Welcome Home: Part 2 Update

The second chapter for Welcome Home has arrived! Support Clown for the Welcome Home project here: https://ko-fi.com/partycoffin

Official Site: https://www.clownillustration.com/welcome-home


Night Mind Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/nick_nocturne

Night Mind Index: https://www.nightmind.info

NM Patreon: https://bit.ly/3sI1PUh

NM Twitter: https://goo.gl/OHSW0F

NM Facebook: https://goo.gl/iPdnq9


34 thoughts on “Welcome Home: Part 2 Update”

  1. Barney really sounds like he's controlling Wally throughout the audio. It's creepy how subtly it's done. Like it's one thing if the horror is felt by the people reacting to a character that's "not right" but it's a whole different thing when the horror is the experience of the one that is "not right".

  2. I have nothing of value to add to this video. I'd just like to say I think it would be fitting if Night Mind is the Welcome to Night Vale of unfiction universes. The auditory resemblance is uncanny. As well as the vaguely threatening air of something old, grand, and malevolent

  3. I ran into someone that had one of the characters name in her screenname, and i started talking to her.

    She hadn't seen these videos, and i realized quickly that she doesn't know it's an arg.

    I didn't tell her, because apparently she just enjoys it at face value, and that's one of the sweetest, most innocent thing ever.

    I started looking, and i found Wally Darling cosplays.

  4. so we all agree that Wally is autistic, but…he could also have amnesis, like in the guestbook when someone asks what Wally's favorite memory is, and he replies with "no memory"…and now he's even forgetting who he is! it's getting worse.

    I think Barnaby is like a parent to Wally that he never had, he teached him things, he notices him more, he buys him things, all that, and I absolutely love that Barnaby calls Wally 'kid', it's adorable for some reason, I think Wally was raised by himself and without anyone to teach him as he "grew", and thats why he's a little slow with things, I think he always spectates to observe how everyone else is like, and Clown said Barnaby teached Wally how to laugh I think!

  5. It feels like Barnaby is Wally's "keeper", teaching Wally to act normal, accompanying him to the interview, and even talking directly to "Home". If anyone has an idea of what's going on I think it would be Barnaby.

  6. Thank you Nick. I hope this becomes the structure for live-type videos going forwards, chat can be a bit distracting and the redeems outright interfere with what you're trying to do.

  7. Clown and their team have truly accomplished something special here. this is spectacular so far, and I'm sure it will continue to be. thanks for covering this project!

  8. Thank you, anodyne-voiced narrator, for braving hunger and uncomfortable temperatures to bring us this amazing video! It's interesting that from the puppets' point of view, the puppet show sets look just as real to them as the real world does to us. I wonder, though, why Wally looking down in each video clip, instead of at the other characters. The audio clips sound more scripted, which means Wally could have been the first big neurodivergent character on children's television, and how cool would that be?

  9. Something I've personally noticed taking this all in is that in both the secret bug scenes & the audio files, there's an almost connecting pattern of Wally being ignored. In fact, that seems to be a general theme with everything so far; The concept of non-existence. Alongside how it's suggested the show never existed at all, it seems to be that Wally might be aware of the fact that he has/had a passive presence in the neighbourhood, like he's often expected to be someone who only speaks when spoken to.

    Another thing I noticed is that with the black goo making the exhibit staff mad, with it coming from the house and with Wally living inside- Who'd go on to call said staff- It makes me think the goo might cause victims to enter a state of maddening comprehension, ala Lovecraftian horrors. Maybe through the goo, Wally is now painfully self aware that he's a character on… Something and is now desperately trying to reach out to somebody, anybody, who'll finally acknowledge him as a human being that exists.

    Smaller theories I'm a fan of is that Poppy's actually Barnaby's mom, and that Barnaby's Wally's caretaker dog- I saw that last one in the comments here, was too lovely not to believe haha

  10. This might be obvious to everyone, but I'm pretty sure that the "merch," specifically the Wally Telaphone and the letter set, is just stuff Wally took from around his house to send to the research team.

  11. I know that this isn't relevant to the video above, but I think you will enjoy Emesis Blue. For a first time SFM project/movie, you wouldn't be able to tell that this was the creation teams first try.

  12. I think Wally is hiding something with his monotone. I do this all the time when I am upset. When someone is being angry or abusive towards me I purposefully make myself more and more calm. And talk about other things. Wally is repressing something. There are times when Wally slips and you hear some distress in his voice. To me people want to pacify Wally. Is why they talk patronizing him it has hints of malicious intentions.

  13. I noticed a discrepancy between the transcript of the "just so" song demo and the audio recording. When Wally says " I dont mind that you reorder my crayons." in the transcript it says "I dont mind that you steal my crayons". I wonder if that was just a typo or if it was intentional and if intentional does it mean anything and if there are any more "accidents."


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