Weaponisation of UAP – Prog 3

Weaponisation of UAP Prog 3

thanks to all the sources for archive material


18 thoughts on “Weaponisation of UAP – Prog 3”

  1. So I’m taking a wild stab in the dark with this comment, ancient high tech has been discovered on earth and the powers that be have been manipulating it for years and turning it into a weapon , the guys at rendlesham got accidentally caught up in it when an experimental test was being undertaken that didn’t go to plan and they suffered internal injuries from the exposure to plasma .
    Makes me wonder if the phoenix lights was also some kind of test that got way out of hand

  2. so you think also that around the same year, who ever on earth created this technology, decided to send it to brazil and start shoothing people with this beems of light, causing them serious injuries…this was to test their reaction also?

  3. Ken Arnold's original UFO report "flying saucers" was in the area of the Cascade Mountains.
    No one seems to mention that the Hanford Nuclear site is in the valley between the Cascade and Rocky Mountains.
    Hanford is where the plutonium was made in nuclear reactors. Could other research have taken place at Hanford?

  4. @40:41, well that might very well be, but it is a far cry from explaining the automatic off-lining of the nuclear arsenals there when these so called "ball lightning" events happened. Why would the US or British military use secret advanced tech to disable their own vital weapon systems? It makes no sense to me.

  5. Digitally generated American 'profound' deep, hoarse voices are no substitute for own dulcet tones, dear boy! Why sell yourself to these cheap audio tricks when you should be presenting the dialogue in your inimitable human style? That interminable Yankie drawl became so tedious that I was forced to switch you off and seek another, more amenable voice to listen to!

  6. We should not fight AI or aliens, they couldn't be more harmful corrupt and exploitative than the current hierarchy.
    Are we afraid they would lock us up and experiment on us with Mrna? Lie to us, test nukes on us? Destroying and torturing dissenters?

  7. Ball lightning is likely an erroneous term. It is caused by lightning, but is not lightning. Lightning is a dissipation of an electric charge. A ball is the most compact shape of a space. Material of the same charge would be trying to spread out and not form the most compact shape. It is likely fulgurite ejecta from a lightning ground strike. When lightning strikes the ground, it creates fused glass structures of silicon which are often tubes called fulgurites. The heat expels some of the ground material upward like a mortar, because that is the only direction the expanding material can go. The silicon plasma then floats in the air and glows. Volcanoes and meteorites generate ejecta, so what happens when the soil is heated to the temperature of the Sun when lightning strikes? We really need to replace the term ball lightning.

  8. The EM generators attract them IMO. There are so many stories around sites with high-powered radar. The time dilation, different colours/shapes at different view points and EM radiation are all the result of blue-shift from spacetime metric engineering.


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