji could erupt at any moment. Since the last eruption in 1707 during the Edo period, Mount Fuji(富士山 in Japanese) has been dormant for 300 years. The Nankai megathrust earthquakes could potentially trigger an eruption of Mount Fuji. Once it erupts, volcanic ash would not only affect the nearby Shizuoka, Yamanashi, Kanagawa, and Chiba Prefectures, but also blow towards Tokyo, causing the metropolitan area to come to a halt. In this episode of “Deepest Japan”, we will discuss past eruptions of Mount Fuji and introduce the protrusion on the smooth slope.

also see:
Japanese Manga https://youtu.be/4yqYpVzU2ig
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Tokaido Shinkansen https://youtu.be/WKVHc_XrdKI
the birth of Sega https://youtu.be/gJxk6bI4Mgc
Kyoto Arashiyama https://youtu.be/__etFOR5YAo
Mount Fuji https://youtu.be/Tii-MjSFwwE

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#japaneseculture #japanhistory #japanvlog #japanlife


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