Watch again: Biden speaks at Martin Luther King Jr's church ahead of 2024 election

President Joe Biden became the first sitting American president to speak at a Sunday service at Martin Luther King Jr’s church in Atlanta on the day it would have been the civil rights leader’s 94th birthday.

Mr Biden seeks to bolster support among African Americans ahead of an expected run for re-election in 2024.

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25 thoughts on “Watch again: Biden speaks at Martin Luther King Jr's church ahead of 2024 election”

  1. Biden much better than trump , Biden not racist but is a pure racist , Biden is a Democrat but trump is a wicked capitalist , Biden believes in equallity while trump is a white supremacist the rest of the whole world knows it clearly period .

  2. assassination of Martin Luther King, Jr., mortal shooting of the Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr., the most prominent leader of the American civil rights movement, on April 4, 1968, as he stood on the second floor balcony of the Lorraine Motel in Memphis, Tennessee, where he had come to lead a march by striking sanitation workers. In response to King’s death, more than 100 American inner cities exploded in rioting, looting, and violence. James Earl Ray, a career small-time criminal who became the object of a more than two-month manhunt before he was captured in England, pled guilty to the shooting and received a 99-year prison sentence. He quickly recanted his plea and spent the rest of his life claiming that he had been framed by a conspiracy that was really responsible for King’s assassination.

  3. For All Trump Haters: What about Brandon's Lies every Single Day! in Front of the World, His Corruption Family Sold Out America, Touching hands all over little girls???? and His Stumbling incoherent Speeches???? Brandon lost lives in Covic!!! in his term, Lost lives in Afghanistan, Lost lives in Broken borders, Lost lives in Crime, Lost Lives in Human Trafficking and Lost Lives in Drug Trafficking and Left Homeless and Illegals out in the Cold. That's InHumane.. Where is the Constitution to All this??? The TRUTH Will Set You FREE…. 💪 13

  4. Gross! Everything the left does undermines the message of the great Martin Luther King. Their only focus has been on the color of one’s skin, and NOT content of character. More pandering by this awful lying white house resident.


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