Was Jesus A Failed Apocalyptic Prophet?

Many argue Jesus predicted He would return in the 1st century and since this did not occur Jesus uttered a false prophecy. But did Jesus really predict His 2nd coming would occur in the 1st century? The answer is neither yes nor no. It is a bit more complicated. A special thanks to Bram Rawlings and Christopher M. Hays for helping to write the script and reviewing the video.

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32 thoughts on “Was Jesus A Failed Apocalyptic Prophet?”

  1. Could "genea" in the context of Mark 13:30 be referring to a "line/descent of man" in a more general sense (in which people today would be included? I am no expert in ancient Greek, but from what I can tell with research "genea" is a pretty broad term that could be interpreted in a way beyond "the current generation of humans alive in 30 AD."

  2. I disagree though. Conditional Prophecy is not normative to prophecy, except it has to do with repentance and God’s mercy. Sometimes.

    But there are many more things which God wishes to do that do not depend on us, but on his grand plan. They will happen no matter what.

    The return of Christ is one of them.

    We remember also that Jesus said he doesn’t know the hour when he will return. So wouldn’t you say that this provides a contention against his return in the generation he lived in?

  3. A credible woman I once knew observed that people are caught up in speculation of the Second Coming, while failing to integrate teachings of the First Coming. Who's ready?!

  4. Why then did Jesus set so little time? If he wanted all nations and for Jerusalem to be ready (whatever it means) how did he expect to accomplish that with a generation of apostles? American continent was kind of hard to get to or Japan. You need to be on big copium to accept this rationalization.

  5. Can the jewish verses you listed be used to say that the jewish messiah hasn't come yet?

    I don't see the gospels as history. I see them as theological narratives. I think it seems like the gospel authors did what you (IP) are doing. I think they were doing a type of apologetics and explained to their communities why Jesus hasn't come in their day or what "might" have to happen before he returns, just like you are explaining why Jesus wasn't an failed prophet. They were just doing it through narratives.

    Like all of the bodily resurrection narratives: people in that day said, it was Jesus's spirit that was raised to heaven and not his body. They explained that Jesus was bodily resurrected through narratives.

  6. What about Daniel 11-12 where the resurrection of the dead is said to occur 3.5 years after the abomination of desolation caused by Antiochus Epiphanes? What was this prophecy contingent on such that it didn't come to pass?

  7. So the first thing Jesus says when he comes on the scene is "the time is near" (Mk. 1:15) and quotes the apocalyptic book of Daniel – Mk. 8:38, 13:26-27, 14:62 to his listeners but somehow wasn't preaching an imminent apocalyptic message for his current generation like all other apocalyptic preachers do? He was speaking of events that wouldn't take place for over two thousand years later?

    This doesn't make any sense.

  8. They literally didn’t write anything down. When they looked around and saw he wasn’t coming back, he started writing. What more proof do you need

  9. I agree and disagree. Youre right about the confusion between the coming of the kingdom, for example in the transfiguration, and Jesus' return which many, particularly the critics, just assume are the same thing. But Jesus made it clear that the kingdom is already here, at least in part. So theyre not the same thing. Indeed Jesus mostly refers to his kingdom without reference to his return.

    But I dont agree with your understanding of Jesus' words in answer to his disciples' questions. We have to remember that their questions (at least 2 or 3) arose after he made a single statement about the beautiful and impressive Jerusalem Temple – it was going to be completely destroyed. And not only that but Jerusalem itself (remember Jesus' previous sadness over Jerusalem's refusal to repent and the inevitable coming judgement). It is the DISCIPLES who link this destruction of the Temple with Jesus' return. Jesus primarily talks about the coming destruction which he had just referred to. And we should also remember that Jesus 'coming in judgement' is referred elsewhere in scripture, eg Revelation where he warns a church he will come to them in judgement if they dont change their ways. Nothing to do with his return.

    But I think most of what Jesus says refers to the Temple destruction and his warnings are practical, eg when you see certain things happening, flee! If the Jewish people had done that, ie listened to his explicit warnings about the coming destruction on Jerusalem, so much suffering could have been avoided. But no, it was generally Christians who followed his advice.

    I would also say there is no indication in Jesus' words that this prophecy of coming destruction was dependant on the people's behaviour. It was going to happen. Because that generation was responsible for the Messiah's death, as they did not recognise the time Yahweh had visited them, as Jesus had said. The prophecy was not going to change. And 40 years later it was fulfilled.

    If you wish to have an alternative understanding, Id suggest you read Ian Paul's article at https://www.psephizo.com/biblical-studies/what-is-matthew-24-all-about/ .

  10. I think the fact that the reason people may seem hostile to this idea is because they're also hostile to the idea that getting to heaven is ultimately up to us. God's benevolence being bestowed upon is dependent of our reception of it

  11. It takes one look into a good amount of the verses and scholars you have quoted to find out you are misrepresenting them or leaving out parts that contradict what you are striving to make them say. Sure, leave out the parts that are explicit in Paul, Revelation, and the rest of the New Testament. Leave out the parts of Dale C Alison's work that address the things you're talking about, but give a more nuanced view than your "There's no problem :^)" view. If you have read the stuff by Dr. Alison, you know very well that you're not telling the whole story here. You've made some good points, but you've certainly made some really bad and disappointing ones as well.

    Go ahead viewer, read what scholars say about these things from all sides. Make up your own mind about which case makes the most sense given the data we have. It's much less straightforward than what you're being shown here, and a lot more troubling for people holding views similar to the ones being shared here.

  12. For those who have chosen to build a personal relationship with Jesus, read and study the Bible, build true faith, and allow the Holy Spirit to guide and teach us, then we know that there is nothing that God has promised that will not be fulfilled.

    I have complete trust and faith in His words, and do not need to worry about modern day play on words, with all sorts of new "twisting" of the word, or sad attempts to distort the gospel that supports sinful living / lifestyles.

    Why do you see so many new age church movements from false pastors, or churches that once had a true pastor, whom has changed their language and view on immorality, especially all manner of sexual immorality, such as Adultery, Fornication, Homosexuality, Transgenderism, Sodomy, Paganism, Sorcery, all manner of Occult doings, child sacrifice / murder (abortion), and so on.

    More and more charismatic churches springing up, that choose to not teach about Sin, repentance, turning from sin, what it means to pick up our cross daily and follow Jesus, why we needed a Savior, and how our Lord Jesus Christ saves us by Faith alone, through His grace alone.

    We all fall short of the glory of God and are all sinners. Even those who are truly born again and saved, we are always sinners, but have turned from sin, and fight against the desires of the flesh and lusts of the heart. If we stumble at times, repent to the Lord, pick yourself back up, and keep pushing forward, fighting against the temptations.

    The Lord promised us he would never give us more than we can bear, that he would always provide us a way out, but we have to choose to take that way out. In listening to the Holy Spirit who will convict us of our sins, we can overcome temptation by calling on the Lord Jesus, and recall scripture to remind ourselves and gain power over those desires.

    The reality is, most do not choose to do this, and instead try to blame God for "making me this way" which is folly, as this is what someone who is rebelling against God would say, as living in sin is the easy path.

  13. Paul stated that the Gospel had been spread all round the known world at the time. Jesus said all the blood spilled from Adam until then would come upon that generation and God judged the nation of Israel during their lifetime….his Parousia, his coming on the clouds was judgment speak as was portrayed in the OT. Alot of Matthew 24 if not all was about the coming destruction. When Peter stood at Pentacost his proclaimed they were in the last days based of Joel.

  14. The elites have brainwashed you all to believe Lucifer is Satan but they are 2 different contrast entities. One light one dark.
    Yahweh/Satan/Father of lies/son of perdition

    the Bride. She is daughter Zion she is Israel she is Joseph with the colourful coat she is the heifer she is Lucifer she has many names. She had to suffer for 40 years (wilderness in the world) she went to hell (deepest depression) and back she was a sinner but turned her way back to Christ because that was the plan. She suffered for the sins of us. She had to fight evil and all the stories in the Bible she went through in this life. history repeats or does it? Did the whole world manifest this? Who knows but it’s a possibility. She is from the south in Australia God told me. ❤She is married to the son of perdition but even the elect will be deceived. She’s the restrainer and from my understanding she stops restraining this week. Let’s see how this plays out. ❤Lucifer/Christ/The Bride/Mother❤ Oh the 7 churches are 7 nations so the letters are for each nation for this time!❤God bless and Good luck

  15. Questions I always wondered was why was Jesus was not mentioned when Satan fell? Why Jesus never claimed to be God. Why did he say that only God the father is good. Why doesn't he know the day nor the hour only the father and why does revelations say he comes with a voice of an angel and Why does Arch Angel Michael send the dragon to hell? Why does God say in Isaiah that there is no other God besides him.

  16. It's always amazing seeing people bend scripture to their narrative. The scripture says what it says. Plainly for all to read.
    Jerusalem got smoked in the generation Jesus said it would happen. We live in Revelation 20 in Satan's little season..
    Jesus said in Matthew that the disciples wouldn't finish going through Israel
    Paul said in Colossians 1:23
    [23]If ye continue in the faith grounded and settled, and be not moved away from the hope of the gospel, which ye have heard, and which was preached to every creature which is under heaven; whereof I Paul am made a minister;
    There is evidence everywhere of the lies Saturn has enveloped everyone in. Pervasive, all encompassing lies: space, time, history, Geography, etc.
    Look to the North on this flat plane and you will see the evidence of Jesus throne. A rainbow round about. Like into emerald.

    Time to wake up; Jesus Christ is the only Truth in this jeriatric world. Satan has to hide the FACT that we are approx. 200ish years since the Millennial Reign. Endgame soon. Christ is King. The battle is already won. Decide this day whom ye serve.

  17. Jesus is coming back soon! Don’t be fooled by the world, the signs and wonders He said to look for are amping up, there will come a day where His church will be called up. Then the 7 year tribulation will begin, trust in Jesus Christ while you can!


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