Welcome Home Boso Ta – Overview of X4 Kingdom End

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The Boron are back in the X-Universe, and they’re making a big impact. A strange jump gate has suddenly appeared in a neutral sector, which is causing anxiety among the different races of the X-Universe.

To avoid any unforeseen complications, they dispatch an exploration team composed of members from various factions. However, with the factions typically divided, this joint effort is expected to be fraught with difficulties and disagreements. What kind of secrets and thrills are in store for you is a mystery yet to be uncovered. Join me on an exciting journey to explore the many wonders of Kingdom End.

As in previous expansions, there will be two different game starts, which will allow you to begin the story from different perspectives. However, these starts will merge early on in the game, and you will have the opportunity to play all of X4’s storylines from there. No spoilers here. You will find another video later this week about the storylines and their specifics.


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36 thoughts on “Welcome Home Boso Ta – Overview of X4 Kingdom End”

  1. As someone who started with the X games in X4, I'm very happy to see progress and iteration continue with this expansion and eagerly await future installments.
    I understand the Dev's are happy to have completed their map from previous games. But my own frame of reference has been that each addition was new. And each has been a worth while addition to my game universe. I'd very much like to encourage them to continue adding to this wonderful title.

  2. The decision looms: wait for updates (or third-party patches/fixes for old unmaintained) to all the mods I'm used to, or go in vanilla (or with only my own personal ones).

    aaarrrrggg whyyyy

  3. I've had so much fun with X4, and having the Boring is going to be amazing. I really enjoy the fact that we can get out of the ship, walk around, see the NPCs on stations etc, and it's something I really hope they keep for future X games. That little Barracuda fighter seems like a lovely choice for piracy.

  4. I'm quite new when it comes to X4 and I don't know how exactly the new DLCs work. Will I need to start new game to have the Borons or will they and their systems appear after installing the DLC in an existing save?

  5. I just wish the X games would have a simple option called Assist mode 😀 Put an AI to do part of the work needed to teach you how to play, in the same way other simulations do, so you can take over little by little.
    While I understand that the interface is massive because the options re a lot, it is also true that the people at Egosoft are well known for being horrible in UX/UI design for all their games. Got better but I wish they would invest more in overhauling how their games are handled via UI elements instead of just moving around options and features from a window to another, because the problem is not in which screen you put an option, but the way in which those options are presented in walls of text that look more like a spreadsheet than a game.
    Not even pure management games are so text heavy on their UI as this game; many operations could be just joined and chained together or re-structured; kinda like what Space Engineers did with their UI based on panels that are contextual on the element which you interact with.

    I get that they want to let you to control your empire from anywhere, but then make a control room somewhere you can access via VR connection; even if you are on your ship, instead of forcing you to deal with 1990s wall of text in old school terminal style (I like the aesthetic btw, it is the UX that is bad). I don't mind to get up and use a market terminal to handle my market activities, or use the build terminal for build activities and so on; which are contextual and well laid on the screen, instead of a single multi screen menu system with sub tabs that is daunting for new players.

    The game is great; it just need a bit of help with the Ui/UX; that's all.

  6. While they say the sectors are now complete, I do think Egosoft should explore the Kahkaa, the Xenon, we know their history, we know their motive, we know their MO, we know how they operate and how they think.

    The Kahkaa, we know nothing about, they are insects, they appeared and wiped out a sector with no contact, they got crushed and now just exist in small hives, that's about it. A storyline DLC that dives into the race and how they work and think I feel would be welcome, even if it does not include new ships.

  7. Loving the videos! That's a lot of effort to present all the info for what's coming.
    Borons are looking amazing and fun, although their lack of bite on the L-XL ship ranges is a little strange – kinda wish the Borons would have some sort of unique missile or torpedo, so the playstyle of slowing down opponents and nuking them to pieces would be more viable. Algae torpedos, when? 😀

    Thanks for the video! o7

  8. The overall boron designs are beautiful and I’m hyped to start a new campaign with them. My only grip that’s been plaguing me is the landing pads being the generic ones everyone uses. I’m not asking for anything out there, just some continuation of the flowing pattern onto the pads themselves and maybe a slightly more organic tinting of the gray and yellow of the pads would make them feel much more in tune with the overall design. I imagine we’ll see plenty of tweaks later into the dlcs life and I hope this is one.

  9. The Orca was my favourite ship in the X3 games, glad to see it back with a stunning new look.
    Hats off to whoever designed those ships, same of course goes for the people who had to 3D model them.
    Mixing soft with hard surface modeling and getting a decent result is a different kind of tricky, I find.


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