Week 10 REACTION – Raiders 20 / Colts 25 (WTF IS GOING ON!?)

#lasvegasraiders #indianapoliscolts #week10

IG: @cova.rtr


29 thoughts on “Week 10 REACTION – Raiders 20 / Colts 25 (WTF IS GOING ON!?)”

  1. After that press conference by an emotional Derek Carr, i decided to finally buy a Derek Carr salute to service jersey, I could relate to how he feels, in my time in the Marines there were times i got that emotional myself due to higher ups being incompetent or acting against the best interests of me and my Marines, that shit had me so pissed off that shed tears. That is passion, if anyone ever clowns on Derek over him crying, I can tell that person has never had passion for anything in their life.

  2. I'll tell ya what's going on. Davis is committing to zieg and mcD and saying deuces to carr. They're gonna build it in their image. I think it'll be another 4 or 5 years of some str8 bs.

  3. I agree on everything you said brother. Mark Davis has gone completely senile. Josh McDaniels is a cancer to the Raiders. They’re definitely tanking to get that #1 or #2 draft pick next season & get a new QB. They’re doing Derek Carr dirty.

  4. Good take on Raiders staff entirely, but there were some missed opportunities for a win. Let’s not forget the players still need to execute.

    And Mark Davis off that Boston tea from McDaniels for a Patriots blueprint.

    We know Raider fans gone drink all that Brady kool aide.

  5. Everyone giving Carr a hard time for crying. But at least he showed emotion. Like always mcdaniels looked like he doesnt even care at the presser. Stoic as ever. Which makes me believe the rumors about us tanking are true. Why else would mcdaniels look so nonchalant after every game and mark davis saying hes doing a good job. Just seems with how theyre all acting about it like its part of the plan this whole time

  6. How does the players get blamed for FOLLOWING the COACHES' decisions? Offensive and defensive? OTHER team's coaches adjust their play calling against the Raiders but the RAIDERS coaches CAN'T? Okay it's not as simple as that. It isn't? Players makes mistakes and get penalties. Guess who's there to correct and develop the players? The freaking many many team's COACHES. SO let McDaniels replace EVERY SINGLE PLAYER on the Raiders. Guess what happens? EVERY single player will STILL NEED to be COACHED. The coaching is CLEARLY the problem with our RAIDERS. McDaniels wants to have PATRIOTS players and staff (like he did in Denver) because THAT'S ALL his logic is. He can only TRY to imitate Belichick. No creative thinking AT ALL. He believes he can only be like Belichick but HE AIN'T BELICHICK who's DEEP into DECADES of NFL coaching.

  7. REAL TIME !!!!!! You are definitely one of the best out here.. you say it best every dam week.. you help me a long time raiders fan feel better off this lame as shit . I’ve been riding with the raiders since the 80s and this shit has never changed and like the rest of the nation I keep the faith and keep reppin the nation because after any given Sunday after we solidify the L bracket. On that any given Monday I’m still wearing my jerseys and my gear and I live in LAS VEGAS.. THIS SHIT LIKE DIET MUTHA PHUKIN COKE.. it just ain’t right and for what .. I’ve been saying this mcdumbass don’t give a shit about this season was never about this season this coach is a FUKIN JOKE that isn’t even hungry and most he deserves is a knuckle sandwich OL SKOOL with that Diet Coke lol .. keep shining and keeping it a buck on here… peace and respect to you and your fam. GO RAIDERS!!!!! RNFL 💪🏽💪🏽🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️☠️☠️☠️

  8. THANK YOU for calling it what it is instead of calling him a crybaby and a pussy and all of this like some of these other tubers that get their jollies kicking somebody while he is down. Carr cares more about this team than 1/2 the fan base and they doing him dirty! Of course Josh McDonald's is gonna scapegoat him, but now we see he (coach) hasn't changed a bit and he is not to be trusted. He will squander our draft pick or he will make a trade for Garopollo or some shit. Hide and watch.

  9. Bro, it takes a day to process… I feel u… this could be some elite plan to get rid of all Gruden guys and McD gets his QB high draft… hyped up year one for revenue… got some goodfellas on Mark

  10. As pathetic as it sound, I knew we were going to tank on the Colts. After the last few weeks, I had a disgusting feeling. I was way more pissed off at the Chiefs game since our hopes were real high at half time, and knowing our season was still alive with a win over the Chief. Now I careless what the haters say about us, I even talk my crap on Josh McClown Daniel and Skid Mark Davis.

  11. You just created a conspiracy theory and went deep into it as if its reality. Gota stay light on the feet man, maybe the org is trash and Derek Carr needs a new scene. Let Derek Carr go cook somewhere else.


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