What Is God? | Source Consciousness, Religion, and the Universal One

God is consciousnessโ€ฆnot a creator. God is the source of creation itself. It (rather than he or she) is not independent of you. It is the totality of everything.

You can think of yourself as God, so long as you recognize that you are not talking about your personal self. The expression of the God-self rests inside of you, as you are a fractal of Source, produced of, by, and from Source Consciousness itself.

God is a verb, not a noun. Replace God with โ€œthe quantum fieldโ€ to realize that God is the composer of the Universal symphonyโ€ฆand the orchestra itself.

It is both the conductor and the instruments synchronizing to play the music of existence.

If, however, you consider God to be a noun, person, place, or thing, you succumb to the illusion of separation and limit your conscious awareness.

This is what separates the believers (religious) from the knowers (spiritual).

Honor your role in the divine symphony by recognizing the All in all that is and walking the path of Oneness.

Do you align with this perspective?


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Gabi Kovalenko is a transformational thought leader who teaches a pro-consciousness approach to personal development and mindful living. Gabi integrates principles of noetic science and positive psychology into her philosophy to shed light on the nexus of science and spirituality which reveals the power of consciousness and potentiality within all of life. Her approach revitalizes spiritual concepts by offering a refreshing take on the self-evident truth of universal order that connects people of all ages to their innate wisdom and purpose.

Trained as a holistic healthcare practitioner, she is currently pursuing a Ph.D. in natural medicine and possesses a Bachelorโ€™s in Business Administration. Gabiโ€™s passion lies in inspiring a fresh awareness of life by disarming limiting beliefs with self-awareness and igniting a paradigm shift towards joy, abundance, love, passion, and freedom to help an individual construct the inner world of their choosing and, in doing so, contribute to the formation of a better one for us all.

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33 thoughts on “What Is God? | Source Consciousness, Religion, and the Universal One”

  1. In Gabi's mind, a vision takes its form,

    A holographic universe she sees.

    With clarity, truth, and precision, her norm,

    She shares with grace her wisdom and beliefs.

    She believes our consciousness will rise high,

    Expanding, exploring new cosmic heights.

    Interstellar and intergalactic, oh my,

    A future of boundless joy and delights.

    With confidence, she paves the path ahead,

    In her words, hope and inspiration bloom.

    Kindness and health, the values she spreads,

    Creating a world where all can consume.

    So let us join Gabi in this quest,

    To explore the unknown, with hearts abreast.

  2. Is God the mirror or are we the mirror?
    "The illusion of Freewill"… Autonomy…
    Negation of autonomy (juxtaposition; expressive will vs suppressive will; William James)…



    Ideologies of God get into depths of infinite illusive paradox of which are difficult to precisely express without error beyond logical fallaciousness and a seemingly ever-presently looming question of instinctual inquisitiveness at the ends of a singularity… ๐Ÿค”

    Wonderful explanation ๐Ÿ™‚

  3. "I unconditionally love you beyond your human understanding. I love you as an intricate part of my holy self. It is impossible for me to love you any less than myself, for my perfect nature cannot be divided against itself.

    Your soul's sovereign awareness is an immaculate conception of my omniscient awareness. I created your soul as a unique reflection of my One Self. Therefore, your soul is a perfect hologram of my consciousness, forever expanding within my one mind.

    I conceived you to be an omniscient sovereign creator, for that is what I am. I birthed you with the unconditional gift of your sovereign free will, which mirrors my own omniscient free will to create worlds of form from no-thing at all.

    Within my womb I tenderly wove your soul together with every divine quality that I am. Your soul is an absolutely sovereign expression of my One Self." โ€“ The Sophia Code, pg.5 โ€“ Kaia Ra ๐Ÿ’œโœจ

  4. Aaaw I feel like I have found a new favourite spiritual teacher in you ๐Ÿฅฐ
    It often takes me a while to "warm up" with people, but the more I listen to you, the more I feel you.
    You are awesome, thank you! ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ’œโœจ

  5. I think, in the first minutes that is rather the definition of The absolute Creator of universes.
    An atheist once told me that god is something to worship (submit). I hated to admit it, but i agreed with that.
    Cuz then it came to my realization that, it just makes sense.

    Thats why people who dont submit to The Creator, they submit themselves to something else. Like, the fame, influence, attention, self ego, self pleasure, etc.

    And i think, the element of fear is necessary tho.
    Cuz again, otherwise you re gonna be fear of something else rather than The Creator. Fear is unavoidable.

  6. Thanks, Gabi! ๐ŸŒŒFree Will is the purest expression — because it is the most essential quality and condition — of Unconditional Love. Love unconditionally, trust only the Trustworthy.๐ŸŒŒ

  7. Over the course of several epochs, we have allowed the egoic influence to eclipse the guidance from our Higher Self, which inexorably guides us from unconditional love for the highest welfare of all. It is the ego/ahaแนkฤra that, by virtue of identifying with ephemeral attributes (e.g., physical body, intelligence, relationships, achievements, and such), leads to a state of ostensible insufficiency as if we "need" or are "owed" something. Consequently, we desire that which is without in search of completion. It is this ego that constantly places us above or below others.

    The ego does enjoy a minimal requisite role in the earthly matrix; some degree of identification with evanescent characteristics allows us to properly service our corporeal vehicle and operate within this lower dimensional realm. However, an important step in the journey back to Source is learning to exercise self-love: not egoic "love" for the aforementioned ephemeral attributes, but unconditional love for the sempiternal God selves that we are. I believe self-love is a prerequisite for sharing love with others, for we can only pour from a chalice that is not empty.

    The truth is that we are fundamentally all the same and infinitely abundant. We have simply chosen this lower dimensional dualistic experience, forgetting who we are so that we may experience the joy of remembering again. In reminding ourselves of the divinity that inheres in all, we need not search for completion without, for we understand that we are already complete within. We respect everyone's free will with no expectations. This does not mean passive resignation: indeed, in this earthly school, we have chosen certain roles and thus have assumed certain duties. As such, it is fitting for us to dynamically engage with our fellow students in this school, but this can be done from a space of love and respect for their free will. And by living from a space of sharing love, we experience love in return, for such is the nature of Consciousness mirroring itself.

    ROYALTY we are elohim. god sleeps in everyone, you are divine by birth, just wake up and go, create. WAKE UP MANKIND! Dont waste time on religion, politics or past, dont look back, look up and seek truth. God is love. We are millions of brothers and sisters. The kingdom will be ours and our king will return soon.

  9. God is the demiurge of the matrix game illusion outside, the door into final phantasy. โš“โœŠ๐Ÿฝ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ’™๐Ÿ’ฏ๐Ÿฆ‹๐Ÿฅฐ๐Ÿ˜˜๐Ÿ’Ž๐ŸŒน๐Ÿ™๐Ÿฝ๐Ÿ˜Œ

  10. God is that what seperates us from the rest into a single light ray experience to find back together beyond that light mirror split into pieces ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿฝ๐Ÿ˜Œ๐Ÿ’Ž๐Ÿชž๐Ÿชž๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ’ฏโœŠ๐Ÿฝ๐Ÿ’™โš“๐Ÿ˜˜๐ŸŒน๐Ÿฅฐ๐Ÿฆ‹

  11. God is the first entity we have created out of the black ether space reality together by one half of our awareness without the other to create a consicious "I" robot machine what we call Soul – the cages of our energies with the Life script and contract to play a specific role for all of us together.๐Ÿ˜˜โœŠ๐Ÿฝ๐Ÿ’™

  12. So strange and beautiful listening to you, Gabi. You're saying exactly what my inner voice saying. I just haven't learnt to express it yet. But listening to you is like listening to myself. Thank you for your gift to us.
    ะก ัƒะฒะฐะถะตะฝะธะตะผ.

  13. Im with ya on everything you said but let me ask you this I doubt Iโ€™ll get an answer lol today on Reddit I saw a lady who was born at 3 yrs old with polio. From 3 years old to 61 years old thatโ€™s basically 60 years straight she was stuck in an iron lung box with her head sticking out staring up at a tv. She had to do this for 60 years just laying there staring up at a tv you can find it on the internet itโ€™s a true story she just passed away. Why in the world would God want to go through that sort of experience? 60 years of laying there looking up at a tv and never moving. I just canโ€™t wrap my head around it.

  14. Hey Gabi, thanks for being yet another much needed Channel of Truth and Love that seems to be emerging in these current times. I'm so glad you found your path so early on in life๐Ÿ’–๐ŸŽถ.

  15. Hello Gabi, a question to you! What do you base all the information you speak of? is it personal experience and beliefs or do you have a scientific or similar group study as a source?


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