Jesus Showed Me His Plan for America's Future

Jesus showed Jon Hamill His plan for America’s future. America, get ready…
▶▶Turnaround Decrees by Jon Hamill [Book & 3-CDs]:
▶▶Turnaround Decrees by Jon Hamill [Digital Download]:

We can rise above our culture and every downward spiral.

The powers of darkness have been working overtime to turn a generation away from God, opposing God at every street corner and leaving a trail of family brokenness and wrong thinking in its wake.

But the good news is that you serve the God of the Turnaround.

Out of an unexpected prophetic word, Jon and Jolene Hamill launched a growing movement to agree with God for our nation. The results have been overwhelming!

Jon and Jolene’s new book, Turnaround Decrees, intends to multiply that many times over—with prayers, decrees and activations that will render turnaround verdicts from Heaven on your behalf and our nation’s behalf. It’s the chorus of believers that Heaven wants to hear, and it starts in your living room.

The Lion of Judah is roaring now.

Turnaround Decrees empowers you to:
• Push through ANY God-opposing limitations
• Prophesy destiny over your children and future generations
• Stand against assaults of the enemy on our nation and its leaders
• Invoke your rights to God’s Covenant of Peace and all intended benefits

Make your voice part of the Lion’s Roar.

Jon Hamill simply asks—Love your family, your country? Yes. Love the culture of our day? Maybe not! Jon reminds you that the more your words match God’s declarations, the more they resonate in this realm. His power is able to fix families, governments and even cultures.

Jon gets right to the point—your voice is a vital part of the Lion’s Roar. With that in mind, Jon’s 3-CD/audio series, Turnaround, will quickly build you up to speak out. Turnaround’s proven strategies establish you as part of Heaven’s government. Just submit yourself to God and make your voice heard. Nothing is too big, too far or beyond your reach!

A single verse of restoration, Isaiah 61:3, promises you beauty for ashes, joy, the garment of praise. Will God do it? Yes. Through you!

▶▶Turnaround Decrees by Jon Hamill [Book & 3-CDs]:
▶▶Turnaround Decrees by Jon Hamill [Digital Download]:

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Copyright Sid Roth’s It’s Supernatural! 2023
#SidRoth #Jesus #America


46 thoughts on “Jesus Showed Me His Plan for America's Future”

  1. I appreciate this,but I don’t agree with interrupting the guest to announce the commercial,it’s unnatural & loses the track of what the guest is saying. Not necessary. Relax

  2. Blessed Jesus I totally in agreement with this prayer in the Court of Heaven Turnaround for my Children and Family in Jesus Christ Mighty Name Amen and Amen. Your Kingdom come Your Will be done here on Earth as it is in Heaven. 🩸🔥🙏

  3. Poison and The Antidote

    The viles of Poison runs thick within the veins of The Body. Through repetition, The Body gradually becomes susceptible to the Poison. In a stance of ignorance, The Body Exclaims " We dont need The Antidote, for we have trained ourselves to be receptive to the ways Poison!" In foolishness and prideful rebellion , substitution of The Water for Poison has become a tradition amongst The Body. The blinded will, of The Body , continues to consume larger quantities of Poison with persistence and vain dedication. As a result, The Body becomes feeble , losing its strength. The Body reaps its dead harvest of destruction due to the sowing of the Poison amongst itself. The tongue dries out and fades away , for there is no longer Water left in The body, as it only has Poison to hydrate itself with. The eyes hallucinate to give way of its own imagination. The drums of the ears bleed with great distress. The Nerves loses its senses within The Body. The touch of its Fingers become useless and in vain. The smell of the air becomes polluted with the stench of death. In its own depraved mind, filled with delusion, The Body continues to refuse The Antidote in ignorance. The Heart, which is brought to a cease, puts an end to the life of The Body. In closure, The bellies of the Vultures are fattened ,as they gloat over their provided meal of carcass.

    May The Lord Yeshua grant Wisdom and Understanding through His Holy Spirit to any ears that are willing to hear and eyes that desire to see. May The Symbolism and Allegory be used for The Glory of Yehovah and His Son Yeshua Hamashiach. May The Truth Manifest in Exhortation, Admonition, Edification and Love. May we Humble ourselves and re examine our hearts with genuine Repentance and Submit ourselves to The Lord Yeshua Messiah. Blessings to All in The Name of Yeshua Hamashiach, that is above all, Amen!

    In this Context:

    The Body represents people of God – Whether in a group setting as a church or an Individual.

    The Poison represents the Ways of The World, The Ways of The Devil, The ways of Man's evil intentions,False Prophets, False Teachers, Lies from the Enemy, Pride, Comprimisation of The Truth, Rebellion, and mans wisdom that relies and leans on his own understanding.

    The Antidote and The Water represents our Lord,King and God Yeshua Messiah.

    The Vultures represent those who wait for their evil intentions to come to fruition. Fake people , filled with Evil Motives. Accusers.

    All is in Allegory and Metephors to deepen our Faith in self re-evaluation and Exhortation.

    Brothers and Sisters stop consuming the "Poison" of this World! Stop leading yourself to death by accepting teachings that Tickle your ear for your own convenience. Flee from the ways of This World and False Prophets who compromise the Gospel for their own selfish Ambitions. Stop seeking out excuses to justify your sinful ways. Flee from being Luke-Warm , one foot in The World, and The Other with The Lord, for that The Lord Hates. Remove yourselves from Cursing,Malice, Slander, Gossip, Drunkenness, Homosexuality, Fornication,Sexual Immorality, Idolatry and Anything The Lord Despises for those things lead to destruction. Is it not written that The wages of Sin is death? We all stand Condemned and Deserve the death Penalty but Christ , who is Perfect took our Punishment in our place! Believe in Him for He is The Only Way to The Father in Heaven! If you truly Love The Lord, you would put on the Robes of Obedience to His ways. Is it not Written that If you Love The Lord, Obey His Commandments? Test every Spirit, For Many have come to twist scripture to fill their pockets in Greed. Many Anti-Christ Spirits have come, filled with lawlessness, telling you its ok to continue in your Sin. They use the basis of love to distort the Truth and teach you to accept the ways of the world which leads to destruction. I urge you to be like the bereans and root yourselves in The Word of God so that you may not be deceived by Man. Those who are bitten by the sting of the Posion, please do not be foolish and Continue to drink it habitually but take The Antidote. Seek Christ Yeshua , for He Holds the Everlasting Words of Life. He gives the Springs of Water of Life for anyone that comes to Him in Faith. He is The Only Way , The Truth , and The Life! Ask for Forgiveness, and He is Faithfull and Just to Forgive. Repent and turn away from your sinful ways and Put your Faith and Trust in Him, The Way to Life. Humble Yourself, Repent from the ways of The World, and Submit yourselves to The Son of God , Yeshua Adonai, before the poison consumes you and kills you. Poison Kills and Numbs and The Lord gives Life, Grace , Mercy and Forgiveness. Brothers and Sisters , Choose Wisely before the poison kills you only to feed the Vultures who wait patiently for your destruction.

    God Bless you All in Love and Truth in Yeshua's Name, To God be the Glory Forever and Ever , Amen

  4. GOD will be unleashing his "Angel of Death", for those that oppose his ways, … just like in the days of Moses, when the Israelites were in Egypt, … and the "Angel of Death" bypassed the children of Israel.

  5. 👼Divine intervention, deliverance for me from demonic witchcraft dreams, andevil intentions & curses, demonic powers/works of evil doers & toronto satanic people of the devil and 🇨🇦evil canadians, evil spirits. Increase of knowledge & divine help, protection, wisdom, godly friends & divine health, success, godly favor, for me & my sister Natalie, her Kistemaker family in Ontario, my mother Ana, my brothers James & Henry & their Veltmeyer families in California & Ecuador team. I 😇 need divine healing in thyroid from inflammation & my mother Ana need healing in her right eye today from catarat operation.🙏To bring my bunny pet Snowball by our Lord Jesus in my apartment. God bless you abundantly. 🐇

  6. Praise God for birthing his son Jonathan again on His Birthday! He’s ever gracious God!!! I pray for Him to reveal Himself to my three children physically in His precious way and all the children out there that the enemy is busy trying to confuse to confirm to them who He truly is in Jesus’ Name! Amen!

  7. There are pre-requisite before a nation can be turned around. I honestly don’t see it happening in America not yet at least. However, if enough of the Church truly repents, it is possible

  8. The amount of 14’s that I have seen which literally started in 2014 when I lived at 14 Antler Loop has been over the top! I have dove into the Word of God for meaning. Deliverance hour! Jesus is our deliverer!

  9. Ok . There will be many false prophets these days. Here is what sticks out 1 – it was an empty scroll- how did he know it was the declaration? Where is scripture to back that up?
    He says he knew turnaround for the country, turnaround for family – if he knew this already how is that prophecy? Did God tell him. He references the bible to what he claims not what the bible claims to what he sees or claiming. Jon hamill is also a NAR religion. If we dont rise the devil will destroy america. No the earth belongs to the Lord no— satan cannot touch anything without God approval (job). Only God can repair our past by forgiveness of sins. 3- why doesnt he say the scripture but he references movies!!!?😳😳😡 true prophets call us to repentance. … Look at jeremiah, jonah, samuel.

  10. Please help me pray to UNDO the works of evil, and pray for the Earth to ignite, in the spirit, with the three flames of 1. God’s perfect love, 2. God’s perfect righteousness and 3. God’s perfect respect for others.

  11. IF WE ARE IN THE END TIMES, (and I believe we are) THEN THOSE AMERICANS RELUCTANT TO LET GO OF AMERICA, ARE ACTING LIKE LOTS WIFE America is not our Salvation. America does NOT have covenants and promises like Israel does. Occupy while we're here, yes. But, the only way for a "turn-around" as this soothsayer promises, is not in government. It's through sound doctrine in the churches and Evangelism in America to first CHANGES HEARTS thru Jesus, then the laws will follow. What good is a godly law to the reprobate minds of the spiritually dead? Satan has American Christians chasing our tails in the everchanging government circus so that we're preaching our politics instead of preaching our Lord's Gospel. We don't have a "Christian nation" if Christian values are only in the laws and not in the hearts.

  12. It would appear, that if you TRULY cared about the human race, you would blanket the nation with this information of extreme importance.
    It's a good thing salvation is FREE…because we followers of Christ are left penniless…while many bank accounts become fat, preying off the innocent.
    If the Lord has given you revelation ~ and you are attempting to PROSPER FINANCIALLY from it ~ you're just another moneychanger in the temple of God. And Jesus is about to angrily upset your table! You should rethink your position and instead, plaster every internet platform, with your personal "divine vision/revelatory prophecy".
    The only secret/sacred knowledge in existence, that I'm privy to, is that which The Fallen have shared with mankind. The same, which was contained within the fruit of the 'Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil', in The Garden of Eden.
    Satan is happy to share that which he possesses ~ but it ALWAYS carries the highest of cost!
    YHWH, our Heavenly Father, on the other hand ~ FREELY blesses us with eternal life, forgiveness of sin, freedom from bondage, deliverance from demonic strongholds, healing of infirmity!
    AT NO COST to us because HE, HIMSELF, paid the ransom with His own precious Blood!!
    But you wish to SELL US your secret prayers? Because other prayers don't work? God ONLY LISTENS if we repeat what you say?
    Daily, it is necessary we check our thoughts, words, conduct ~ to ensure we are representating Jesus Christ, properly.
    Ughhhh…my heart is grieved. 💔🙏 Lord, have mercy, I pray. May we hunger and thirst after righteousness. And YOU!! NEVER looking to man!! We need search NO further than Your Holy Scriptures. Within which, is contained THE answer to EVERY query. Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord God Almighty!! And worthy to be praised 🙏💙🙏💙🙏

  13. About two and a half years ago, the Holy Spirit said to me: THERE WILL BE MANY SUDDENLIES…

    Not only will God turn things around in America, but also in South Africa, and all around the world. God have had enough of all the evil that is going on in the world..


  15. In order to put God's plan for our future into perspective, study Exodus. It's a message just as much for today as it was for the Israelites thousands of years ago. God will show you his power so that you may know he is the one and only Lord of all. That's what the tribulation is about, and that is what the pre-tribulation is about. Regardless of when the rapture occurs, ALL will suffer before the tribulation begins.

    Remember how God hardened pharoah's heart over and over again so he'd refuse to let his people go? He did that purposely so that he would have a clear platform to show them wonders which they have never seen and never will see again. Things got progressively terrible until the Lord finally allowed the message to sink in to pharoah's head and heart. The last plague upon Egypt established the link between first born and salvation, but God knew nobody, even the Jews, would 'get' that then. He was establishing precedent as the Lord always does.

    That precedent is working today. We're just seeing the beginning, the birthing pains for what is to come.

  16. Before my older son passed on February 21,2021 on June of 2020 I was shown in my dream I saw my son as healthy and peaceful with a smile on his face I was there with him in heaven the place were I my son was the tress of the leaves were dark and the grass was so green that it was a peaceful place

  17. Do Not Be Deceived, There Is No Truth That Can Be Found In There Words.
    God Said In His Word:
    "For My Ways, Are Not Your Ways.
    My Thoughts, Are Not Your Thoughts.
    For They Are Higher Then The Heavens From The Earth."
    Gods Ways Are Not The Ways Of Man.
    Therefore Do Not Be Deceived By False Visions And Delusions.

  18. "Righteousness and repentance exalts a nation, but sin is a reproach to any people" . We must repent. Time is running out. Jesus is coming back : make no mistake about it. The signs are there. Nothing else has to happen in history and prophecy before his return for his church and the Tribulation hour with the Anti–Christ. Judgement is coming. Repentance and prayer is urgent. "Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord". Psalms – 33:12. God is merciful and saves anyone from Hell. John 03:16-17


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