WESKER IS HERE. | Resident Evil 4: SEPARATE WAYS (Part 2)

Welcome back to Resident Evil 4: Separate Ways. It’s wesker time.

2nd Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC6LSW-L7wOFb7i562dOElBA
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/iam8bitryan
Check out my Instagram – https://www.instagram.com/8bitryan/?hl=en
Follow me on Twitter – https://twitter.com/IAm8BitRyan

Game: https://store.steampowered.com/app/2109300/Resident_Evil_4__Separate_Ways/

Myuu: http://youtube.com/myuuji
Kevin Macleod: http://incompetech.com/wordpress/


48 thoughts on “WESKER IS HERE. | Resident Evil 4: SEPARATE WAYS (Part 2)”

  1. Dunno, maybe people are complaining how RE2 had that alternate route while for this DLC you had to pay on top of the original experience to experience it? eh, I'm just a casual viewer and I really enjoy the series, paid DLC or not. May experience it for myself in the near future hAHA

  2. I mean yeah. The dlc is about someone else's PERSPECTIVE. This was the same thing with we happy few (all but the brothers), its a different experience but same environment wtf else is there to change (and even then there was some new areas).

  3. Ya know interesting thing I had learned before, if you plan to upgrade a weapon, let its mag go down low, like maybe 1 or 2 bullets, go for mag size, and get free Ammo from it, without having to scavenge for it.

  4. oh my god the clapping at the begging absouletly perfect and funny man your the best youtuber ever so keep making these absouletly great youtube videos all the time I also watched your new apherobia video yesterday as soon as it came out and that was a great video aswell

  5. Don Quixote is Don "Key-hoe'-tay" aka "The Man of La Mancha," the main character in a Spanish novel from the 1600s. It's about a man who wanted to be a knight but possibly had some mental issues. He though a bunch of windmills were giants and charged against them to fight them. A farmer named Sancho Pansa followed him as a "squire" and protected Quixote from hurting himself. Hense why Luis called Leon "Sancho" in the main game.


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