Warhammer 40K: Space Marine – Let's Play Part 2: Against All Odds

In Warhammer 40,000 Space Marine you are Captain Titus, a Space Marine of the Ultramarines chapter and a seasoned veteran of countless battles.

A millions-strong Ork horde has invaded an Imperial Forge World, one of the planet-sized factories where the war machines for humanity’s never ending battle for survival are created. Losing this planet is not an option and be aware of the far more evil threat lurking large in the shadows of this world.

Experience 40,000 years of combat, evolved. Enhance your vast arsenal as you unlock new weapons, upgrades, armor & abilities through an accessible progression system. This devastating weaponry empowers players to deliver bone crushing violence and dismemberment to their enemies.

With an Imperial liberation fleet en-route, the Ultramarines are sent in to hold key locations until reinforcements arrive. Captain Titus and a squad of Ultramarine veterans use the bolter and chainsword to take the fight to the enemies of mankind.

Form your own Space Marine squad or Chaos Space Marine warband and face off in 8 vs 8 online matches. Gain experience and unlock new weapons and armor to customize the Devastator, Assault, and Tactical Marine classes.

Warhammer 40K: Space Marine Let’s Play: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL7RtZMiaOk8iOvfY81jB5JIq9gqzwAx34

#Warhammer40KSpaceMarine #LetsPlay #FightinCowboy

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37 thoughts on “Warhammer 40K: Space Marine – Let's Play Part 2: Against All Odds”

  1. Ultramarine is one of the space marine chapters. Each chapter has unique characteristics, color schemes, traits, battle tactics. For example Raven guard chapter are specialised in stealh, Blood Angels use a lot of jumppacks so they can get to close combat, Salamanders are known for their flamer weapons and their care for imperium civilians, while Ultramarine are jack of all trades, they are very strategic, but they don't have specialization in any specific combat tactic. Chaos marines are marines that were corrupted by chaos gods or warp influence (warp is like other dimension of unimaginable horrors and entities, it's also place where Chaos gods and their demons reside). Basically any being that came in contact with warp, have high chance to become corrupted by it, thats why mass purging is like every monday in warhammer.

  2. Makes me want to hook up my PS3 and do another play through myself.
    The 2nd is going to be immense.

    Service Studs are metallic studs attached to the skull of a Space Marine, which visibly protrude through the skin of the forehead. The awards signify the number of the Marine's years in service to the Chapter.

    The term Lord is a sign of respect, as the engineered Ultramarine is a rare sight and only sent in extreme circumstances, it is more of an endeared title, and not so much a mark of status.

  3. Ultramarines have there roots in the stellar realm of Ultramar, so its kind of the Marines from Ultramar. Different Chapters of space marines can rule in kind of a medieval way over a region of space on one side or don't interact with government and don't care for leadership of humans at all. Very different for each Chapter. Some Chapters do not even care if they bomb millions of normal humans if they can defeat the enemy in that chase. Other die gladly to save Civilans and see it as there purpose and holy Duty. So the Marines are feared and worshiped at the same time. "Hey Ultramarines are helping out. Great!" or "Oh the Marines Malevolent are coming. Evacuate the Planet! And do it fast". Other Chapter have flaws in there Genetics that can be a risk like random bloodlust and so. Its a deep Rabbithole the Warhammer Lore 🙂

  4. I love that you're starting to peak into this franchise ! its so damn awesome the whole 40k universe with its diverse factions. you would love it most definitely. check out the game Darktide. it explores the concept of "hive cities". also Vermintide is pretty good, but it isn't 40k.

  5. Space marines are a rare sight to the imperial guard (basic humans)

    Ultramarines are the emperors most proud good boy chapter. There’s many chapters that specialise is different things, however ultramarines are considered the gigachads and most by the book of the space marine chapters.

    They don’t use specific tactics that some other chapters specialise in because they are so well rounded.

    For a really good understanding look up the emperors primarchs!

  6. @Fightincowboy I read that the game does support xbox controller on pc, dont know if your using ps controller or xbox, but if your are using xbox, i know some games require you to restart them before they detect the controller. In case you still wanna try and play it with controller if you didnt try to use it again.

  7. Other 40k games you might like are Necromunda Hired Gun which plays similar to Doom Eternal. Darktide multiplayer FPS in the style of Left 4 Dead, Vermintide 2 is the Warhammer Fantasy equivalent. Also got Boltgun as a boomer shooter throwback but it isn't out yet. Shootas Blood and teef is a side scroller where you play as an Ork. Edit: Forgot Inquisitor- Martyr which is a Diablo- like.

  8. Ultramarines are also so rare that many imperial citizens think they are just a myth. They are so rare and so highly decorated and honored that they are basically the equivalent to an angel.

  9. Space Marines aka the Astartes are basically angels, god's chosen soldiers, that's why the humans thank the emperor when they see Titus and refer to the Marines as "M' Lord." They are the God Emperor's chosen soldiers. As for the things in Titus' head I always thought they were bullets but they might just be cybernetic emplants.

  10. All Ultra-Marines are Space Marines, not the other way around. There are other kinds of Space Marine, the Ultras are kinda the most basic, whitebread variety.
    BTW Cowboy, I am so happy to see you playing this, I really hope it's fun enough for you to finish and I hope you play the next one! đź’™

  11. Space Marines are superhumans created by using the Genes of their Primarch. Their primarch is one of 20 super humans created by the Emperor. All space Marines are chosen from youth. After they pass all the tests they get additional organs implanted. 19 of them to be exact. I’m going to stop here cause the lore is extensive. The Lore is awesome. Check out Leutin on YouTube. He is one of several amazing Warhammer 40K CCs. So glad to see you play this. Huge fan of you and 40K.

  12. I don't see any comments about Ultarmarines v Space Marines, so I'll answer. Spacemarine is the general term, Ultramarine is a specific chapter within, similar to a battalion and I've no doubt you'll find others and fans. The Ultramarines are just the corporate favored chapter that gets most of the visibility, like Pikachu. That said, there are fairly minor stat differences compared to between the overall factions, but the main thing is the paint job for the different chapters.

    Yeah, the general assumption is that Starcraft:Warhammer 40k is Terran are the Imperium of Man, Zerg are the Tyrannids (the monsters in the trailer for Space Marine 2), and the Protoss are the Eldar. No information on the Orks, or the warp tainted heretics/mutants.

    I would also recommend the Astartes animation that should be around here on the youtubes.

  13. The studs on their heads usually represent years of service (10,50 or 100 years), so that's why Titus and the other guy have them. Meanwhile Leandros is rather new so he wouldn't have any, and that's also why he's such a stickler for the rules.

  14. Cowboy, I think you’d like Majorkill’s vibe for explaining 40k lore, he’s Australian and puts a short but fun explanation on a lot of various lore, including how ultra marines fit in as a legion/faction of space marines

  15. the difference between a space marine and ultramarines is none really. the ultra marines are what you'd call a chapter. Basically a regiment of space marines hailing from a specific world or system. It is a bit more complex but that is the gist of it. They are called ultramarines since they hail from the realm of Ultramar

  16. – Each bolt means 100 years served. Main bro has 2 so he’s served 200 years or just under under 300.

    – basically you got the jist of why they’re called lords. They’re even called angels sometimes because of how rare it is for regular troopers to actually see them. They’re only deployed when there is absolutely no other option and they’re needed

  17. Answer to your questions: Those 2 (or in some cases more) pins on their heads allow others to be notified of your years of service so In this scenario 2 pins means 2 decades of service. It can also represent age or sometimes half a century as appose to a full century. Some chapters pins resemble different things.

    And to your second question, scouts lieutenants and some other lower vareints call all spacemarines of their chapter “My lord” I believe due to their enhanced ability acknowledging them as stronger, superior, and a significantly higher rank. I could be wrong about this one though as I don’t remember entirely however I’m pretty confident that’s why they do it.

  18. The things in the Marines heads are service studs. A stud will represent either 10, 50 or 100 years service, depending on its style and the material it is made from. Silver studs on Ultra Marines indicate 50 years of service they have 2 so they have 100 years under their belts

  19. Marines are the elite forces of the Imperium of Man. Genetically engineered, highly augmented, loyal to the emperor.
    Marines are divided into numerous chapters, each with their own defining trait.
    Ultramarines are most revered chapter, because they are made from the purest seed (made from the Emperor's genetic material), thus have no genetic hiccups like other chapters and their historical merit.

  20. If you would like some short, sweet, and easily digestible background check out Bricky here on YouTube.
    Also, if I recall correctly it was rumored that Warcraft and StarCraft started as a collaboration between Blizzard and Games Workshop. The collaboration fell apart and Blizzard altered stuff and released the game. Games Workshop must be ok with it because they aggressively protect their IP.

  21. From my understanding, when Blizzard first announced Starcraft 1, somewhere it was reported something along the lines of "Orcs… in space". This was an early build of Starcraft where the graphics were REALLY similar to Warcraft 1, or 2, i don't remember, and after the press it received like that, they said they would do better and reworked it till the similarities were much less distinguishable.

    There is a comparison for the Zerg, called the Tyranids, but beyond that I do not know much else except that Tyranids are way more OP than Zerg.

  22. Those tags in your head are combat tags every tag in a space marines head represents 100 years of service space marines age extremely slow and live to about 10,000 but most die in there first 50-90 years of service

    And they call you lord as you are like a Demi god to them

    All ultramarines are space marines but not all space marines are ultramarines
    The ultra marines are a legion of space marines

  23. They call you Lord beacuse to a normal human a SpaceMarine is a litteral angel of war, and it would be very rare to see one. So yes to one of the Imperial Guard (normal human) would call you a lord. Plus the UltraMarines "never run" form battle and are seen as indominable warriors of "God" (the Emperor is God).

    UltraMarines are a "Corp" of SpaceMarines. They are the essential "perfect" SpaceMarine. There are other Corps like the BloodAngles who specialise in melee combat. However the other Corps interpret the Emperors codex in different ways, and thus see the UltraMarines as the "Boy Scouts" of the SpaceMarines.

  24. Spacemarines are so high above the normal humans in everything that they are pretty much "lords"
    And on top of that you are playing a captain. This is a veeeery high rank among spacemarines.


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