Wallace v. LVMPD – the force strikes back


25 thoughts on “Wallace v. LVMPD – the force strikes back”

  1. For the reasons stated beginning at 6:40, you are indeed a nice guy. Using your personal time for legal analysis, I would go farther and suggest a giving person as well.✌️

  2. I agree with you about LVMPD legal should be better than pro se extraordinare Chili DeCastro but I have worked for a state gov't dept where we had an attorney dedicated to what we did. They were always way overworked and spread thin and if they weren't taking the position as a stepping stone to some higher state gov't/poitical ambitions, they were the best attorneys who would work for a measley state paycheck. Idk what LV metro is like and sometimes cities/metro have better conditions than State gov't but just a thought!

  3. Isn't the only thing that matters as far as small d practicing law without a license in this case who's ECF account the complaint was filed from? That seems really trivial. Isn't that just a FOIA request level of trivial? Request the account number (if it isn't associated with a name automatically) from a known DeCastrato failing(self sic?) and from Wallace's filing. If they're the same, then strike the complaint and prosecute Chillie for practicing law without a license. (I feel that second thing is what they would really like).

  4. As soon as my 300 times magnifying glass arrives from Amazon, I'll be on the next plane to Sacramento to – um – well suck something if I can find it with my new magnifying glass!

    But then again, I am also a female, so that might not work out!

    Just joking Merb! Excellent as always!

  5. Instead of LVMPD having to deal with with these frivolous motions…WHY haven't their Attorneys charged Chili with RECORDING that Female Officer in Internal affairs after she told him on the phone it WAS ILLEGAL to record her. " as Chili says " We don't stop " and he DIDN'T stop recording her. Chili recorded and SAVED the evidence of his crime.

  6. "cops shouldn't be policing speech"… yes! I hate this idea of putting cops on a pedestal like they can't be talked about or questioned. The way Chille operates bothers the shit outta me and I wish he would better articulate his principles because he isn't always wrong but his approach shows he doesn't understand the game he's trying so hard to play.

    His hubris is more than a turn off. It hinders him from actually playing varsity and making real institutional changes. I tried to indirectly influence him hoping to calm down his bullshit while refocusing him but in the end, Chille gonna Chille

  7. With every new video, Merb is proving that he is a 20 year Common Sense scholar. Seriously tho, I'd love to catch these live, but I'm traveling Europe convincing everyone to accept torture cuffs! The good fight!

  8. 99.99% of Humanity, including children, would have to punch down to reach 🌶.

    Because he's so little, am I right folks?
    Tip your wait staff.

  9. "Cops should not be policing speech" you say. . . Fine. But what they CAN do is control their own squad room, and by all indications Chille was acting out in an overly aggressive and disruptive nature. I think Sgt. Pretti was well within his duties as a Sgt to do whatever he felt necessary to maintain a proper decorum within his own lobby.

  10. Now that Floyd has been accused of sexual abuse by the Dollarhides, Jose has been low key about Floyd. Of note about Floyd, his mailing address for his lawsuit is the home of a widely known FFL holder who sells a large volume of weaponry. Nothing illegal but certainly noteworthy.

  11. The website of Chille reminds me of Discussing Law (Mark D. Adams, I think his name was), where he had multiple websites with his and I think, his wife's or partner's names on them. On every site, there were different pictures of Mark.

  12. I'm sorry but I'm so tired of a first year family lawyer calling everyone else stupid and pretending like he's the smartest in the room and that he could do better. I'd love to see his briefs (though I doubt he has any). I hate that Merb is the only one covering this right now. Pegleg Joe is so much better and isn't a complete asshole throughout his video. My ears are bleeding listening to his bullshit. I have to listen at 1.5 speed just to get through it.

  13. Not sure I would ever trust the legal team that refers to themselves as Chilli, Bobby Law, X-Factor & Shawna. Sounds like taking tax advice from Wesley Snipes as Blade.

  14. The LVMPD filings referenced Chille's YouTube statements. Although those are hearsay, couldn't they still be admissible under the "admission by party opponent" exception to hearsay? Chille is being accused of practicing law without a license, and these are his own words. Not that it really matters.

  15. Question: if signing something submitted to the court exposes you to risk of sanctions and the stuff about submitting things via ECF counting as a signature by the owner of the account is correct AND that Chile's the one doing the submitting, does that potentially put him under the court's jurisdiction for this case?


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