Warcraft 3: Exodus The Violet Gate 07 – Lonely Ridge

Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLMmfhvBzj4FA9MYEBvFrXrNbG4ChxoWBG

First the Undead Scourge’s corruption and then the Burning Legion’s invasion has left the Alliance of Lordaeron decimated and torn apart. Former Human and Elven Kingdoms now lie in ruins, roamed by horrific undead creatures, with major cities left under the iron fist of the Dreadlords’ reign. To make matters worse, betrayal and discord has struck the Alliance from within, with treacherous Blood Elves conspiring with inhuman beasts and taking arms against their Human and Dwarven brethren. Despite the overwhelming odds, dispersed groups of resistance continue their desperate struggle. Even though the chances of victory seem to diminish with every comrade lost, it is said that even in the darkest of times a new hope may emerge from where you least expect it…

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20 thoughts on “Warcraft 3: Exodus The Violet Gate 07 – Lonely Ridge”

  1. My favorite map and my favorite interlude :]. It's nothing sophisticated when it comes to gameplay, just a long micro mission, but I think we managed to set a mood we wanted and make a proper introduction to the Enclave. You squeezed every possible resource from the map before bossfight with Valena, and you make good use of Enclave units, so it's not really difficult one in this case. She can be annoying if one does not care about the army or don't make proper use of CCs. The trick is simple: Keep her silenced/stunned, and she will be really docile.

    Loinpolis is a mix of french Loin- with greek -polis, so you should read first part with french accent I believe. I'm not french, so I don't really know how to pronounce it correctly :]. It can be translated as The Lonely City, and it follows convention of The Lonely Ridge.

    Fein'dorei is a mix of irish/scottish Fein which means ash, with classic thalassian Dorei. Fein'Dorei means Ashen Elves. Eldin, Vespira, Cleansers and Discordants all belong to Fein'dorei sub-species of elves. This map explains the cyan eyes.

    The bonus mission is called "Bonus" just because it got added in 2.03 if I remember correctly. It wasn't present in the original release of the campaign, but we added it to contribute more to character development of Eldin and lorebuilding of Enclave in general. It's actually a standard map of the campaign, and you need to complete it in order to progress further.

    Techtree of the Enclave is a little nuts. Don't be afraid to abuse it :]. It's gonna be rebalanced for the sequel, but what is strong will remain strong. Discordant absolutely fucks with her insane magic damage and AoE silence… And Torch of a Reason will provide you with opportunity. I wonder how you're gonna handle Vespira's skillset. It's the first custom and tricky skillset we implemented.

  2. Unit descriptions be like:

    Unit: Sword guy. Can do sword attacks and use Defend. Sword guy was born from a history of sword attacks on the portal village by bandits. While you studied magic, he studied the blade, and now you have the audacity to ask for help? Every sword guy is an elite navy officer with over 300 confirmed kills. However, the only thing they can't kill, is their loneliness. Costs 140 gold to train.

  3. I think the title kinda spoils the alien world, since what could a violet gate be in the warcraft setting but a portal ? Still, I love the slow reveal that the weird plants and creatures are there for a reason and not just because they look cool

  4. Uu, I remember this one, it did drag a bit until the boss fight. As we saw, Valena(🤫). As for other heroes, don't worry, spoil them with stuff to your heart's content(told ya Eldin is great, even more so than v1.0, who had tranquility lvl2 instead!).
    In hindsight, the model/portrait change for the heroes is actually justified, to bring the overall art style together and to differentiate it further from stock war3. For example, old Solymus had piercing cold blue eyes and stark white robes(a la white gandalf), while this one is more approachable (grey gandalf), he even has a sword 😛
    Bonus chapter threw me a bit off, first I thought it's the end of campaign(Jay clarified that bit quick thankfully), since v1.0 had 7 playable missions(plus epilogue, where we kill valena after several waves of undead (we killed her first guy during takeover of shadowfang keep) and her new champion – garithos of all ppl!).
    Excited for the next episode.
    Lastly, you got "catch up(ketchup)the wounded" on a platter, use it.

  5. this mission was pretty cool ig since we got the enclave units and finally had the chance to kill that valena again , honestly after seeing the lion horn of stormwind I think this campaign could use some custom items or upgrades to current ones(if those things r possible) cuz lvl devotion aura is just 💀

  6. Remember Jay- some of your troops have backpacks so if you can handle juggling troops who bring consumables or possible upgrades of other heroes, you can utilize those troop mules. Otherwise, Loving watching you play 😊

  7. I haven't watch this whole thing yet, but is it okay if you replay this chapter again but pass the horn of stormwind to reynart. Cause I myself am not even sure if Eldin will continue to the next chapter.

  8. I dont know why i have the feeling that Jiluun might end up very bad like it wont last for long , The Burning Legion loves to destroy worlds in general and they were the ones who created the Scourge and everything

  9. When you mentioned that due to Reynart's health it took a long time to heal him it reminded me: supposedly you're better off dropping mana items before using Pots or Mana Stones, does that also work for health? Like if you dropped the three Belts before using a Greater Pot to get back to full you'd still be at full after picking them back up. Never tried it but seems like a good idea.

    Also don't feel so bad about killing Blue Dragons, Malygos was kind of a dick after all (even if their offspring aren't to blame).


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