Warren Undeterred & DEMANDS That Gun Purchase Codes Be FORCED On Banks By Federal Government…

Warren Undeterred & DEMANDS That Gun Purchase Codes Be FORCED On Banks In New Letter Of Demands… In today’s episode, we dive into the absolute insanity that seems to continuously be on parade. Sen. Elizabeth Warren has sent yet another letter of demands around gun purchasing codes…

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37 thoughts on “Warren Undeterred & DEMANDS That Gun Purchase Codes Be FORCED On Banks By Federal Government…”

  1. the fact that this regime is allowed by us, the citizens, to violate our rights is severely surprising. we need to rise up and stop allowing these politicians to be in office.

  2. This will only hurt online sales where cash cannot easily be used. I pay cash for anything firearms related. I suspect most folks do as well. I’d like to hear if others use cash as well. Cheers!

  3. Everyone MUST understand the political party who has a donkey as a mascot, with never, ever, stop their quest to disarm law abiding, trained, and licensed gun owners. One thing about that political party is they NEVER give up. They will continue their mission until the AFT, FBI, local police, and the National Guard are knocking on your doors. There will come a day, because of the recent massive immigration, when the donkey party will have a large majority in the House, the Senate, and will have their guy in the White House. Since they don't follow the Constitution, an Executive Order will be written. When will this happen? I do not know, but it will happen. The passive, weak, clueless, "go along to get along, republicans don't have a chance against these people, unless there is a very drastic change in the republican party.

  4. Correct me if I’m wrong,but aren’t law makers supposed to write a bill and vote to make law? This is simply strong arm tactics. I guess the only laws they can write and pass is to send our tax dollars overseas.

  5. "recognizing activity that MAY be associated with gun crimes"… You buy gas, (you might be fueling a getaway car), you buy clothing (you might be buying clothes to use in a gun crime), you buy some first aid supplies (you may be stocking up in case you're wounded in a gun crime OR maybe you're treating a person for wound gotten in a gun crime), you buy a cell phone (you may be planning on using it to communicate during a gun crime) GOD forbid you actually buy something for use with a firearm like cleaning supplies or target ammo (You are likely to be planning a gun crime)….. SEE HOW THIS WORKS?

  6. NJ governor Murphy’s wife was runnning for senate. CORRUPT Menéndez said over the air on NJ 101.5 that if murphy’s wife didn’t drop out of the race, he would drop their dirt. Murphy’s wife DROPPED OUT!. EVERYONE IS CORRUPT

  7. Wouldn't that be against the second amendment for infringement of are ability to bear arms… as in being able to purchase firearms. And ammunition being a customer fair market product???…. I'd love feed back or if you agree.

  8. Squato should be removed from office. The oath is to uphold the Constitution against all Enemies Foreign and Domestic. This should be Required by all Civil Servants. But then that is why the 2nd Amendment was made to Stand Alone. It was placed as an Independent Individual Right. It doesn't Exist in the list of things in the First Amendment for a Reason.


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