Warhammer 40K Army Tier List – Which Factions are Strongest / Best in Game?

Let’s talk about the relative power of 40K’s armies right now!

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0:00 Intro
3:25 Tier 3
3:38 Chaos Daemons
5:02 Tier 2
5:16 Astra Militarum
6:51 Orks
8:28 Genestealer Cults
9:40 Adeptus Mechanicus
11:04 Tier 1 (lower)
12:04 Space Marines
13:11 Marine Chapters
16:35 Adeptus Custodes
17:57 Chaos Knights
19:42 Imperial Knights
21:15 Necrons
23:06 Tier 1 (mid)
23:21 Tyranids
25:19 Drukhari
26:17 Chaos Marines
27:32 Thousand Sons
28:39 Death Guard
30:07 Grey Knights
31:01 T’au Empire
32:21 Tier 1 (higher)
32:30 Craftworlds
33:58 Adepta Sororitas
35:26 Harlequins
36:29 Closing Thoughts


46 thoughts on “Warhammer 40K Army Tier List – Which Factions are Strongest / Best in Game?”

  1. hello, not a bad analysis but I don't really agree about the grey knights.

    They have been nerfed heavily since V8 on the psy, the point cost has increased, the nerf of one of the two codex entries in the person of the Nemesis. They are becoming less and less competitive despite the AoC.

  2. DG cant be Tier 1, even with the reduction of their points, the have several problems like deal with MWs and a lower output of damage, they have almost no presence in the competitive scene for that

  3. Sisters buff was definitely massive. Our army is so cheap now, last game I played against craftworlds, they were just overwhelmed with numerous threats as a result.

  4. Definitely think he's being generous regarding the towel. And I don't think it's going to change lists all that much. You're still going to see a commander, and ethereal, probably around 8 crisis suits, and three or four broadsides. All they did is tax the army, but the overall efficiencies are relatively static. Hammerheads and Sky Rays don't have the durability to be consistent and armor of contempt made half our weapons next to useless into 40% of the player base

  5. Been playing a few rounds with admech with the new rules and i've found the buff is very much shoehorned by the huge cp nerf, can't really castle up and buff ironstriders when you're already struggling on having enough cp for the rest of the necessary relics and traits. Even the rapid fire strat, while great to have back, is somewhat stymied by armour of contempt.
    I feel like the cp thing is the biggest hole for them, and a rather simple fix would be to introduce a new army rule that they can take a combination of two traits, relics or one of each for each cp spent, would give them the traits and relics they really need and still give them some buffs they needed even before nephilim.
    That all said even then internal balanced is wrecked, it's like tyranids pre update, their was really only one way to play them.

  6. Lmao idk about Astra Militarum, the new tank battalions with AoC, rerolls on 1s, -1 to hit from Psycher, ability to regenerate wounds with Tech a Priest, auto wound 6s, T7-T8 and Obsec is pretty powerful right now. About the only thing they don't have is movement/melee, but that's most armies.

    Them and Necrons especially with the Silent King are definitely winning games.

  7. Really looking forward to daemons next codex. I've got 5k points worth of daemons sitting in dust while my dusty tsons are busy at work. Also if tyranids bring that reroll deny the witch trait in a heavy psychic list, it's almost a guaranteed win against any other heavy psychic army like tsons.

  8. Necrons are definitely a lot stronger now with their crazy good secondaries but reanimation protocols still feel really wrong. Its way too clunky and inconsistent especially for multi-wound models. And reanimation protocols not working during the psychic phase just feels bad. Its still a way worse version of feel no pain when it should be better than feel no pain and be the thing that sets necrons apart from other armies. I hate that GW opted to just take the lazy way out of lowering points cost instead of fixing reanimation protocols and making the army feel more thematic.

  9. I agree with most of your takes. I would say, don't count Necrons or Custodes out just yet. To be fair, you do rank them Tier 1, but I'd wager they'll be competitive right at the top if the right lists can be found. Especially for Necrons, I have to imagine there's something there now that almost every datasheet is Core, with reviving Silent King's pylons and My Will Be Done on Doomsday Arks etc. there's bound to be some interactions that could be busted, especially on some units that haven't been played a lot this edition (most vehicles for example). I also think ranking Sororitas so high is a bit aggressive, I do agree they're quite good, but I also think they're going to suffer disproportionately from the Nephilim CP rules; Bloody Rose in particular really wants to spend a lot of CP's on Relics/Traits and then their first strike, and you just can't do that anymore, and I think they're pretty clearly the most powerful sub-faction at the moment. I also think Morvenn Vahl's a bit overcosted at the moment, but they just got such nice points drops it's not really a big deal, she's not exactly a must-have so much as one build-around option among several good choices.

  10. I think the White Scars Secondary is powerful because it rewards you for things you were doing anyway and has a generous per-turn cap on how many points can be scored.

  11. Tyranids are still S tier. Anyone telling you otherwise hasn’t played good players slamming those datasheets into you. Secondaries are nice but you can only score them when you aren’t tabled…

  12. Guard really doesn't need anymore abilities or stratagems. What they need is to be able to combine arms with other Imperium without penalty (excluding Knights). Being able to bring in Sisters or SM without any penalties or restrictions would easily put them top tier. Don't need a fancy codex, just some unrestricted allies.

  13. No i feel sad now:((((( why admech how are you w..w.whehehyyyyy i…i..i.i st…t..t.tillll l…l..l.l. o…v..v.v.e y…y..y.youuu h…h..h.ho…h..v.e a…r..e you weaker than spcocococooca marines they are cringe ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!

  14. Quit playing two decades ago because the strongest faction always equaled latest Codex. Then there was the tendency to revise the equipment list so models you carefully kitted were no longer either relevant or allowed, in too many cases.

  15. I will never understand why anyone ranks Salamanders low-tier for Space Marines. They have excellent defensive psychic buffs, maxing flamer shots some units is just absurd, meltas are already the best AT weapons for the points and boosting their to-wound numbers is nuts, and Marines have a ton of fast-moving melta caddies that no other faction leverages as well.

  16. Armor of contempet is so stupid. I don't understand why it exists. On guard tanks, sure, but not on EVERY FREAKING SPACE MARINE EVER!!!!!!!!! It's so dumb, it makes all of necrons kinda bad against marines.

  17. Help a newbie out… all these changes talked about in this video, are they from War Zone: Nephilim? Or some points adjustment? Or FAQ? Or something else? Hard to keep track and know what to look for


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