Was it Good? – Baldur's Gate

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Nestled above the cliffs that rise above the sword coast…

Baldur’s gate is considered one of the greatest RPG games of all time, but does it stand up, does the story make sense, how have the mechanics aged?

Join me as we fight through the Nashkel mines, stalk through the Cloakwood, then scour the sewers of Baldur’s Gate to avenge our foster father Gorion, and discover our own dark heritage.

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47 thoughts on “Was it Good? – Baldur's Gate”

  1. 1st/2nd edition D&D is very unforgiving. Deaths were very common back then. 3rd edition seriously toned down the average amount of character deaths per campaign.

  2. Honestly I've always wanted to know what the story was of this game, but I really can't stand the old combat system. I may just pick it up to play it on story mode or easy, but it was really awesome to hear you talk about this game in depth. I really do love the love they put into it.

  3. As a completely* gameplay-focused player I'd never had believed I'd say this some day, but: This game is brilliant gameplay-wise, but it's too ugly for me. I tried it several times, but it's just too ugly. A remaster is desperately needed.

    * well, ofc now I realise it's only 90%

  4. What's this endless rerolling stats nonsense? BG stored all its files in formats that were accessible with Notepad. I just rolled once, converted the roles to Hex with the calculator app and searched for the resulting string in my save file. Then I replaced the string with 19 00 19 19 19 19 19. That gives your main character 25 in every stat.

  5. I played tabletops so I already knew it was good. I prefer Neverwinter Nights 1&2, but Baldur’s Gate was up there. 3 was really interesting with Drizzt being unlockable and the anti-Paladin boss.

  6. 18:54 I thought I played Baldur's Gate but I cant remember much about it, but I DO definitely remember and still love Neverwinter Nights (even the mmo spinoff) and Mass Effect and Dragon Age are my 2 great video game loves. Add in Final Fantasy and youve got the 3 best RPG series ever made in my opinion 😀

  7. I haven't checked myself, but it being on PC means that surely there is a mod for the enhanced edition that brings back the original cut scenes. This and neverwinter nights were so much fun to play and I didn't pick them up until like 2018. Love a game with depth.

  8. Playing only console games for most of my early life and then discovering this game at a Half Price Books for $10 felt like I was baptized in the light of the gaming god. It truly felt like a holy experience lmao! It's the game that introduced me to the world of PC Western RPGs and lead me down the path of buying Fallout 1 & 2, Icewind Dale, Planescape Torment, the original gold box games, Ultima, Wizardry, everything. Final Fantasy IV and Baldur's Gate are my favorite games of all time for what the emotions they made me feel playing these games.

  9. I always thought games that claim to be inspired by Baldur's Gate or push the genre forward, never really have. I mean 20 years later and we still have single turn attack animations? for real-time with pause? I imagined great sequences of animations flowing on screen, like dragon age origins kill animations but way more flushed out and that last the whole encounter, merging different animations together to make the encounter unique. The dice rolls taking place seamlessly in the background as hero and foe measure each other and faint attacks and launch combo's and defensive maneuvers in live action like watching a boxing match.
    The fight is happening real-time and will auto resolve but you have control to stack a spell or ability into the queue in a timely manner reducing the need for constant pausing, while giving your character an edge in the fight.
    Sort of blending rtwp and the rts genres mechanically, but more cinematic combat.

  10. Um you must have not played to many console games if you never saw any multi disc ones riven, mist both 5 disc X-Files was like 4 final fantasy hell I could probably name 30 if i wanted to


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