What Is a Werewolf #pathfinder2e #pathfinder2e bestiary

For one more adventure idea go to https://www.skullrpg.com/werewolf

The curse of the werewolf, also known as lycanthropy to many, instills in its carriers the hungry bloodlust and predatory instincts of the wolf. Werewolves tend to dwell on the fringes of society or in small settlements where, in their humanoid forms, they work as laborers, hunters, farmers, or trappers. At night, however, these same villagers transform into violent killers and sadistic stalkers who prey on their neighbors. Werewolves are the quintessential werecreature, and the first that comes to mind when most people speak of such beings.

  This curse affects only humanoids. Saving Throw Fortitude DC is the standard DC for the werecreature’s new level minus 1. On each full moon, the cursed creature must succeed at another Fortitude save or turn into the same kind of werecreature until dawn. The creature is under the GM’s control and goes on a rampage for half the night before falling unconscious until dawn. If you are a player and the GM tells you that you wake up in a different place covered in blood, you might be a werecreature.

  Can you cure a werewolf? Wolfsbane, Core Rulebook page 553, is a poisonous plant that can cure the curse of the werecreature. It’s effective only if consumed before the creature transforms for the first time. If the creature survives wolfsbane’s effects without using magic to aid in surviving, the creature can attempt a new saving throw against the curse of the werecreature. On a success, the creature is cured.

  Werewolves can form deadly packs. Although most werewolves hide their curse by adopting solitary lifestyles, some retain the pack mentality of true wolves. A small group of such werewolves typically forms a family-like pack, with the eldest or most powerful serving as the leader; new pack mates are hand-chosen and inculcated into the family as its influence grows. Maybe your players need to hunt down an entire pack of werewolves.

An adventure idea for the werewolf. A group of werewolf hunters seeks the players’ help in tracking down and killing a particularly dangerous werewolf that has been eluding them for years.


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