What are the Top Armies in 10th Edition Now? – Warhammer 40k

With the dust settling on the recent game updates, where do we think the top armies rank, and have they changed?

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24 thoughts on “What are the Top Armies in 10th Edition Now? – Warhammer 40k”

  1. So caveat because I haven’t had an opportunity to read everything, but isn’t there a reference to whenever the rules refer to “after“ meaning that X ability is triggering immediately. So the Primus redeploying, after would mean they have to redeploy immediately after both players have deployed? Maybe I’m crazy and just thought I read/heard that.

  2. As for puppy MORTAR-ion: It's just that his job is to stand near the PBCs, instead of, say, go and actively try to fight anything. He'll engage someone sent to disrupt said PBS. So yes, he's a passive guard puppy, whose job is to provide buffs to artillery. Just like in the lore!

  3. played in my first ever tournament this weekend. First game my brain had shut down before the game even started and my opponent took advantage of that to do some shady stuff. Other two games were fun, and I even won one!

  4. 58:40 The statement "Someone has to end in engagement range" is actually false RAW, when you roll the exact result on your charge roll to get into engagement range but not base-to-base, you can move "up to" the distance you rolled for the charge, and you are now a unit that has successfully charged. You can stop 1.1" outside of your charge target if you like, you just have to be closer to them then you started. This way, if you have multiple charges, they can't interrupt with that unit because you'll be out of engagement range, then you can move into base-to-base with the pile-in

  5. Surely the point of the firing deck ratlings is because the firing deck can shoot, then the ratlings can get out shoot and move back into the tabk so get to RAW shoot twice because the tank counts as being the unit that has shot?

    I dont think this is intended one bit but thats my thoughts.

  6. The TO at the GT i just got back from ruled the GSC redeploy comes after the role for first turn because it's a pregame ability and doesn't say "immediately after deployment" or "after deployment, but before rolling for first turn."

  7. Abomination gladius? What does that even mean? Blood angels or dark angels characters in gladius isnt even close to breaking the game so im not sure why that's being called out as a problem

  8. Custodes are just a feelsbad for melee armies, Fights First should work like how it did in 9th, you do all the work to successfully make a charge, you should at least get to swing with one of your units. Custodes shouldn't be untouchable against melee

  9. GW always has and still does struggle to balance melee and shooting. 9th was a melee edition and 10th so far is very much shooting. Would love to see a situation where both are equally viable.

  10. To anyone playing 10th edition, what have you been using for missions? For some reason the 10th core book doesn't have missions in it like previous editions, only combat patrol

  11. Sorry not had a chance to watch the whole episode yet. But can Firing Deck models Fire Overwatch? The rules commentary mentions the Whirlwind ability but that is datasheet ability not a core rule and states after your you have "shot". Firing Deck however saying each time a model is selected in the shooting phase… Counts as being equipped..". Then OverWatch States you're allowed to shoot as if it were your shooting phase. So is it an Out of Phase ability at that point or allowed to Fire Overwatch?


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