What Does It Mean to Be a King?

What does it mean to be a king or queen? Perhaps nothing more than just being the best human being one can be.

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#king #queen #philosophy #coronation #history


7 thoughts on “What Does It Mean to Be a King?”

  1. Many thanks again to all of you who discussed with me and gave me feedback to my previous video! I hope you will also enjoy this one! And don't hesitate to write me about your thoughts in the comments. I really enjoy reading your thoughts and opinions and having this dialogue with you. — Andy

  2. One interesting thesis is that belief in reincarnation originates from a stage in religious thought in which the afterlife was exclusively for the elite. As afterlife doctrines became gradually democratized (as shown with the funerary texts of ancient Egypt), the belief was retained in some societies that
    a) the royals were closer to the afterlife, and
    b) a person could be reborn into a higher station as a reward for good deeds.
    Therefore, being royalty would be the last stage in the soul's journey before the attainment of divinity or salvation.

  3. Philo Sophia!
    I struggle to find minds that can comprehend my own. The current mind of society is unstable and difficult to communicate with. Too many have an ego that is impenetrable.

    Thank you for being a mind of deep contemplation.

  4. There is a whole discussion to be had as to how in modern culture the princess have come out of the shadow of the king and queen to become her own archetype.

    As archetype, the princess simply hits the perfect spot; 'king and queen' is too patriarchal, 'royalty' is just too broad. And, if Marco Diaz is any indication, a male princess is not unheard of, therefore one cannot make the case that 'princess' excludes whole genders anymore.


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