Welcome Back: Etihad Announces Return Of The Airbus A380

​​Despite the A380 obituaries written during the peak of the pandemic, the giant aircraft type is proving to be more resilient than previously thought. After sitting on the fence for the past two years, the latest airline deciding to bring back the superjumbo is Etihad Airways, which will deploy the type to London next summer. Let’s take a look at this exciting news in today’s video!

Article: https://simpleflying.com/etihad-announces-the-return-of-airbus-a380/

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37 thoughts on “Welcome Back: Etihad Announces Return Of The Airbus A380”

  1. Yes all this time i knew all along that it will return it's A380s back into commercial service soon and one of more interesting fact about this is that Etihad Airways is the last airline to announce it's A380 return to service in early 2023.

  2. The real news will be when Airbus announce that production of the A380 will re-commence due to popular demand. In the meantime, carriers announcing their return to commercial flight instead of being sold off or converted to cargo use is an important step in that direction. Hopefully, the Russian war in Ukraine will end quickly now and Russia sees a massive shift in its political circumstances, rejoining the global community and the reopening of its airspace. That alone will see a surge in travel from Asia as flight times will be shortened. Please note, that I am fully aware that there are far more important reasons as to why the war in Ukraine must end and peace restored. Not only to the country, but to the minds and souls of Ukrainians living daily in fear.

  3. The pandemic may have been devastating for commercial aviation, but this is a mode of transport we as a species need to get around our planet. It was always going to bounce back fast once we got vaccines and COVID-friendly safe travel schemes in place. The European airport chaos and similar stuff in the US proved that. Air traffic will continue to grow on its upward trajectory and there will be airports with increasingly tight slot constrains and busy, high volume routes again. The A380, while niche, is perfect for those routes and accessing those airports. I was surprised at some comments made during the pandemic about COVID being the final nail in the coffin for the A380. I always believed it would return strongly and apart from Air France, China Southern, Thai Airways and Malaysia Airlines, the two latter having financial troubles, the A380 is set to return with most of its operators. I have never travelled to places where Etihad’s A380 used to fly, but I’d love to try it if I get the chance.

  4. A380 is by far the best aircraft to fly from passenger point of view. After pandemic this is the best choice to fulfill the demand. Now its very hard to get tickets and if you get it then you pay a very high price which is unfair. For holidays more than half amount goes to air travel. A380 is solution.


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