Ninjago Zombies

Being way too obsessed with a niche Marvel zombie story from before most Ninjago fans were born, I decided to turn it into an alternate Ninjago world, figuring out which Ninjago characters would and wouldn’t survive a massive elemental zombie outbreak

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21 thoughts on “Ninjago Zombies”

  1. Wyldfire would be infected very quickly I mean she would try to fight and get infected instantly same with kai. Jay cole zane and lloyd would live and not get infected but nya would.
    This is what i think would happen. Jay has played to many video games to know what is going to happen. Zane is a nindroid and Lloyd does indeed have plot armor. Cole has his golem form so he's safe to.

  2. can we get a video on your thoughts on realm traveling. with the merge and dragons being a huge part of the new series it is a big mystery to me to see what would happen if a dragon tried to realm travel

  3. Welp, you've inspired the side plot for my series

    A zombie apocalypse being going on as a side plot and the main plot group would just keep doing what they're doing like it's a normal Tuesday 😂


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