What God Told Me About Halloween May Surprise You – Prophecy | Troy Black

God showed me two prophetic visions along with a message for the Body of Christ about Halloween.

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#Halloween #Prophecy #TroyBlack

Troy Black is a Christian YouTuber, author, and prophetic voice. His two simple goals are to be obedient to the Holy Spirit and to get the gospel of Jesus Christ in front of as many people as possible.


27 thoughts on “What God Told Me About Halloween May Surprise You – Prophecy | Troy Black”

  1. Thank you for the message. For me and my sons, the Lord told me not to allow them to participate when they were young. Unfortunately, i disobeyed and allowed it for several years as i caved in for pressure from a family member. We did sop and praise the Lord, when i was baptized in His name i was forgiven. Several years ago hearing a talk on Halloween i felt convicted that i allowed my sons to participate so i quickly repented and asked the Lord not to lay the charge on them as i was responsible because i made the decision and they had no idea as children, what the implications were. And today, i stay far away & do not participate. Not out of fear but out of obedience to my Lord.

  2. I am Christian and my husband is not our kids celebrate it going to trick or treat. I do pray every day and I plead the blood of Jesus over them. I don’t like Halloween 😢😮.

  3. I had a Christian tell me that I am evil and that me and my kids were going to go to hell because we celebrate Halloween. Halloween isn't evil. It's what you make of it. My kids have also dressed in non evil costumes. We do trunk.or treating at churches and then go in our neighborhood. I have a close relationship with God and I know that I am not evil because I celebrate Halloween. How dare a so called Christian say that about me and.my family.when she doesn't even know us. God knows our hearts and that's all that matters!!! What do you say to someone who.days that to you. This person is very judgemental ….period!!!

  4. I really appreciate this message. It is reassuring to me because of similar inpressions I have felt by the Spirit.

    Several years ago, I went through a dark time where I allowed in demonic influence into my life. When the Lord brought me out of that, I felt like I wanted to distance myself as much as I could from that influence. I didn’t want to participate, nor have my children participate in Halloween. I was afraid of giving any access to the enemy.

    My kids though encountered celebrations at school and they really wanted to dress up and enjoy time with their friends. I felt so torn. I explained to my kids my feelings and stance, and what Halloween was stemmed from, but they still desperately wanted to. I knew that if I forced the situation, my children would resent me and anything I tried to teach them, so I prayed. I felt the Spirit telling me it was okay that I let my children dress up. I wasn’t planning on decorating at home nor having the kids trick or treat, but I felt like it was okay to allow this at this time. It was kind of against what I was expecting. At this point it was very last minute to find costumes and I felt the Spirit guiding me where to go to get the things we needed. This surprised me because I didn’t think God would have supported me doing this, especially when I had clearly come to a realization of Halloween’s offenses.
    I realized it wasn’t in this moment about Halloween, but helping my children feel that unconditional love… I think my kids saw that even though I was against the day, I was still there for them and would help them anyway. I think God does that for us too.
    I began to feel that hiding myself away on that day was not quite the right answer… I needed to occupy territory and shine God’s light to others, instead of shaming or condemning them. I didn’t need to engage in activities that I felt would offend the Spirit and my spirit, but I could walk among people, filled with the Spirit. I could pray for people, I could pray over my children to protect them from any influence of the enemy, I could help and serve other people.
    I didn’t have to fear the enemy as I walked in the light of God.

    Thank you for being bold to share your impressions from the Spirit. Because of the way I was brought up, I doubt myself a lot, but hearing you speak the same things I have felt in my spirit encourages me to be more confident in that.

  5. Thank you so much for this video. Having been a Pagan for several years, having been in a so-called "circle of energy" many times, I feel a sense of fear during times of major Pagan festivals such as Halloween and other strategic festivals. I needed to hear this message. I now know that God is protecting me and that I don't have to fall for demonic enticement, I merely have to call on Jesus and resist the draw towards it that I feel. Thanks once again!

  6. People, please, do this:
    when children are in the front of your door, give only one candy per kid, with a little Gospel of John 3:16 for example. And if thay ask you something, be prepared 😀
    God bless you all 🙏

  7. Yep! we as Saved Christians have nothing to be afraid of in regards to anything demonic, that's why we have a special opportunity as Christians to reach people who are on the wrong path, so that God can deliver them! <3 The Cross destroyed the works of the devil, and we have immense power over it by the Holy Spirit in us, and it allows us to be the light… tell me.. where does a light shine the most? where do people best notice a light, The Light we have from Christ? in the darkness.

    Colossians 2:15

    And having disarmed the powers and authorities, he made a public spectacle of them, triumphing over them by the cross.

  8. One thing that you have mistaken is the passage of Acts when Paul mentions the Altar. The difference between that passage and what Christians are doing is He NEVER opened the door to this unknown god (spirit). He never worshipped this unknown spirit…in fact just as Ephesians 5:11 he exposed it. But nowadays Christians are opening the doors to demonic attacks left and right. They are partaking (and essentially worshipping) in the cup of demons in the name of sharing the gospel. For these practices are a form of worship to the devil. It's one thing to share the gospel. It's another to dress in costume, pass out candy or trick or treat, while slapping a gospel tract in there too. Those are demonic rituals that Christians should not have anything to do with. God will not be mocked. He wil not impart His Holiness with the practices of the devil. I have nothing against sharing the gospel on Halloween but not under the way Christians are doing today. Sorry but you cannot drink of the cup of demons and the cup of the Lord.

  9. When we were Catholic we used to participate in aloween we experiences lots of bad things like poverty sickness argument in the house there was no peace. People that is open door for demonic attacks. Blood of jesus cover us

  10. Halloween literally means Evening of all that's Holy, followed by All Saints Day. Remember the Our Father?
    "Our Father who art in Heaven, Hallow be Thy Name!"
    Hallow and Holy are the same word!
    Holy Evening = Halloween


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